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American Psychological Association, 2023
The purpose of this APA BEA Racial Disparities Task Force report is to examine the role of racism and bias on educational opportunity and achievement disparities experienced by children. Specifically, we seek to link racism explicitly to opportunity gaps by examining how racism operates on multiple levels. Using critical race theory,…
Descriptors: Racism, Preschool Education, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Education
APA Task Force on Inequities in Academic Tenure and Promotion – American Psychological Association, 2023
In 2021, APA's Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) and the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP) collaborated to form a task force to examine the issues facing faculty of color within psychological science. A major goal of the report is to provide recommendations for best practices for the promotion and tenure process for faculty of…
Descriptors: College Faculty, Minority Group Teachers, Blacks, African American Teachers
McMahon, Susan Dvorak; Anderman, Eric M.; Astor, Ron Avi; Espelage, Dorothy L.; Martinez, Andrew; Reddy, Linda A.; Worrell, Frank C. – American Psychological Association, 2022
Current and future decisions to leave the field of education affect the quality of schools and the next generations of learners, teachers and school leaders in the nation. Physical and verbal violence directed against teachers may be exacerbating reports of high stress, transfers and leaving the profession. This technical report outlines key…
Descriptors: COVID-19, Pandemics, Violence, Teaching Conditions
McMahon, Susan D.; Anderman, Eric M.; Astor, Ron Avi; Espelage, Dorothy L.; Martinez, Andrew; Reddy, Linda A.; Worrell, Frank C. – American Psychological Association, 2022
The US is experiencing trends of dramatic employee turnover in our nation's schools. Current and future decisions to leave the field of education affect the quality of our schools and the next generations of learners, educators, and school leaders in the nation. Physical and verbal violence directed against educators may be exacerbating reports of…
Descriptors: COVID-19, Pandemics, Violence, Teaching Conditions
American Psychological Association, 2020
Research from psychological science can tell faculty a great deal about how to enhance their teaching and learning in the classroom. This report was inspired primarily by the "Top 20 Principles from Psychology for PreK-12 Teaching and Learning" report published by the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education in 2015. The…
Descriptors: College Instruction, Psychology, College Students, Cognitive Processes
Pade, Hadas; Ingram, Paul; Wright, A. Jordan – American Psychological Association, 2020
This document was developed by Section IX (Assessment) of Division 12 (Clinical Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. Assessment education and training have been directly and significantly impacted by COVID-19. The decisions regarding how to proceed with assessment training during the COVID-19 era rely on many factors and must be…
Descriptors: COVID-19, Pandemics, Psychological Evaluation, Training
American Psychological Association, 2020
This document is the most recent revision of the document originally entitled "Education and Training Guidelines: A Taxonomy for Education and Training in Professional Psychology Health Service Specialties," first approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) Council of Representatives in February 2012. The purpose of this…
Descriptors: Psychology, Health Personnel, Specialization, Doctoral Programs
Michalski, Daniel S.; Cope, Caroline; Fowler, Garth A. – American Psychological Association, 2019
The 2019 Graduate Study in Psychology Summary Report reflects data collected from nearly 500 departments and programs offering master's and doctoral degrees in psychology and related training. Participating departments and programs are listed in the annual Graduate Study in Psychology book and online subscription database, "Graduate Study…
Descriptors: Graduate Study, Graduate Students, College Admission, College Applicants
American Psychological Association, 2019
Psychological science has much to contribute to enhancing teaching and learning in the classroom. Teaching and learning, in turn, are intricately linked to social and behavioral factors of human development, including cognition, motivation, social interaction, and communication. Psychological science also contributes to effective instruction;…
Descriptors: Early Childhood Education, Psychology, Instruction, Learning Processes
American Psychological Association, 2018
The Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) of the American Psychological Association (APA) appointed a task force to articulate what students should know and be able to do at the conclusion of a master's program. Professional organizations such as APA have an obligation to lead the discipline in offering guidance about appropriate learning goals and…
Descriptors: Graduate Students, Masters Degrees, Psychology, Student Educational Objectives
Michalski, Daniel S.; Cope, Caroline; Fowler, Garth A. – American Psychological Association, 2017
The 2018 Graduate Study in Psychology Summary Report reflects data collected from more than 500 departments and programs offering master's and doctoral degrees in psychology and related training. This report features aggregate data from the 2015-2016 academic year that are summarized in the following areas: survey participation; admissions review,…
Descriptors: Graduate Study, Graduate Students, College Admission, College Applicants
American Psychological Association, 2017
Teaching and learning are intricately linked to social and behavioral factors of human development, including cognition, motivation, social interaction, and communication. Psychological science can also provide key insights on effective instruction, classroom environments that promote learning, and appropriate use of assessment, including data,…
Descriptors: Gifted Education, Preschool Education, Elementary Secondary Education, Psychology
Michalski, Daniel S.; Cope, Caroline; Fowler, Garth A. – American Psychological Association, 2016
The 2017 Graduate Study in Psychology Summary Report reflects data collected from more than 500 departments and programs offering master's and doctoral degrees in psychology and related training. This report represents data from the 2014-2015 academic year and aggregates these data in the following areas: survey participation; admissions review,…
Descriptors: Graduate Study, Graduate Students, College Admission, College Applicants
Michalski, Daniel S.; Cope, Caroline; Fowler, Garth A. – American Psychological Association, 2016
The 2016 Graduate Study in Psychology Summary Report reflects data collected from nearly 500 departments and programs offering master's and doctoral degrees in psychology and related training. Participating departments and programs are listed in the annual "Graduate Study in Psychology" book; published each August as a joint effort of…
Descriptors: Graduate Study, Graduate Students, Psychology, Student Attrition
Cope, Caroline; Michalski, Daniel S.; Fowler, Garth A. – American Psychological Association, 2016
The 2016 Graduate Study in Psychology Summary Report reflects data collected from nearly 500 departments and programs offering master's and doctoral degrees in psychology and related training. Participating departments and programs are listed in the annual "Graduate Study in Psychology" book; published each August as a joint effort of…
Descriptors: Graduate Study, Graduate Students, Psychology, Tuition
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