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What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Afterschool Alliance, 2023
Today, students' academic achievement is slowly seeing a return to pre-pandemic trends. Researchers do not estimate a full recovery in the near future, and studies show students continue to struggle with feelings of stress, isolation, anxiety, and depression. As the nation seeks solutions to help young people amidst these struggles, voters and…
Descriptors: After School Programs, Summer Programs, Parent Attitudes, Community Attitudes
Afterschool Alliance, 2023
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, enacted in March 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, has been a lifeline for communities across the nation. The ARP Act included $122 billion to support schools through the ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund, with a minimum of $22 billion (or 20 percent) to be spent on…
Descriptors: Federal Aid, Pandemics, Emergency Programs, COVID-19
Afterschool Alliance, 2023
From coding to cooking classes and from meals to mentorship, 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) provide essential supports before school, after school, and during the summer months. These programs complement students' school-day lessons, introduce them to new areas of interest, help spark passions that could be the inception point…
Descriptors: Community Centers, Community Resources, 21st Century Skills, Enrichment
Afterschool Alliance, 2023
In a survey of 1,016 afterschool program providers conducted between October 24 and November 30, 2022, 94% report that they are open, with majorities providing their students with academic supports, opportunities to connect with their peers, and time to build foundational skills. Although the above are positive signs pointing to a post-COVID…
Descriptors: After School Programs, COVID-19, Pandemics, Student Participation
Afterschool Alliance, 2022
Finding staff to hire or staffing shortages, and maintaining staff levels through health concerns and safety protocols are the top two concerns among afterschool providers based on the "Afterschool in the Time of COVID-19" Wave 6 survey, conducted by Edge Research between November 1 and December 13, 2021. While staffing challenges are…
Descriptors: After School Programs, COVID-19, Pandemics, Barriers
Afterschool Alliance, 2022
As the end of the school year approaches and families face another pandemic summer, a new survey of afterschool and summer programs brings some encouraging news: Providers are more likely to be open and operating in person this summer and are more optimistic about a return to normal than in previous surveys. However, providers also anticipate…
Descriptors: Summer Programs, After School Programs, Program Administration, In Person Learning
Afterschool Alliance, 2022
Afterschool programs inspire kids to learn, help them make better decisions, and give parents peace of mind. Throughout the pandemic, 21st Century Community Learning Centers have kept kids engaged and learning and met the needs of families nationwide. But the demand for these programs far exceeds the supply. 21st Century Community Learning Centers…
Descriptors: After School Programs, Community Centers, Summer Programs, Student Needs
Afterschool Alliance, 2022
Parents increasingly view afterschool as important to the healthy development of children. Afterschool programs support healthy development. Parents of color and families with low incomes especially value afterschool's role in supporting healthy development. America After 3PM is a nationally representative survey of randomly selected adults who…
Descriptors: Parents, Caregivers, Legal Responsibility, Child Custody
Afterschool Alliance, 2022
More than two years into the pandemic, individuals and institutions alike have faced significant hardships caused by COVID-19, which has had a serious impact on the health, economic stability, and overall well-being of the country. For the afterschool field, the pandemic has caused disruption to services, increased operational costs, and put…
Descriptors: Emergency Programs, Federal Aid, COVID-19, Pandemics
Afterschool Alliance, 2022
At a time of deep partisan divides, Afterschool Alliance surveys have found an area of consensus around support for afterschool and summer learning programs. Across the political spectrum, parents identifying as Democratic, Independent, and Republican strongly agree that afterschool and summer learning programs are keeping kids safe, inspiring…
Descriptors: After School Programs, Summer Programs, Political Attitudes, Political Influences
Afterschool Alliance, 2022
A new survey of approximately 1,500 parents or guardians of school-age children provides a snapshot of the current afterschool program landscape, documenting that while children and families who are able to access afterschool programs report high levels of satisfaction, for every child in an afterschool program, there are four more who are waiting…
Descriptors: Parents, Elementary School Students, High School Students, After School Programs
Afterschool Alliance, 2021
Getting more young people engaged in STEM is essential in part because jobs in STEM continue to grow at rates double those of non-STEM professions. Providing greater opportunities for STEM learning isn't just about preparing the future workforce. As the world continues to rely more and more on technology, everyone will require a greater level of…
Descriptors: After School Programs, STEM Education, Barriers, Equal Education
Afterschool Alliance, 2021
As the world continues to rely more and more on technology, everyone will require a greater level of STEM literacy and fluency to understand how science and technology play a role. Greater STEM literacy also helps prepare students to better understand challenges and issues that affect them and their communities. Hands-on STEM learning…
Descriptors: After School Programs, STEM Education, Barriers, Equal Education
Afterschool Alliance, 2021
This report aims to provide a current picture of the afterschool and summer program experience for children and families in rural America, using data from the most recent America After 3PM study. Building off findings from the previous 2009 and 2014 America After 3PM studies, "Spiking Demand, Growing Barriers: The Trends Shaping Afterschool…
Descriptors: After School Programs, Summer Programs, Rural Areas, Parent Attitudes
Afterschool Alliance, 2021
This is the executive summary for the report "Spiking Demand, Growing Barriers: The Trends Shaping Afterschool and Summer Learning in Rural Communities," which aims to provide a current picture of the afterschool and summer program experience for children and families in rural America, using data from the most recent America After 3PM…
Descriptors: After School Programs, Summer Programs, Rural Areas, Parent Attitudes