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National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2023
Charter school authorizing is a powerful strategy for making excellent public schools and educational opportunities available to all students and communities, especially those who are historically under-resourced. Done well, authorizing increases student achievement by expanding the supply of quality public schools. Because authorizing is a…
Descriptors: Educational Quality, Charter Schools, Educational Opportunities, Public Schools
National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2023
As students and communities emerge from the ravages of a global pandemic, authorizing faces a key challenge: embracing its fundamental role of providing high-quality educational opportunities, while evolving to meet new demands and expectations, especially those created by the pandemic. How it navigates this tension will impact millions of…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Educational Change, Governance, COVID-19
National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2021
The Charter Schools Program (CSP) is a key lever that the federal government uses to ensure charter schools provide more students access to excellent public schools. As the U.S. Department of Education studies the program, a new National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) brief, "U.S. Department of Education's CSP: Investing in…
Descriptors: Federal Programs, Charter Schools, Technical Assistance, Grants
National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2021
The need for more quality public schools for U.S. children is as great as ever. One policy solution to help meet this demand is to grow more of what is already working. To expand access to existing high-quality charter schools, policymakers and authorizers remove barriers and make it easier to grow enrollment and expand locations. Behind every…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, High Achievement, State Policy, Institutional Characteristics
Doyle, Daniela – National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2019
The public charter school movement is premised on the exchange of increased autonomy for increased accountability. Individual schools are given more flexibility in their actions, and then must meet agreed-upon benchmarks of quality. If a school fails to fulfill the terms of its charter or achieve its stated goals, it can be closed. However,…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Institutional Autonomy, Public Schools, Accountability
National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2019
Charter school authorizers play a crucial role in shaping the quality and availability of charter schools throughout Georgia. In partnership with the State Board of Education, state law allows local school districts and the State Charter Schools Commission to approve and oversee charter schools. While much is known about existing charter schools…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Accreditation (Institutions), Public Schools, Educational Quality
National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2019
This first-ever look at the national charter school pipeline--what schools are being proposed and by whom--reveals a diverse sector, with a tremendous variety of applicants and school models. Working with Public Impact, National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) collected and analyzed nearly 3,000 charter school applications…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Validated Programs, Program Proposals, Public Education
National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2018
Good charter school policy must be part of the solution to address the public education system's greatest problem: too many children lack access to a transformative education. Getting authorizing policy right is critical because good authorizing has the power to transform the lives of not just a few children, but millions. While the quality of…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Educational Policy, Access to Education, Transformative Learning
National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2018
The "Principles & Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing," first established in 2004, reflect the lessons learned by experienced authorizers. This foundational resource for National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) has been used to guide authorizing practices across the country and is referenced in state…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Educational Quality, Standards, Institutional Autonomy
National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2018
The "Quality Practice Project" (QPP) is the National Association of Charter School Authorizers' (NACSA's) multi-year research initiative to identify what high-performing authorizers do to achieve stellar student and public interest outcomes. Participants and researchers collaboratively investigated the perspectives and practices of…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Educational Quality, School Effectiveness, Academic Achievement
Doyle, Daniela; Kim, Juli; Rausch, M. Karega – National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2017
The executive summary a case study of two authorizers--Denver Public Schools and the District of Columbia (D.C.) Public Charter School Board--both with strong outcomes in many areas and a high or growing charter enrollment. For each, it summarizes how their approach to authorizing has shaped the way they address the issues that arise as charter…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Public Schools, Educational Administration, Equal Education
Doyle, Daniela; Kim, Juli; Rausch, M. Karega – National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2017
This report provides a case study of two authorizers--Denver Public Schools and the District of Columbia (D.C.) Public Charter School Board--both with strong outcomes in many areas and a high or growing charter enrollment. For each, it summarizes how their approach to authorizing has shaped the way they address the issues that arise as charter…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Public Schools, Educational Administration, Equal Education
Rausch, M. Karega; Conlan, Sean; Tracewski, Sherry – National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2017
Improving the quality of charter school authorizing is critical for improving the quality of charter schools and the outcomes experienced by students and communities. As every charter school has an authorizer, improvement in authorizing has the power to be among the most significant catalysts in creating many more high-quality schools and closing…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Governance, Educational Administration, Institutional Evaluation
National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2016
Since 2008, the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) has annually surveyed our nation's authorizers. Survey findings provide an annual measuring stick for those in the field of authorizing, and they help education decision makers, foundations, legislators, and researchers inform their understanding of the field of charter…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Accountability, National Surveys, School Surveys
Boast, Lyria; Ellison, Shonaka; Hassel, Bryan C.; Conlan, Sean; Rausch, M. Karega – National Association of Charter School Authorizers, 2016
As charter school authorizers and states have increased performance expectations and grown less hesitant to close failing schools, "authorizer shopping" has emerged as a growing threat to overall charter school quality. Authorizer shopping happens when a charter school chooses or changes its authorizer specifically to avoid…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Educational Quality, Accountability, Guidelines