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Georgia Educational Researcher | 94 |
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Cornell Critical Thinking Test | 1 |
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SAT (College Admission Test) | 1 |
School Crime Supplement to… | 1 |
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test | 1 |
What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Megan DeVoss; Robert A. Griffin; Diana Mindrila – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2024
This quantitative study investigated the relationship between ESOL co-teacher content certification and student achievement in secondary classrooms. The sample consisted of English Learners (ELs; N = 185) in a suburban district in Georgia. The study focused on three core content subjects: Algebra, Biology, and Economics. Content certification was…
Descriptors: School Districts, Suburban Schools, English (Second Language), Second Language Learning
Jonathan L. Garner; Gwen Scott Ruttencutter; Forrest R. Parker III – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2024
This research examined school personnel's strategies and practices responsible for increasing student science proficiency at a certified rural high school STEM program. In the United States, difficulties have developed in adequately preparing students for careers in STEM sectors, especially in secondary education. This trend has led to increased…
Descriptors: High Schools, Rural Schools, STEM Education, School Personnel
Cooper, Aubrey – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2023
In recent years, dyslexia legislation and awareness has become more prevalent. Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder that affects a student's ability to read because they have deficits in their overall phonological awareness skills. While federal and state legislation has been passed regarding dyslexia, awareness surrounding dyslexia is still…
Descriptors: Dyslexia, Equal Education, Students with Disabilities, Federal Legislation
Crenshaw, Andrea N.; Ramsay-Jordan, Natasha N.; Deskins, Allyson – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2023
Microaggressions are brief and everyday slights, insults, indignities, and denigrating messages sent to people of color and/or marginalized groups (women, LGBTQ+, etc.) by well-intentioned [people] who are unaware of the hidden messages being communicated (Sue et al., 2007). Microaggressions are connected to broader conceptualizations of the…
Descriptors: College Faculty, School Personnel, Attitudes, Aggression
Burnett, Lydia; Cuevas, Joshua – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2023
Instructional time spent on elementary social studies is often marginalized due to the emphasis placed on other content areas. Therefore, social studies teachers must employ meaningful instructional strategies that will engage students while promoting content acquisition. This quasi-experimental study responds to this challenge by guiding a sample…
Descriptors: History Instruction, Thinking Skills, Elementary School Students, Knowledge Level
Adib Shakir; Chinasa Elue; Sheryl J. Croft; Nicholas Clegorne – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2023
The purpose of this qualitative phenomenographical article was to explore the different ways that elementary assistant principals experienced mentoring from their elementary principals as a way to provide the requisite leadership development that would lead them to become a principal. This research study was conducted using in-depth…
Descriptors: Assistant Principals, Mentors, Career Development, Leadership Training
Alesia Mickle Moldavan; Graham Johnson – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2023
Preservice teachers need opportunities in teacher education courses to explore arts-based interdisciplinary learning that can inspire connections between communities of practice and allow learners to integrate concepts and imagine creative possibilities. This study reports on preservice teachers engaged in a workshop on arts-based…
Descriptors: Preservice Teachers, Interdisciplinary Approach, Communities of Practice, Creativity
Bailey A. Brown; Amber R. Reed – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2023
The Georgia Department of Education has clearly defined standards for learning about Africa in the seventh grade. However, there exists great variation in how textbooks present this material and address these standards. Using a qualitative content analysis approach, we assess the presentation of Africa in three widely used Georgia social studies…
Descriptors: Textbooks, Content Analysis, Social Studies, Foreign Countries
Glassmeyer, David; Colclasure, Mary; Alevy, Laura – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2022
Feedback is an essential form of communication between the student and teacher. Research has documented the importance of feedback in advancing student mathematical and critical thinking, with renewed recommendations to provide and use feedback in mathematical instruction during the era of COVID-19. Giving personalized feedback in an online…
Descriptors: Mathematics Instruction, Feedback (Response), Mathematics Skills, Mathematics Teachers
Kim, Jihye; Kim, Dong-gook; Kamphaus, Randy – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2022
Depression, anxiety, and stress are common mental health problems among adolescents. Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have found that students who suffer from mental health problems (e.g., ADHD, anxiety, or depression) tend to manifest school and social problems. It is urgent to identify and intervene early to help children with mental…
Descriptors: Multiracial Persons, Mental Disorders, Screening Tests, At Risk Students
Arslan Dönmez, Sinem; Sahin, Ahmet – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2022
The purpose of this study is to investigate the views of lecturers about the effectiveness of the implementation of the peer-coaching practice conducted at the school of foreign languages of a foundation university. The lecturers who took part in the peer coaching practice in the academic year 2019-2020 acted as the participants in this case…
Descriptors: Peer Teaching, Second Language Learning, Second Language Instruction, Coaching (Performance)
Pringle, Njeri M.; Workman, Jamie L.; Arrastia-Chisholm, Meagan C. – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2022
Mathematics anxiety is a reality for many students as a number of community college and four-year university students feel disconnected from math and struggle to pass mathematics courses. Using a case study and grounded theory approach, six remedial mathematics instructors were interviewed and observed to examine their instructional strategies and…
Descriptors: Mathematics Anxiety, College Mathematics, College Faculty, Mathematics Teachers
Sharma, Meenakshi – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2022
The present article analyzes two critical frameworks within teacher education and how they construct preservice teachers and their learning within teacher education. These frameworks of 'Apprenticeship of Observation' (AoO) and 'Ambitious Practice' (AP) present opposing narratives about preservice teachers. While AoO directs our attention to…
Descriptors: Preservice Teachers, Learning, Preservice Teacher Education, Learning Processes
Unal, Aslihan; Unal, Zafer; Bodur, Yasar – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2022
The purpose of this article is to examine Kindergarten through 5th-grade teachers' understanding of differentiated instruction and perception of their ability to implement differentiated instruction in their classrooms. Differentiated instruction is a critical factor for children's success. Thirty-one K-5 teachers from the state of Georgia…
Descriptors: Individualized Instruction, Elementary School Teachers, Knowledge Level, Teacher Attitudes
Joseph, Hannah L.; Fernandes, Mary; Goyer, Meghan; Arce, Maria; Lewis, Ciera; Delbasso, Claudia A.; Lawry, Suzann; Walker, Corey A.; Amole, Omolade; Sampson, Mikael; Tone, Erin – Georgia Educational Researcher, 2022
The U.S. psychology workforce is considerably less diverse than the population that it serves. While several recruitment and admission practices are effective for diversifying psychology training programs, upstream recruitment of underrepresented candidates is particularly promising. Aiming to diversify the clinical psychology graduate program…
Descriptors: Clinical Psychology, Graduate Study, Student Recruitment, Student Diversity