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Narot, Pennee, Ed.; Kiettikunwong, Narong, Ed. – International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, 2023
Policy documents from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and UNESCO have stressed the need to prepare students for what has been termed a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world. The COVID-19 pandemic is an extreme case of a VUCA event that grants the opportunity to examine whether special and…
Descriptors: COVID-19, Pandemics, Readiness, Special Education
Lane, Danielle, Ed.; Catania, Nicholas, Ed.; Semon, Sarah, Ed.; Forlin, Chris, Ed. – International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, 2023
At the midway point towards the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030, this critical volume focuses on how a range of contextually diverse countries are progressing towards inclusive education. Contributors critically consider the current state of inclusive education in their own countries in relation to meeting the UN's Agenda 2030 initiative and…
Descriptors: Inclusion, Global Approach, International Organizations, Sustainable Development
Jose W. Lalas Ed.; Heidi Luv Strikwerda Ed. – International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, 2023
Race does not only resonate with the dichotomy of blackness and whiteness but also on its impact on non-physical attributes, this includes factors such as indigenous status, social class, religion, language, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality and immigration. The intersection of these factors are key considerations on inclusive education.…
Descriptors: Critical Race Theory, Inclusion, Educational Research, Partnerships in Education
Scorgie, Kate, Ed.; Forlin, Chris, Ed. – International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, 2022
Volume 18 of "International Perspectives on Inclusive Education" offers multiple international perspectives on transitions for children and youth with diverse backgrounds and special needs. Transition approaches are viewed from early childhood through to post-secondary and into workplace settings using a unique convergence of integrating…
Descriptors: Inclusion, Student Needs, Transitional Programs, Preschool Education
Amrhein, Bettina, Ed.; Naraian, Srikala, Ed. – International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, 2022
This volume offers a critical orientation to inclusive education by centering the learnings that emerge from regional struggles in the world to actualize global ideals and commitments. Grounded in assumptions that challenge medicalized notions of disability and difference, the inquiries within this book register a range of theoretical frameworks.…
Descriptors: Inclusion, Differences, Regional Characteristics, Barriers
Goldan, Janka, Ed.; Lambrecht, Jennifer, Ed.; Loreman, Tim, Ed. – International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, 2021
While resource provision is widely recognized as an essential element of successful inclusive education, this is the first time an entire book has been dedicated to the topic. In this volume leading experts address international perspectives on funding models, the role of resources, and the development of professionals for the implementation of…
Descriptors: Inclusion, Educational Resources, Resource Allocation, Funding Formulas
Semon, Sarah, Ed.; Lane, Danielle, Ed.; Jones, Phyllis, Ed. – International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, 2021
The journey towards inclusive education and collaborative practices in different countries is complex and interdependent within each unique geopolitical landscape. "Instructional Collaboration in International Inclusive Education Contexts" looks at the instructional collaboration between special education and general education in…
Descriptors: Inclusion, Teacher Collaboration, Regular and Special Education Relationship, Global Approach
Lalas, Jose W., Ed.; Strikwerda, Heidi Luv, Ed. – International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, 2021
While the issue of advancing equity occupies the pages of many education journals across the world and pursuing it in schools and classrooms is a common instructional goal, there is an obvious absence of established school policies combined with pedagogies on how to achieve educational equity. Therefore, equity solution driven by inclusion,…
Descriptors: Disadvantaged, Power Structure, Students, Inclusion
Chambers, Dianne, Ed. – International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, 2020
In this edited collection, experienced practitioners discuss how a range of existing and emerging assistive technology devices and services are used across a variety of international settings to support the inclusion of students with disabilities. This book details authentic examples of best practice, including identification and implementation of…
Descriptors: Assistive Technology, Inclusion, Students with Disabilities, Best Practices
Scorgie, Kate, Ed.; Forlin, Chris, Ed. – International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, 2019
This volume in the International Perspectives on Inclusive Education Series explores innovative perspectives and practices regarding social inclusion of potentially marginalized individuals from multiple perspectives. This book blends theoretical and evidence-based research about social inclusion and belonging, while simultaneously giving voice to…
Descriptors: Inclusion, Social Environment, Sense of Community, Evidence Based Practice