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ERIC Number: ED212757
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1981-Feb
Pages: 134
Abstractor: N/A
Education and Work Councils: Four Case Studies.
Prager, Audrey; And Others
This collection of four case studies represents the conclusion of a two-phase study of a federal program to sponsor education and work councils. Following an outline of the history and concept of education and work councils as well as the findings of a study of such councils, the importance of council collaboration with selected sectors is discussed. A case study of the Education to Work Council of Philadelphia (EWC) is presented as an example of cooperating with Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) agencies. Described in terms of a program facilitating local economic development is the Mid-Michigan Community Action Council (MMCAC). The Work/Education Council of Southeastern Michigan (WECSM) is examined with special attention to its practice of inter-council collaboration and strategies for organizational development. Provided as a model for involving the private sector in public programs and policies is a case study of the Santa Barbara Community Career Development Council (CCDC). The issue of overcoming obstacles of collaboration is also addressed. (A related overview of findings and recommendations regarding the education and work council program is available separately--see note.) (MN)
Publication Type: Reports - Descriptive
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC.
Authoring Institution: Abt Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA.
Identifiers - Laws, Policies, & Programs: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A