ERIC Number: ED268432
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1986
Pages: 38
Abstractor: N/A
Teenage Suicide: What Can the Schools Do? Fastback 234.
Pfeifer, Jerilyn K.
This document is a short summary of teenage suicide issues intended for use by teachers. Possible causes for teenage suicide are discussed, including: (1) chemical abuse; (2) unrealistic view of death; (3) the nuclear threat; (4) societal changes; (5) family changes; (6) lifestyle decisions; (7) academic pressures; and (8) the success code. Warning signs of potential suicide, a stress index for teenagers, and suggested measures for dealing with suicidal teenagers are discussed. Suggestions for a school curriculum which would prepare students to approach life with confidence are presented, including respecting life and people, coping and decision-making skills, and defining success as one's best effort. Resource agencies at national and community levels are listed. References are included. (ABL)
Descriptors: Adolescents, Coping, Prevention, School Role, Secondary Education, Secondary School Curriculum, Suicide, Youth Problems
Phi Delta Kappa, Eighth and Union, Box 789, Bloomington, IN 47402 ($.75/copy; quantity discounts).
Publication Type: Guides - Non-Classroom
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, Bloomington, IN.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
Note: This fastback was sponsored by the Mid Cities/UTA Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa.