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Quan-Thanh Huynh; Yu-Chuan Yang – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
Numerous studies have proven the learning benefits of concept maps in science subjects, particularly for students with low prior knowledge. There is a scarcity of research dedicated to the examination of chemistry courses at the university level, and the findings pertaining to academic performance in that subject exhibit a lack of consistency.…
Descriptors: Prior Learning, Concept Mapping, Chemistry, Science Instruction
Brayan Diaz; Arie Aizman – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
The paper presents the design and evaluation of a voluntary online introductory stoichiometry (VOIS) course aimed at facilitating the transition from secondary to higher education. The course utilized simple analogies and adaptive feedback through a formative scaffolding assessment. The study assessed the effectiveness of the VOIS course through…
Descriptors: Stoichiometry, Chemistry, Science Instruction, Online Courses
Canan Nakiboglu; Sri Rahayu; Nuri Nakiboglu; David F. Treagust – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
This study focuses on examining senior high-school students' conceptual understanding and difficulties concerning electrochemistry and comparing patterns of thinking across Turkish and Indonesian contexts. The Electrochemistry Concept Questionnaire (ECQ) was applied to 516 Indonesian and 516 Turkish high school students right after the teaching of…
Descriptors: High School Seniors, Student Evaluation, Chemistry, Scientific Concepts
Astrid Berg; Magnus Hultén – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
The importance of introducing students to mechanistic reasoning (MR) early in their schooling is emphasised in research. The goal of this case study was to contribute with knowledge on how early primary students' (9-10 year-olds) MR in chemistry is expressed and developed in a classroom practice framed by model-based inquiry. The study focuses on…
Descriptors: Elementary School Students, Abstract Reasoning, Chemistry, Scientific Concepts
Laura B. Armstrong; Lauren M. Irie; Kelly Chou; Mariana Rivas; Michelle C. Douskey; Anne M. Baranger – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
For the past decade, the College of Chemistry at UC Berkeley has iteratively redesigned general chemistry laboratory courses to introduce students to green chemistry concepts, while simultaneously using green chemistry as a relevant context to learn chemistry. To investigate the effectiveness of this curriculum we developed approaches to…
Descriptors: Chemistry, Science Instruction, Conservation (Environment), Knowledge Level
Eleni K. Geragosian; Diana Zhu; Marc Skriloff; Ginger V. Shultz – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
Chemistry graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) have substantial facetime with undergraduate students at large research institutions where they lead discussion and lab sessions. Emerging research describes GTAs' content and teaching knowledge for introductory chemistry classes, but we need to know more about how GTAs manage their classes in the…
Descriptors: Teaching Assistants, Chemistry, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students
Tadesse Hagos; Dereje Andargie – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
This study examines how students' conceptual and procedural knowledge of chemical equilibrium is affected by technology-supported formative assessment (TSFA) strategies. This study's embedded/nested mixed method research design was used to achieve the study's objective. A random sampling method was used to choose the sample of two intact classes…
Descriptors: Chemistry, Formative Evaluation, Science Instruction, Scientific Concepts
Julie Hyde; James S. Wright; Andi Xie – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
An investigation was carried out into laboratory practical skills development and students' specific challenges in transition from laboratory chemistry at Chinese High School (HS) to a fully English style university laboratory course. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study of its type investigating practical laboratory skills for a…
Descriptors: Chemistry, Science Instruction, Laboratory Experiments, High School Students
Patricia Moreira; Vicente Talanquer – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
Teaching is a complex activity that demands paying attention to diverse components and relationships that affect the learning process, and acting with intentionality to build and nurture those connections. In this qualitative research study, we proposed and used an intentional-relational framework to explore differences in the relationships that…
Descriptors: College Faculty, Chemistry, Science Instruction, General Education
Ina Zaimi; Amber J. Dood; Ginger V. Shultz – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
Asking students to explain why phenomena occur at a molecular level is vital to increasing their understanding of chemistry concepts. One way to elicit students' mechanistic reasoning and guide construction of knowledge is through Writing-to-Learn (WTL), which is a promising approach for students in organic chemistry courses. In the design of WTL…
Descriptors: Writing Assignments, Teaching Methods, Science Instruction, Scientific Concepts
Ylva Hamnell-Pamment – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
Navigating the observational, symbolic, and theoretical knowledge domains of chemistry is crucial for chemistry sensemaking. However, this has been shown to be particularly challenging for students of chemistry. In order to reach government standards for sensemaking in the chemistry subject, it is important to investigate how chemistry teachers…
Descriptors: Chemistry, Science Instruction, Secondary School Students, Scientific Concepts
Kendall M. Zammit; Megan C. Connor; Jeffrey R. Raker – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
A national survey on chemistry instructional laboratories was administered to faculty members at four-year postsecondary institutions in the United States for the purpose of exploring levels of inquiry-based instruction implemented in laboratory courses. Respondents were asked to rate the level of choice their students had in deciding six key…
Descriptors: Inquiry, Chemistry, Science Instruction, Active Learning
Sofie Ye; Maja Elmgren; Magnus Jacobsson; Felix M. Ho – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
Problem solving in chemical kinetics poses substantial challenges for university students since it often involves significant use of mathematics as a tool and language, with challenging translations and transitions between chemical phenomena and mathematical representations. In this paper, we present key findings from a study investigating…
Descriptors: Problem Solving, Chemistry, Kinetics, Mathematics
Corinna Mönch; Silvija Markic – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
Chemish - the scientific language of chemistry - is crucial for learning chemistry. To help students acquire the competencies to understand and use Chemish, chemistry teachers need to have a sound knowledge of teaching and learning Chemish: Pedagogical Scientific Language Knowledge (PSLK). But still, despite the importance of this knowledge, the…
Descriptors: Chemistry, Science Instruction, Science Teachers, Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Priyanka Lekhi; Trish Varao-Sousa – Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2024
Team-based learning (TBL) is an instructional strategy where students participate in a set of activities including, applying course concepts to real-life case studies in instructor-selected teams. Here, we describe how TBL has been incorporated into a 3rd year, large, environmental chemistry course and investigate the benefits of using this…
Descriptors: Cooperative Learning, Chemistry, Environmental Education, Student Attitudes