Comparative Analysis | 2 |
Computer Software | 2 |
Computer Software Reviews | 1 |
Control Groups | 1 |
Evaluation Methods | 1 |
Experimental Groups | 1 |
Higher Education | 1 |
Interrater Reliability | 1 |
Mail Surveys | 1 |
Probability | 1 |
Ratios (Mathematics) | 1 |
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Educational and Psychological… | 2 |
Publication Type
Book/Product Reviews | 2 |
Journal Articles | 2 |
Education Level
Laws, Policies, & Programs
Assessments and Surveys
What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Peer reviewed
Berry, Kenneth J.; Mielke, Paul W., Jr. – Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1997
Describes a FORTRAN software program that calculates the probability of an observed difference between agreement measures obtained from two independent sets of raters. An example illustrates the use of the DIFFER program in evaluating undergraduate essays. (Author/SLD)
Descriptors: Comparative Analysis, Computer Software, Evaluation Methods, Higher Education
Peer reviewed
Williams, Richard H. – Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1992
A QuickBASIC program is described that can be used to conduct Dunnett-like comparisons on a set of independent proportions. The statistical method used, based on Levy's statistical method (1975), is an extension of the well-known Dunnett test for multiple comparisons on means. (Author/SLD)
Descriptors: Comparative Analysis, Computer Software, Computer Software Reviews, Control Groups