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What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Li-Wei Peng; Cheun-Yeong Lee – Excellence in Education Journal, 2024
Numerous educators, instructional designers, and technology specialists utilize case study methodologies to achieve various objectives, such as elevating the profession's status, bridging theory and practice, applying knowledge to real-world classroom and workplace scenarios, honing decision-making skills, and inspiring future professionals. This…
Descriptors: Graduate Students, Case Studies, Animation, Technology Uses in Education
Hany Zaky – Excellence in Education Journal, 2024
The diversity among undergraduate students in the United States has peaked recently. This quantitative study aims to investigate medical students' perceptions regarding the factors (gender/age/religious beliefs/disabilities, immigration status/political affiliation/sexual orientation) directing their overall campus satisfaction with diversity and…
Descriptors: Medical Students, Undergraduate Students, Learner Engagement, Student Diversity
Myers, Joy; Kang, Shin Ji; Hughes, Michelle – Excellence in Education Journal, 2023
A team of teacher educators conducted a phenomenological study to explore the perceptions of teacher candidates (TCs), their cooperating teachers (CTs), and university supervisors (USs) during and after they participated in a redesigned seven-week practicum that led directly into seven weeks of student teaching. Data were collected via two surveys…
Descriptors: Cooperating Teachers, Student Teacher Supervisors, Student Attitudes, Teacher Attitudes
Sahin, Seyma; Ökmen, Burcu; Kiliç, Abdurrahman – Excellence in Education Journal, 2023
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the brain-based learning style cycle. In the research, a pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design without a control group was used. The research study group consisted of sophomore (2nd year) students studying at Duzce University Faculty of Education, Psychological Counseling…
Descriptors: Brain, Cognitive Style, Metacognition, Attitude Measures
Abdulsalami Ibrahim; Nicole Buse; Deborah Tamakloe – Excellence in Education Journal, 2023
The increase in enrollment of students in an online course or taking some classes online indicates an utmost need for faculty to devise means of delivering meaningful and engaging online instruction. Instruction needs to be engaging in ways that make sense to the generation of students in our college classrooms. The outbreak of the COVID-19…
Descriptors: Learner Engagement, Electronic Learning, COVID-19, Pandemics
Rose Jagielo-Manion; Tina Selvaggi – Excellence in Education Journal, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic required teacher preparation programs to shift and think creatively about how to best support their teacher candidates, recent graduates, and graduate students. In response to these challenges, in Fall 2020 the authors developed a remote mentoring partnership between first-year teachers and graduate students enrolled in a…
Descriptors: Mentors, Beginning Teachers, Graduate Students, COVID-19
Lim Keai – Excellence in Education Journal, 2023
This study was inspired by the Indian movie 'Three idiots' and purposed to investigate the reasons behind the high rate of engineering degree programmes dropouts in India. Accordingly, factors related to academic, demographic, economic, family, future, institutional, personal, and social were derived and examined on their impacts on student…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Films, Engineering Education, Dropouts
Adiguzel, Oktay Cem; Karagol, Ibrahim – Excellence in Education Journal, 2022
This study aims to analyze the motivation factors of teacher candidates in choosing the teaching profession. The study employed a survey model which was carried out with 543 teacher candidates. The data were collected through the "Factors Influencing Teaching Choice Scale" and were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.…
Descriptors: Preservice Teachers, Student Motivation, Career Choice, Teaching (Occupation)
Klee, Sherrie – Excellence in Education Journal, 2022
Study abroad programs and the need for multicultural education is becoming more popular in United States higher education institutions. These multicultural programs can include various types of programming such as faculty-led, university international center sponsored, third-party providers, or a combination thereof. Understanding the perceptions…
Descriptors: College Students, Student Attitudes, Study Abroad, Multicultural Education
Griffin, David K. – Excellence in Education Journal, 2022
This paper reviews some of the approaches to defining and assessing dispositions in preservice teachers. A review of the literature is presented, followed by a discussion of issues relating to defining dispositions, and the importance of assessing dispositions in teacher candidates. Finally, the results of a study that included a sample of 15…
Descriptors: Preservice Teachers, Evaluation, Teacher Characteristics, Measures (Individuals)
Demir, Yusuf; Okyar, Hatice – Excellence in Education Journal, 2021
This paper reports on a study that intended to (a) reveal the extent of English Foreign Language(EFL) learners' foreign language enjoyment (FLE), their self-efficacy, and willingness to communicate (WTC) in English, and (b) try out a hypothesized model to find out whether FLE, self-efficacy and academic achievement predict learners WTC in English.…
Descriptors: Second Language Learning, English (Second Language), Self Efficacy, Academic Achievement
Davis, Jason P.; Oh, Kevin – Excellence in Education Journal, 2021
The last 20 years of federal legislation have seen a growth in the requirement that evidence-based practices be used to ensure improved student outcomes. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004) and No Child Left Behind (2001) each require educators to research, develop, and implement new practices aimed at meeting this expectation.…
Descriptors: Multimedia Materials, Multimedia Instruction, Video Technology, Evidence Based Practice
Uysal, Derya; Gökçe, Sevgi – Excellence in Education Journal, 2021
This study aims to define the motivational and attitudinal features of EFL learners at the outset of the preparatory program from the Socio-Educational Model perspective. Research was conducted via exploratory mixed methods design. First, the quantitative data of the study were obtained via a questionnaire in Turkish, including 19 five-point…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, English (Second Language), Second Language Instruction, Student Attitudes
Whitehead, Evangelin Arulselvi – Excellence in Education Journal, 2020
A variety of strategies and tools are used to assess students' learning on an ongoing basis in the context of everyday classroom experiences. Assessment information provides the foundation for decision making and planning for instruction and learning. This paper discusses about using Anecdotal Records as a tool to observe students' progress in the…
Descriptors: Teaching Methods, Second Language Learning, Second Language Instruction, English (Second Language)
Valle, Natercia; Antonenko, Pavlo; Wang, Jiahui; Luo, Wenjing – Excellence in Education Journal, 2020
Anticipation Guides (AGs) help learners to activate prior knowledge before an instructional unit. As a pre-learning strategy, AGs motivate learners to explore learning materials by challenging, activating, or corroborating their prior knowledge and predictions about a subject. While AGs have mostly been used in reading instruction, in this study,…
Descriptors: Eye Movements, Multimedia Instruction, Teaching Methods, Attention Control