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Hartman, Catherine – National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2023
Each year, millions of students enroll in open-access two-year colleges with the hope of earning skills, training, and most importantly, a degree that will allow them to pursue their goals, including transferring to a four-year institution. Developmental, or remedial, education has been found to present multiple barriers to two-year student…
Descriptors: Access to Education, Remedial Instruction, College Transfer Students, Academic Freedom
Baldwin, Amy; Bunting, Bryce; Daugherty, Doug; Lewis, Latoya; Steenbergh, Tim – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2020
In recent years, growth mindset, resilience, and belonging have become popular topics for research and practice among college educators. The authors of this new volume deepen the conversation around these noncognitive factors that significantly impact student success. Along with offering support for the development of learning mindsets, this book…
Descriptors: Cognitive Structures, Resilience (Psychology), Student College Relationship, Academic Achievement
Kilgo, Cindy Ann – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2020
The newest edition to the National Resource Center's series on Special Student Populations focuses on supporting LGBTQ+ students on campus. Despite increasing visibility and acceptance in some spheres, many LGBTQ+ students continue to experience a negative climate on college campuses, presenting barriers to their academic and personal success.…
Descriptors: LGBTQ People, College Environment, College Students, Barriers
Shea, Lynne C.; Hecker, Linda; Lalor, Adam R. – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2019
Colleges and universities are seeing increasing numbers of students with a range of disabilities enrolling in postsecondary education. Many of these disabilities are invisible and, despite their potential for negative impact on students' academic and social adjustment, some students will choose not to identify as having a disability or request…
Descriptors: College Students, Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism
Poisel, Mark Allen, Ed.; Joseph, Sonya, Ed. – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2018
Analysis of bachelor's degree completion suggests that only about a third of college graduates attend a single institution from start to finish. More than one quarter earn college credits from three or more schools before completing a degree. For most, these student-defined pathways lead to increased time-to-degree and higher costs. Many will…
Descriptors: College Graduates, Time to Degree, Graduation, Success
Diramio, David, Ed. – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2017
With the passage of the Post-9/11 GI Bill in 2008, more than 1.4 million service members and their families became eligible for higher education benefits, and veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan enrolled in colleges and universities in record numbers. The first wave of research about these new student veterans focused primarily on…
Descriptors: Success, Academic Achievement, Veterans, Military Personnel
Skipper, Tracy L., Ed. – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2017
The responsibility for college success has historically rested with the student, but since the 1980s, educators have taken increasing ownership of this, designing structures that increase the likelihood of learning, success, and retention. These efforts have included a variety of initiatives--first year seminars, learning communities,…
Descriptors: Educational Practices, Academic Achievement, First Year Seminars, Undergraduate Students
Hatch, Cathie; Skipper, Tracy L.; Porter, Jennifer; Herby, Caitlin – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2017
Family members of new college students are often unsure what to expect and how to best help their students succeed in higher education. Focusing on the unique needs of commuter students, this brief guide describes typical challenges in adjusting to college, support services and opportunities offered by colleges and universities, and strategies…
Descriptors: College Students, Student Adjustment, Expectation, Learner Engagement
Schmidt, Lauren Chism, Ed.; Graziano, Janine, Ed. – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2016
Over the years, a number of interventions aimed at increasing student engagement and performance have been implemented in higher education. Some of these, labeled high-impact practices (HIPs), when done well, have led to documented evidence of student success. Two approaches that have been identified as HIPs--first-year seminars and learning…
Descriptors: First Year Seminars, Communities of Practice, Universities, Two Year Colleges
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Soria, Krista M. – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2015
"Welcoming Blue-Collar Scholars Into the Ivory Tower" is the first volume in a new book series designed to explore how institutional policies, practices, and cultures shape learning, development, and success for students who have been historically underserved or given limited consideration in the design of higher education contexts.…
Descriptors: Blue Collar Occupations, Social Class, Working Class, Social Theories
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Bers, Trudy; Chun, Marc; Daly, William T.; Harrington, Christine; Tobolowsky, Barbara F. – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2015
"Foundations for Critical Thinking" explores the landscape of critical-thinking skill development and pedagogy through foundational chapters and institutional case studies involving a range of students in diverse settings. By establishing a link between active learning and improved critical thinking, this resource encourages all higher…
Descriptors: Critical Thinking, Thinking Skills, Skill Development, Teaching Methods
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Jehangir, Rashne R.; Stebleton, Michael J.; Deenanath, Veronica – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2015
In January 2014, the White House urged that college be made more accessible for low-income Americans. Yet, moving beyond access to success requires knowing more about the experiences of these students. A new research report captures the challenges low-income, first-generation students faced in their collegiate journey, examining the strategies…
Descriptors: Access to Education, First Generation College Students, Identification (Psychology), Low Income Groups
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Young, Dallin George; Schreiner, Laurie A.; McIntosh, Eric J. – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2015
Less is known about the second college year compared to other transition points, and fewer high-impact initiatives and curricular programs tend to be offered to sophomores. To increase our knowledge of this important, but sometimes neglected, year on the collegiate journey, "Investigating Sophomore Student Success" presents findings from…
Descriptors: College Students, National Surveys, Student Experience, Student Characteristics
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Young, Dallin George; Hopp, Jessica M. – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2014
For a quarter century, the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition has been examining the prevalence, structure, and administration of first-year seminars on American college campuses. The 2012-2013 administration of the national Survey of First-Year Seminars was expanded to explore the connection between…
Descriptors: National Surveys, First Year Seminars, Service Learning, Reading Programs
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Tobolowsky, Barbara F., Ed. – National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2014
Higher education institutions are more diverse than ever before, as are the students they serve. Because of this great diversity, there is no silver bullet--one approach--that will work for teaching all students in all circumstances. This book offers a succinct description of several pedagogical paths available to faculty that can actively engage…
Descriptors: Higher Education, Student Diversity, Teaching Methods, College Students
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