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Lehman, Regina M.; Rogers-Cooper, Justin – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2021
One of the many new directions to explore in ePortfolio practice is the relationship between ePortfolio as a classroom pedagogy and its potential to advance general education outcomes assessment. This direction is especially urgent in relation to the increasing demands by employers for competency-focused, higher-order skills, as well as demands by…
Descriptors: Community Colleges, Electronic Publishing, Portfolios (Background Materials), College Outcomes Assessment
Prendergast, Caroline O.; Horst, S. Jeanne – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2021
In this occasional paper, we invite readers into a conversation about the need for and usefulness of a set of learning objectives or competencies for the field of assessment. We briefly discuss the slow solidification of the field of assessment as a discipline, the diverse paths of entry into the field of assessment, and the increasing need for…
Descriptors: Assessment Literacy, Faculty Development, College Faculty, Taxonomy
Wood, Susan – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2021
If assessment is about improving learning and facilitating better teaching through research and helping students learn what higher education purports to value, then the often-invisible institutional barriers that do not always embrace the ways in which classroom assessment can teach an institution about student learning within individual…
Descriptors: Writing Evaluation, Basic Writing, College Students, Writing Attitudes
Curtis, Nicholas; Anderson, Robin – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2021
In her April 2010 NILOA paper, "Opening Doors to Faculty Involvement in Assessment," Pat Hutchings called for institutions to involve students in assessment, citing the potential to increase faculty engagement. In Curtis and Anderson (2020), the first author interviewed numerous partnership experts in both the United Kingdom and the…
Descriptors: Teacher Student Relationship, Outcomes of Education, Cross Cultural Studies, Outcome Measures
Jankowski, Natasha – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2021
In the field of education, we bump constantly into buzzwords, pass unclear phrases in the hall, and greet acronyms as good friends. Yet rarely is it that we unpack or critically examine what is meant when phrases are uttered. What does it actually "mean" to "enhance institutional effectiveness"? To "foster synergy"?…
Descriptors: Evidence Based Practice, Story Telling, Educational Assessment, Student Evaluation
Busby, A. Katherine; Aaron, Robert W. – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2021
Just over ten years ago, John Schuh and Ann Gansemer-Topf authored NILOA Occasional Paper #7, "The Role of Student Affairs in Student Learning Assessment" (2010). The authors identified contributions and challenges for student affairs assessment and called on student affairs professionals not only to develop meaningful programs and…
Descriptors: Student Personnel Services, Student Personnel Workers, Program Evaluation, Program Implementation
Finney, Sara J.; Wells, Jennifer B.; Henning, Gavin W. – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2021
On their own, student learning and development outcomes assessment data have limited utility for improving programming. We believe outcomes data should not be collected until two fundamental questions can be answered: "Why should this programming result in the desired outcome?" (i.e., program theory) and "Was the intended…
Descriptors: Program Implementation, Fidelity, College Outcomes Assessment, Behavioral Objectives
Kahn, Susan; Freeman, Tyrone; Powell, Amy A. – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2021
So-called High-Impact Practices (HIPs) are high-impact only when planned and executed thoughtfully, with attention to the relevant literature and the wisdom of experienced practitioners. After decades of experience with most HIPs, and national recognition for several, in 2016, IUPUI (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) undertook to…
Descriptors: Educational Practices, Electronic Publishing, Portfolios (Background Materials), Portfolio Assessment
Singer-Freeman, Karen; Robinson, Christine – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2020
A number of national and international organizations have compiled lists of grand challenges to unify the efforts of scholars and practitioners in a field. Unified efforts increase the possibility of creating meaningful and lasting progress. In this paper we share ten grand challenges that were identified through an examination of the assessment…
Descriptors: Higher Education, College Outcomes Assessment, Innovation, Budgeting
Henning, Gavin W.; Robbins, Rich; Andes, Stacy – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2020
Holistic student learning has been a hallmark of U.S. higher education since the early 20th Century when the American Council on Education (ACE) published the "Student Personnel Point of View" (SPPV) in 1937, reaffirming time and again that learning happens both inside and outside of the classroom. To consider students' holistic…
Descriptors: Holistic Approach, Higher Education, College Students, Evaluation Methods
Montenegro, Erick; Jankowski, Natasha A. – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2020
Entering into a new decade with an even more diversified college student population will not only require more assessment models involving students but also deeper professional development of institutional representatives key to student learning. Reflecting upon the conversations over the last three years around culturally responsive assessment…
Descriptors: College Students, Cultural Relevance, Student Evaluation, College Outcomes Assessment
Hong, Rebecca C.; Moloney, Kara – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2020
The United States is in a period of reckoning from which institutions of higher education are not exempt. Rather, we exist at the intersection of the chaos wrought by the novel coronavirus and the spread of outrage about systemic racism beyond Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPoC) communities. The resulting almost universal sense of loss…
Descriptors: College Students, College Outcomes Assessment, Systems Approach, Student Evaluation
Jankowski, Natasha A.; Baker, Gianina R. – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2020
Stronger connections are needed between employers and higher education, however, questions abound about how best to work in partnership. Stemming from various conversations with members of the higher education and employer communities, this Occasional Paper provides tips for fostering successful partnerships and collaboration. Three lessons…
Descriptors: School Business Relationship, Higher Education, Employers, Partnerships in Education
Eggleston, Tami – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2020
In October of 2019, I presented at the IUPUI Assessment Institute in Indianapolis on the topic of academic program review. While almost every campus conducts program reviews, the definition, purpose, structure, and integration of assessment in program reviews is not universally understood, accepted, or implemented. This paper summarizes essential…
Descriptors: Program Evaluation, College Programs, College Outcomes Assessment, Educational Improvement
Eggleston, Tami – National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2020
"Program Review and Assessment for Continuous Improvement: Asking the Right Questions. Occasional Paper No. 48" summarizes essential questions and discussions campuses should have regarding academic program reviews and the integration of assessment into such reviews. This document contains the following Appendices related to that paper:…
Descriptors: Program Evaluation, College Programs, College Outcomes Assessment, Educational Improvement