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Eckardt, Patricia N.; Craig, Madeline – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
This hypothesis-generating research study detailed the impact that intentionally integrating social and emotional learning (SEL) into a semester-long group project had on the overall success of the project and practice of SEL competencies. Researchers noticed a shift in students' mental well-being after returning to campus for face-to-face…
Descriptors: Social Emotional Learning, Preservice Teachers, Active Learning, Student Projects
Johnson, Patrick B.; Singleman, Corinna; Valad, Jennifer; Fernandez, Eva – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
Poor mathematics preparation severely restricts students' future educational and occupational choices. This paper explores the extent to which differences were observed in the pedagogical practices of those teaching college introductory college math at a community college and at a four-year college. Although college math instructors generally may…
Descriptors: College Faculty, Mathematics Teachers, Teaching Methods, Teacher Characteristics
Liu, Michael C. – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
In this article, the author examined how arts integration affected the design, implementation of the learning and teaching experience in a course that incorporated anti-racist pedagogy (ARP) in a two-year community college in an urban area. Using an intrinsic case study method (Creswell & Poth, 2017; Miles et al., 2014), this study…
Descriptors: Art Education, Racism, Social Justice, Community Colleges
Markson, Craig; Forman, Kenneth; Irizarry, Dafny; Levy, Lawrence – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between race, high school graduation, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores, and four-year college-going rates. The setting included 89 school districts that were located in two adjacent suburban counties in New York State: Nassau and Suffolk. A Pearson Product-Moment correlation analysis,…
Descriptors: Diversity, Equal Education, Inclusion, College Entrance Examinations
Foster-Irizarry, Toni; Birringer-Haig, Joan – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
The current phenomenological study explored the emotion-based perceptions of eight Black and Hispanic students' experiences in developmental education classes at two urban community colleges. The researcher utilized a theoretical framework comprised of Critical Race Theory (CRT) with a focus on emotions and Yosso's (2005) model of cultural wealth.…
Descriptors: Two Year College Students, Community Colleges, Urban Schools, Cultural Capital
Healy, Molly B. – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
With a runtime of 47 years, Saturday Night Live has long served as a societal mirror that captures and creates popular culture. In recent years the show has been criticized for its lack of diverse hosts, cast and staff. Out of 930 episodes only seven episodes have been hosted by an Asian host, four of whom identify as Chinese. This research…
Descriptors: Case Studies, Programming (Broadcast), Television, Chinese Americans
Heberer, Don; Pisano, Al; Markson, Craig – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
The purpose of this study was to leverage the artificial intelligence of ChatGPT to produce a scholarly review of the research literature on best practices for technology integration in higher education. The researchers searched the ERIC database using the keywords "technology integration" and "higher education or college or…
Descriptors: Artificial Intelligence, Educational Technology, Technology Integration, Best Practices
Rosebud Elijah; Andrea Libresco; Sandra Stacki; Christina Drago-Botti; Debra Goodman; Judith Kaufman – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
At the end of a two-year discussion about the value of homework in elementary school, the Seaview district decided to move away from the traditional model of homework, and introduced Wonder, Reading, and Play (WRaP) intended to be more equitable and authentic. A case study was conducted to assess the district's goals for and implementation of more…
Descriptors: Elementary School Teachers, Elementary School Students, Grade 4, Grade 1
Gabriella Franza; Patrick Pizzo; Michele Williams – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
This article examines the needs in New York State for public policy to address disparities in educational outcomes, opportunities to learn and appropriate evaluations that assess student readiness to advance in their education or work opportunities. Several proposals for educational public policy changes and practices are offered in the conclusion…
Descriptors: Educational Policy, Outcomes of Education, Equal Education, Educational Opportunities
Gustavo Loor; Catherine DiMartino – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
Amid the pedagogical and leadership shifts that the COVID pandemic placed on the K-12 educational landscape, the pandemic itself brought to light the systems that need to be in place for technology to be effectively integrated in classrooms and school buildings. The COVID transition period has produced a technology rebirth in K-12 schools across…
Descriptors: Systems Approach, Technology Integration, Elementary Secondary Education, Educational Technology
Gabriella Franza – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
The COVID-19 school shutdown took students out of the school building and into the virtual classroom. With this, students lost opportunities to connect with their peers and school members. With students reentering the schools, there is a great need for structures built within the school day for community building. Restorative circles are safe…
Descriptors: Restorative Practices, Sense of Community, Peer Relationship, High School Students
Megan O'Neill – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
Strong evidence suggests that U.S. high schools are falling short of graduating college- and career-ready students, giving rise to calls for more focus on the factors that impact students' success in college and career. The main purpose of this research was to identify the impact of social support networks on college readiness across genders in…
Descriptors: Undergraduate Students, Social Networks, College Readiness, Gender Differences
Mary-Ellen Montauredes-Kakalos – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
This phenomenological study design explored the lived experiences of teachers' perceptions of virtual professional experiences through the lens of adult learning theory. The participants were comprised of elementary educators from a suburban county in New York state. The participants in this study were all forced to shift to virtual teaching and…
Descriptors: Teacher Attitudes, Professional Development, Electronic Learning, Elementary School Teachers
Christina Cone – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2023
This study explored if the Advanced Placement (AP) World History: Modern Reading is effective teacher professional development (PD). The researcher used a mixed methods explanatory sequential design. A survey was completed by 83 AP World History: Modern high school teachers who had attended the AP World History: Modern on-site Reading. The…
Descriptors: Advanced Placement Programs, World History, History Instruction, Faculty Development
Gonzalez, Lara – Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 2022
This study explored the role of school superintendents and board of education trustees in closing the achievement gap, which can be defined as "the disparity in academic performance between groups of students" (Muhammad, 2015, p. 14). District leaders (superintendents and school boards) set the priorities and policies in their school…
Descriptors: Superintendents, Boards of Education, Trustees, Cooperation