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In 2025 | 0 |
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Since 2021 (last 5 years) | 16 |
Since 2016 (last 10 years) | 33 |
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Education Scotland | 54 |
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Reports - Evaluative | 22 |
Reports - Research | 19 |
Reports - Descriptive | 12 |
Guides - Classroom - Learner | 1 |
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Education Scotland, 2023
In November 2017, Scottish Ministers tasked a short life working group to develop a more consistent national approach to recording and monitoring incidents of bullying in schools. The group identified the Bullying and Equalities Module (BEM) within the SEEMiS system as the most appropriate tool for schools and local authorities to use to record…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Bullying, Data Collection, Elementary Secondary Education
Education Scotland, 2023
The Scottish Attainment Challenge (SAC) was established to promote equity in education by ensuring every child has the same opportunity to succeed, with a focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. It is underpinned by the National Improvement Framework, Curriculum for Excellence and Getting it Right for Every Child. It focuses on…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Educational Attainment, Achievement Gap, Poverty
Education Scotland, 2023
As part of the cycle for reporting on the implementation of the Scottish Attainment Challenge (SAC), attainment advisors produce reports triannually. This process ensures there is a continuous narrative where next steps are identified and progress made towards them. This summary report is an overview of the analysis of the progress of all 32 local…
Descriptors: Achievement Gap, Poverty, Outcomes of Education, Educational Improvement
Education Scotland, 2023
National Summary Reports are part of the cycle for reporting on the implementation of the Scottish Attainment Challenge (SAC). Attainment advisors, in collaboration with their associated local authority, produce reports triannually. This ensures a continuous narrative where thematic next steps are identified and subsequent progress evaluated.…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Poverty, Outcomes of Education, Educational Improvement
Education Scotland, 2023
National Summary Reports are part of the cycle for reporting on the implementation and delivery of the mission of the Scottish Attainment Challenge (SAC). Attainment advisors, in collaboration with their associated local authority, produce reports triannually. This ensures a continuous narrative where thematic next steps are identified and…
Descriptors: Parent Participation, Cooperation, Costs, Parent School Relationship
Education Scotland, 2022
Scotland's HM Inspectors (HMI) of Education have published a new report examining a range of approaches taken to support health and wellbeing in establishments nominated by local authorities. As part of Scottish Government's Education Recovery: Key Actions and Next Steps, HM Inspectors of Education committed to undertaking national thematic…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Well Being, Health, Elementary Schools
Education Scotland, 2022
This report is based on evidence gathered during visits undertaken in November and December 2021. HM Inspectors (HMI) visited four stand-alone early learning and childcare (ELC) settings; 15 primary schools including 13 with nursery classes and one with Gaelic Medium Education; 13 secondary schools; three special schools; three community learning…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Early Childhood Education, Special Education, School Districts
Education Scotland, 2022
It's been 20 years since the last 'National Debate' on education led to the launch of Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence with the four capacities in 2004. The curriculum was conceived to 'fully prepare today's children for adult life in the 21st century' (Scottish Executive, 2004, p. 3). These four capacities articulated the aspirational purpose…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, National Curriculum, Educational History, Excellence in Education
Education Scotland, 2022
In 2020, the Scottish Ministers requested that HM Inspectors of Education review the quality of Foundation Apprenticeship (FA) programmes in Scotland. The purpose of the review was to identify what is working well, what is in need of further development or improvement, and to inform future arrangements. The review took place between March 2020 and…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Apprenticeships, Program Evaluation, Program Effectiveness
Education Scotland, 2022
HM Inspectors of Education have published a new report highlighting features of effective community development practice in response to COVID-19. As part of Scottish Government's "Education Recovery: Key Actions and Next Steps," HM Inspectors of Education committed to undertaking national thematic reviews. These thematic inspections…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Community Development, Pandemics, COVID-19
Education Scotland, 2022
Scotland's HM Inspectors (HMI) of Education have published this report highlighting features of effective practice in outdoor learning. As part of Scottish Government's Education Recovery: Key Actions and Next Steps, HM Inspectors of Education committed to undertaking national thematic reviews. This national report provides the independent view of…
Descriptors: Outdoor Education, Educational Improvement, Foreign Countries, COVID-19
Education Scotland, 2022
This Advice provides important information on the national context and describes best practice to support senior leaders, practitioners, and education authorities in evaluating and planning for improvement in Gaelic Education. It is based on evidence from inspections, reviews and validated self-evaluation, covering all sectors of Gaelic Education…
Descriptors: Indo European Languages, Foreign Countries, Legislation, Public Policy
Education Scotland, 2022
As part of the cycle for reporting on the implementation of the Scottish Attainment Challenge (SAC), attainment advisors produce reports triannually. This summary report is an overview of the analysis of the progress of all 32 local authorities for the period September to November 2022. The key theme for this reporting period was the Scottish…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Educational Attainment, Achievement Gap, Poverty
Education Scotland, 2022
The first five years of the Scottish Attainment Challenge saw much progress in closing the poverty-related attainment gap but at a limited pace. The pandemic disrupted the learning of our children and young people and had a disproportionate impact on children affected by poverty. The refreshed Scottish Attainment Challenge programme, backed by a…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Educational Attainment, Achievement Gap, Poverty
Education Scotland, 2021
This report explores the impact of schools and other settings working with families to improve learning and achievement. It identifies the key features of highly-effective practice in engaging families in learning and provides examples of quality family learning which are helping to secure better outcomes for children and young people. The case…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Family School Relationship, Family Involvement, Student Improvement