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What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Joanne Dixon – Education Research and Perspectives, 2023
Teacher mental health and wellbeing is neglected in policy relative to student mental health and wellbeing. Yet there are ongoing concerns around teachers' stress levels and their impact on students and teacher shortages. Through a desk-based literature review relevant literature, current reports and statistics were examined to ascertain…
Descriptors: Mental Health, Well Being, Teaching Conditions, Stress Variables
Eloise Griffin – Education Research and Perspectives, 2023
Recent years have seen an increasing emphasis on the role of teachers in promoting and supporting student mental health. It is thus important to understand how teachers' attitudes towards mental health impacts the efficacy of school mental health programs. The aim of this paper was to evaluate, based on a comprehensive review of existing…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Mental Health, Teacher Attitudes, Social Bias
Jane Kirkham – Education Research and Perspectives, 2023
Schools have a key role to play in promoting healthy wellbeing and in teaching the skills important in protecting against mental illness. However, navigating the array of wellbeing practices, initiatives, and programs with a view to deciding which of these are appropriate in any school setting is a challenge. Although current best practice is to…
Descriptors: Well Being, Holistic Approach, Student School Relationship, Figurative Language
Angela Hurley – Education Research and Perspectives, 2023
A sense of belonging is well-established within the empirical literature as a fundamental human need. Enhancing belongingness in schools has become a focus for researchers and policy makers in such contexts. This paper outlines a range of research findings that have demonstrated the impact of a sense of belonging on wellbeing as well as other…
Descriptors: Elementary School Students, Student Attitudes, Student Experience, Well Being
Jarrod Kayler-Thomson – Education Research and Perspectives, 2023
The developmental shifts encountered by boys during adolescence can have long-term implications for mental health. This paper describes a holistic approach to wellbeing and development (the On Queenslea Drive, or OQD, program), which draws upon a traditional Rites of Passage framework to support the development of boys during this period. This…
Descriptors: Males, Adolescents, Social Emotional Learning, Well Being
Rebecca Weddikkara – Education Research and Perspectives, 2023
The transition from primary school to secondary school is an important milestone for young people and the challenges that students face at this time have been widely researched. However, there seems to be a gap in how schools proactively support students to prepare for the transition to ensure that their mental health and wellbeing is at the…
Descriptors: Student Needs, Mental Health, Well Being, Student Adjustment
Kim Luk – Education Research and Perspectives, 2023
Mental health problems are among the most common disabling health conditions in children and adolescents, and there is growing recognition worldwide of the critical role schools, and classroom teachers play in their prevention. For effective prevention and/or intervention, professional development for schools and teachers is crucial; however, this…
Descriptors: Capacity Building, Teacher Role, Mental Health, Children
Lorrena Duce – Education Research and Perspectives, 2023
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent childhood neurodevelopmental disorder. Arising from a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors, along with epigenetic changes during foetal development, ADHD is a lifelong condition that impacts children's academic and social functioning in numerous adverse…
Descriptors: Students with Disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Intervention, Student Behavior
International Students' Mental Health amidst COVID-19--A Systematic Review Based on Current Evidence
Zhao, Jian; Houghton, Stephen; Glasgow, Ken – Education Research and Perspectives, 2022
While the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been widely discussed during the past two years, little attention has been given to international students. This study aimed to systematically review all the empirical studies regarding international students' mental health amidst COVID-19. A search of the peer-reviewed papers was…
Descriptors: Foreign Students, Mental Health, COVID-19, Pandemics
Zhao, Jian; Chapman, Elaine; O'Neill, Marnie – Education Research and Perspectives, 2022
This paper explores existing evidence on indicators of risk to the mental health status of Chinese students studying in Australian universities prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies published from January 1999 to January 2020 were considered. Findings indicated that Chinese students routinely report increased levels of fear, stress, anxiety,…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Mental Health, Risk, College Students
Byrne, David – Education Research and Perspectives, 2021
The history of religion as a school subject, as with the history of the school curriculum in general and the history of individual school subjects in particular, tend to be neglected. As a contribution to that corpus of work, a study of religion as a school subject in Western Australian Catholic schools offers some interesting insights. In…
Descriptors: Clergy, Religious Education, Educational History, Catholic Schools
Hasanah, Amalia – Education Research and Perspectives, 2021
The study reported here aimed to develop an understanding of leadership at the primary school level, particularly regarding madrasah primary schooling, in a context of challenging circumstances geographically and demographically in Indonesia. It investigated three interrelated aspects of madrasah primary school leadership, namely, the historical…
Descriptors: Religious Schools, Instructional Leadership, Islam, Elementary Schools
Deema, Tshe Wang – Education Research and Perspectives, 2021
Based on the premise that leadership needs to be understood within the context in which it is exercised, the study reported here aimed to develop an understanding of leadership at the primary school level in remote regions in Bhutan. In particular, it investigated the current concerns faced by primary school leaders and the strategies adopted by…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Instructional Leadership, Rural Areas, Elementary Schools
Casadio, Ylenia – Education Research and Perspectives, 2021
After World War II there was a push to reinvigorate the economies and industries of Western Europe, and to find methods to avoid the outbreak of more wars in the region. As a result, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was founded in 1952 (European Coal and Steel Community, 2016) an important step towards the full European Union (EU), led…
Descriptors: War, Economic Development, Fuels, Metallurgy
Russell, Penelope – Education Research and Perspectives, 2021
The belief that education systems across Australia can and should be standardised through the application of scientific administration 'from above' dominated education policy at both a national and state level between 1999 and 2015. During that period the teaching of religion for Anglicans in Anglican schools was influenced by State and…
Descriptors: Educational Change, Educational History, Religious Education, Christianity