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Jolene Battitori; Kevin Walsh – Excellence in Education Journal, 2023
School principals are responsible for the safety and well-being of the children entrusted to their care. Parents expect their children to be safe and protected and that school leaders establish and maintain clear lines of communication during a time of crisis. Within their capacity as school leaders, it is incumbent on them to guarantee that…
Descriptors: Principals, Leadership Role, Emergency Programs, Crisis Management
Ivie, Stanley D. – Excellence in Education Journal, 2021
Do you wish to connect with your students? Then cultivate the art of storytelling. A good story can enliven a dull lesson, and it can expand the horizons of an interesting one. Storytelling can be used as an advance organizer for introducing a new unit of thought, or it can work equally well as a capstone for what has already been learned. Great…
Descriptors: Teaching Methods, Story Telling, Learning Theories, Advance Organizers
Whitehead, Evangelin – Excellence in Education Journal, 2021
The concept of diversity and inclusion has continued to gain attention and attraction and is a challenging topic in the times of COVID-19. In this pandemic period, all of our systems are totally disturbed including the educational system and all sectors of life get stressed, including our principles and values. Remote teaching and learning process…
Descriptors: COVID-19, Pandemics, School Closing, Online Courses
Ivie, Stanley D. – Excellence in Education Journal, 2020
We live in an age rife with evaluations. Everyone is busy evaluating everyone. Teachers evaluate students; administrators evaluate teachers; the public evaluates administrators. Testing agencies are having a field day creating instruments for evaluating everyone and everything. The circle feeds on itself. In my 45 years of teaching experience, my…
Descriptors: Teacher Attitudes, Teacher Effectiveness, Teaching Methods, Teaching Skills
Ernest, James M.; Strichik, Tracye – Excellence in Education Journal, 2018
Recent economic analyses point to large returns for investing in quality early childhood education programs and programs provided for children in poverty most often show the greatest benefits for children. This article describes the role of an innovative coaching approach to educator professional development in one of the poorest states in the…
Descriptors: Best Practices, Faculty Development, Coaching (Performance), Preschool Education
Arulselvi, Evangelin – Excellence in Education Journal, 2017
Mind Mapping is a learning technique which uses a non-linear approach that encourages the learner to think and explore concepts using visual-spatial relationships flowing from a central theme to peripheral branches which can be inter-related. The new millennium is being called the Millennium of the Mind, and Mind Mapping is becoming widely…
Descriptors: Learning Strategies, Decision Making, Thinking Skills, Brain
Neuville, Thomas – Excellence in Education Journal, 2017
Before there were children with disabilities in typical schools in North America, there was only hope and need. Before the creation of highly specialized plans of education, individualized instruction techniques, methods of differentiating group instruction or regulations mandating the adherence to government regulations, there were only families,…
Descriptors: Disabilities, Inclusion, Mainstreaming, Educational History
Arulselvi, Evangelin – Excellence in Education Journal, 2017
Desuggest is the opposite of suggest. This method is used to overcome some learning problems as it puts importance on desuggesting limitations on learning. Desuggestopedia has been called an affective-humanistic approach because there is respect for students' feelings. Students do not use their full powers of learning and they have some…
Descriptors: Second Language Learning, Second Language Instruction, Teaching Methods, Humanism
Neuville, Thomas – Excellence in Education Journal, 2017
The author of this opinion piece provides what he believes to be a definition of the present special education system at it's worst. Special education is described as a team of professionals gathered to plan for the individual. They assess, interpret, break down deficiencies into categories and divide those deficiencies to distribute among a…
Descriptors: Special Education, Educational Change, Intervention, Value Judgment
Everett, Ingrid T.; Roesch, Daniel; Rudolph, Allison – Excellence in Education Journal, 2017
Teachers leave the profession for reasons including lack of teacher preparation and inadequate mentorship. To better support candidates in the final stages of teacher preparation, a Pennsylvania state university partnership led a process to implement supports to enhance the mentoring process during teacher candidate's final field experience. This…
Descriptors: Preservice Teachers, Mentors, Coaching (Performance), Preservice Teacher Education
Creasy, Kim – Excellence in Education Journal, 2015
This paper discusses the importance of field-based experiences in the preparation of teacher candidates. The author cites the research and experienced opinions of experts in the field of teacher preparation. Included in this discussion of the importance of field-based experiences is the ability of teacher candidates to link theory to practice,…
Descriptors: Field Experience Programs, Teacher Education Programs, Preservice Teacher Education, Preservice Teachers
Bulger, Sean M.; Jones, Emily M. – Excellence in Education Journal, 2014
As technological advances continue to influence the methods by which we communicate, manage information, and entertain ourselves, educators must keep pace with these changes by integrating technology when it supports content delivery and enhances student learning. There is considerable potential for technology use across all content areas, but it…
Descriptors: Systems Approach, Technology Integration, Audience Response Systems, Undergraduate Students
Gibbs, Greg – Excellence in Education Journal, 2013
The article entitled "Accommodating Advanced Learners: Hybrid Format" deals with the moving a university program from traditional to hybrid on-line format. The process of program examination through student responses to the changing of curriculum delivery is touched upon. Elements of instructional theory are touched upon through a…
Descriptors: College Students, Advanced Students, Blended Learning, Online Courses
Özturgut, Osman – Excellence in Education Journal, 2013
The emphasis on multicultural education and cultural competency has been a popular subject among teacher educators and scholars (Cochran-Smith, 2001; Ladson-Billings, 1995, 1999a, 1999b; Ladson-Billings, 2003, 2006; Perry, Moore, Acosta, Edwards, & Frey, 2006; Sleeter, 2008, 2009; Sleeter & Stillman, 2005; Sleeter, 1991, 2001, 2008;…
Descriptors: Achievement Gap, Minority Group Students, Cultural Awareness, Teacher Education Programs
Orelus, Pierre – Excellence in Education Journal, 2013
Using personal narratives as a form of inquiry, the author describes the learning experience of colonized subjects being educated in colonial-based school systems. The author goes on to juxtapose such experiences with the challenge of teaching racialized, culturally, and linguistically diverse students in a standardized test-driven driven school…
Descriptors: Learning Experience, Student Experience, Student Diversity, Foreign Policy