Articulation (Education) | 3 |
Community Colleges | 3 |
Educational Trends | 3 |
Two Year Colleges | 3 |
College Role | 2 |
Admission Criteria | 1 |
College Admission | 1 |
College School Cooperation | 1 |
College Transfer Students | 1 |
Conflict Resolution | 1 |
Cooperative Programs | 1 |
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Community College Review | 3 |
Publication Type
Journal Articles | 2 |
Historical Materials | 1 |
Information Analyses | 1 |
Education Level
Illinois | 1 |
Laws, Policies, & Programs
Assessments and Surveys
What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Peer reviewed
Zelenski, Joseph F. – Community College Review, 1988
Examines the new high school course requirements for admittance to baccalaureate and community college transfer programs established by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Reviews trends in admissions requirements nationwide. (DMM)
Descriptors: Admission Criteria, Articulation (Education), College Admission, College School Cooperation
Peer reviewed
Richardson, Richard C., Jr. – Community College Review, 1976
Relative newcomers to higher education, community colleges need to assess the past and establish clear future goals. Existing assets need further development. Specific functions should be defined. Integration with the community and program articulation with high schools, vocational and technical schools should be pursued. But conflicts between…
Descriptors: Articulation (Education), College Role, Community Colleges, Conflict Resolution
Peer reviewed
Barkley, Sue Murphey – Community College Review, 1993
Reviews literature appearing since 1985 on changing patterns of community college transfer, the current status of community college articulation, and areas for improvement in the transfer/articulation process. Includes a 21-item bibliography. (DMM)
Descriptors: Articulation (Education), College Role, College Transfer Students, Community Colleges