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Charter Schools | 14 |
Elementary Secondary Education | 13 |
Educational Finance | 12 |
Public Schools | 8 |
School Choice | 6 |
State Legislation | 6 |
Corporations | 4 |
Deception | 4 |
Federal Aid | 4 |
Privatization | 4 |
Proprietary Schools | 4 |
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Network for Public Education | 18 |
Burris, Carol | 8 |
Carol Burris | 2 |
Cimarusti, Darcie | 2 |
Baker, Bruce D. | 1 |
Barret, Xian Franzinger | 1 |
Bryant, Jeff | 1 |
Cody, Anthony | 1 |
Cunningham, Maurice T. | 1 |
House, Tanya Clay | 1 |
Karen Francisco | 1 |
Koonlaba, Amanda | 1 |
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Reports - Evaluative | 8 |
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Reports - Descriptive | 2 |
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Assessments and Surveys
What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Carol Burris – Network for Public Education, 2024
Studies of charter closure rates typically focus on year-to-year closures. While important for researchers, such studies provide little guidance to families seeking to understand the risk of enrolling their child in a charter school. That is because studies determining how many schools close each year provide no information on how long the school…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, School Closing, School Choice, Trend Analysis
Mike DeGuire – Network for Public Education, 2024
Since the early 2000s, billionaires have treated the Denver Public School District as a Neo-liberal education experiment. Using a tangled web of astroturf groups, nonprofits, and training organizations, billionaires have hijacked this public school district, leaving some schools, students, and democracy behind. In this report, Denver's Mike…
Descriptors: Public Education, Charter Schools, Educational Finance, Educational Equity (Finance)
Burris, Carol; Cimarusti, Darcie – Network for Public Education, 2023
In this follow-up to our 2021 report, we again focus on the world of charter schools run for profit, a world both hidden and misunderstood. We focus on how for-profit operators expanded their reach and enrollment during the Pandemic years so that one in every five charter school students attends a school controlled by a for-profit corporation. We…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Proprietary Schools, State Legislation, Laws
Cunningham, Maurice T. – Network for Public Education, 2023
They show up shouting at school board meetings with endless complaints. The press interviews them as though they are "regular moms" looking out for their children, but they are not. They are a well-funded façade for the Koch, Walton, and DeVos families to disrupt and destroy public education. In our new report, author and academician…
Descriptors: Parent Attitudes, Public Education, Deception, Financial Support
Karen Francisco; Carol Burris – Network for Public Education, 2023
This investigation focused on two types of charter schools. The first is classical charter schools. These schools identify and market themselves as such, often including the word "classical" in the school's name. The second type of school offers a "back to basics" curriculum without necessarily identifying the curriculum as…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, School Support, Politics of Education, Christianity
Burris, Carol – Network for Public Education, 2022
In 2018, the Network for Public Education and the Schott Foundation issued a report entitled "Grading the States." That report examined America's commitment to democracy by grading each state and the District of Columbia on the number of publicly-funded but privately-governed educational "choice" programs it had and whether…
Descriptors: Democracy, School Choice, Governance, Public Schools
Burris, Carol – Network for Public Education, 2022
Demand for charter schools is declining. In sixteen of the forty-one states that have published 2021-2022 enrollment numbers, charter school enrollment has dropped, in some cases, by substantial amounts. In an additional six states, charter enrollment has stalled with increases of fewer than 200 students in charter schools across the state. Using…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Enrollment, School Choice, Admission (School)
Burris, Carol; Cimarusti, Darcie – Network for Public Education, 2021
In this report, we focus on the world of charter schools run for profit, a world both hidden and misunderstood. We pull back the veil on tactics and practices designed to reap as many public dollars as possible from charter schools while hiding behind laws designed to keep profit-making hidden from the public's eyes. This report exposes how both…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Proprietary Schools, State Legislation, Laws
Burris, Carol – Network for Public Education, 2020
"Still Asleep at the Wheel" continues the investigation of the U.S. Department of Education's Charter Schools Program (CSP) that began with the March 2019 report "Asleep at the Wheel: How the Federal Charter Schools Program Recklessly Takes Taxpayers and Students for a Ride" (ED612862). This report takes up where the first…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Federal Programs, Federal Aid, Educational Finance
Burris, Carol; Pfleger, Ryan – Network for Public Education, 2020
Charter schools began in the 1990s as an experimental alternative to public schools. Today they are a multi-billion dollar sector composed of both nonprofit and for-profit corporations that embrace the philosophy of the marketplace. Supporters of charters see school failure as a natural feature of the model. They argue that schools do not fail at…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, School Closing, Educational History, Elementary Secondary Education
Stickland, Rachael – Network for Public Education, 2019
In 1974, Congress passed legislation known as the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act" or FERPA, in response to "the growing evidence of the abuse of student records across the nation." The law was written to protect the confidentiality of information held in a student's records. With the introduction of technology in…
Descriptors: Privacy, Information Security, Student Rights, Parent Rights
Burris, Carol; Bryant, Jeff – Network for Public Education, 2019
This report details the Network for Public Education's two month examination of the U.S. Department of Education's Charter Schools Program (CSP). Our investigation found a troubling pattern of insufficient applicant review, contradictions between information provided by applicants and available public data, the gifting of funds to schools with…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Federal Programs, Federal Aid, Educational Finance
Network for Public Education, 2018
Using technology to deliver instruction in schools has become increasingly popular. Students are required to use online programs, textbooks and apps as part of their classwork and homework. BYOD (bring your own device) school policies have filled classrooms and hallways with students carrying smart phones, laptops and iPads. The increased reliance…
Descriptors: Educational Technology, Technology Uses in Education, Online Courses, Blended Learning
Baker, Bruce D. – Network for Public Education, 2018
In July of 2018, the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans released a comprehensive, summative longitudinal report on the effects on student outcomes of the package of reforms implemented in New Orleans following hurricane Katrina in the fall of 2005. This policy brief reviews the findings of this report by Douglas Harris and Matthew Larsen,…
Descriptors: Natural Disasters, Educational Policy, Educational Change, Academic Achievement
House, Tanya Clay – Network for Public Education, 2018
This report examines the nation's commitment to democracy by assessing the privatization programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia with the goal of not only highlighting the benefits of a public school education, but comparing the accountability, transparency and civil rights protections offered students in the public school setting…
Descriptors: Public Schools, Privatization, Accountability, Civil Rights
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