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Kang, Jean S. – International Education Studies, 2015
The establishment of World-Class Universities (WCUs) is noted as a paramount development in the realm of international higher education. The integration of higher education into a more international scheme has enabled for higher education institutions (HEIs) to have a broader impact on the states and their respective citizens. This study examines…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Educational Change, Reputation, Higher Education
Xie, Jia; Zhang, Tianshuo – International Education Studies, 2021
As the global economy is undergoing transformation and upgrading in the background of the digital economy, it leads to a reformation of business education in the new context, which brings the concept of new business education in China. One of the significant features of the new business education is multidisciplinary teaching and learning.…
Descriptors: Global Approach, International Cooperation, International Educational Exchange, Educational Development
Mehtap Sezgin – International Education Studies, 2023
This research aims to examine research on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Turkey in the 21st century. A qualitative approach was used in the sample of 43 studies conducted in Turkey between January/2001-January/2023, including research articles and theses in SEL. The data was collected through document analysis from the databases of the…
Descriptors: Social Emotional Learning, Foreign Countries, Research Reports, Databases
Feng, Chen-Yu; Song, Wei; Schein, David D.; Clark, Paul – International Education Studies, 2021
In recent years, experiential learning modality has become an integral part of business education in international programs. Although extensive research has been conducted in the experimental learning arena, the research regarding international students, especially the rapidly growing number of Asian students, with a significant percentage from…
Descriptors: Experiential Learning, Teaching Methods, Instructional Effectiveness, Barriers
Qin, Li – International Education Studies, 2013
School in China has actively implemented International Understanding Education to foster a cosmopolitan perspective. The educational principle is to respect people of various socio-cultural backgrounds through comparing China's culture with that of other countries. However, my survey revealed that such education in practice is limited to…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Global Approach, Minority Groups, Cultural Awareness
Santiago, Cléssia Fernandes de Brito; da Silva, Anielson Barbosa – International Education Studies, 2023
This article aims to map the scales validated in the international literature for the assessment of learning environments. A systematic literature review was carried out in articles from the web of Science database in the period from 1970 to 2020. After completing the three stages proposed by Tranfield, Denyer, and Smart (2003), 94 articles were…
Descriptors: Educational Assessment, Educational Environment, Educational Research, Measurement
Fitzgerald, Angela; Cooper, Rebecca – International Education Studies, 2022
The intention of this paper is to examine the longer-term impacts of international professional experience (IPE). Participants in the study were all early-career teachers who had participated in IPE as part of their education degree and were invited to participate through the alumni office of an education faculty from one university. Thirty…
Descriptors: Preservice Teachers, Study Abroad, Professional Identity, Career Choice
Yang, Qiguang; Zhu, Chunjie – International Education Studies, 2021
Employing comparative historical method, this study provides an account of reforms and policies in teacher education from 1970s to the present in Alberta, Canada. In particular, this article tracks how teacher professionalism has been conceptualized and enacts over different historical periods in Alberta, and reveals that teacher professionalism,…
Descriptors: Professionalism, Teacher Education Programs, Educational Change, Educational Policy
Yücetoker, Izzet – International Education Studies, 2021
The aim of this study is to access editions of Italian Baroque works in place; to examine the availability of these works in terms of gaining techniques for playing in piano education, to gain new works aimed at different pedagogical stages in the field and to acquire new but unknown works in piano education repertoire. This research was carried…
Descriptors: Music Education, Musical Composition, Music, Teaching Methods
Pressley, Tim – International Education Studies, 2020
The emphasis of this paper is on the importance of teaching teacher preparation courses, specifically educational psychology, through a study abroad trip to Finland. This experience allowed American preservice teachers to see theories applied in an international setting while also allowing preservice teachers to compare the United States education…
Descriptors: Educational Psychology, Study Abroad, Teacher Education Programs, Preservice Teachers
Naser, Fathi Mohammed Abu – International Education Studies, 2020
Creative school is an integrative system that secures a school environment that encourages creativity and inventiveness. It also highly depends on modern technology in all its educational and administration processes, in addition to means of communication with students and parents. The current study aims at exploring the perceptions of education…
Descriptors: Expertise, Leadership Role, Public Education, Creativity
Demiröz, Seva – International Education Studies, 2021
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (OECD, 2018), in almost half of the 38 OECD-member countries, most of the decisions about organization of instruction, personnel management, planning and structures, and resource management are taken at the school level. This study focused on understanding the current…
Descriptors: Educational Administration, Instructional Leadership, Periodicals, Educational Research
Franco. Ashleigh – International Education Studies, 2020
Finnish students have been among the world's strongest performers on standardized assessments throughout the past decade. Consequently, educators and scholars are interested in how to explain such results. A common explanation, as seen on social media, is that Finnish educators do not regularly assess their students. This study explores educators'…
Descriptors: Standardized Tests, Academic Achievement, Teacher Attitudes, Student Evaluation
Lee, Hwa Young; Chang, Shine; Anderson, Cheryl B.; Dahlstrom, Erin K.; Cameron, Carrie – International Education Studies, 2022
International graduate trainees, many of whom are non-native English-speaking (L2) trainees, comprise more than half of graduate-level trainees in STEM, but little is known regarding factors that influence their career intentions, especially those that foster their growth as scientists to achieve their full potential in research. Thus, the purpose…
Descriptors: Occupational Aspiration, Research, English (Second Language), Graduate Students
Sukardi; Wildan; Fahrurrozi, Muh. – International Education Studies, 2019
The present study is based on the issue of the competitiveness of vocational education graduates. This condition is likely due to the irrelevance between the content or the competencies developed and the superiority of the regions (Regency/Municipality). Therefore, the first step to improve the competitiveness of the graduates is evaluating the…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Vocational Education, Competition, Outcomes of Education