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Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2024
Since 1997, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) has published the Newark Kids Count Data Book, a one-stop source for child well-being data on the state's largest city. Newark Kids Count includes the latest statistics, along with five-year trend data, in the following areas: demographics, family economic security, child health, child…
Descriptors: Children, Well Being, Population Trends, Racial Differences
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2023
Advocates for Children of New Jersey's latest report, "Still No Room for Babies: Child Care Staffing Crisis Impacts Supply of Infant-Toddler Child Care," reveals a widespread shortage of infant and toddler child care. A statewide survey of child care centers serving infants and toddlers found that licensed centers have the capacity to…
Descriptors: Child Caregivers, Labor Market, Supply and Demand, Infants
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2023
Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) is proud to be publishing the third Trenton Kids Count Data Book in over 20 years, a one-stop source for child well-being data on the state's capital city. Trenton Kids Count includes the latest statistics, along with data trends, in the following areas: demographics, family economic security, child…
Descriptors: Well Being, Children, Educational Trends, Enrollment Trends
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2023
Since 1997, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) has published the Newark Kids Count Data Book, a one-stop source for child well-being data on the state's largest city. Newark Kids Count includes the latest statistics, along with five-year trend data, in the following areas: demographics, family economic security, child health, child…
Descriptors: Children, Well Being, Demography, Family Income
Dellanno, Diane; Rice, Cynthia – Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2022
As of July 2022, child care employment in the United States was still 8.4% below what it was in February 2020 with nearly 90,000 child care professionals leaving the workforce for higher-paying and less stressful jobs. Although New Jersey's child care employment has been rising, the numbers have not reached pre-pandemic levels. This ongoing child…
Descriptors: Child Caregivers, Labor Market, Supply and Demand, Infants
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2022
For 25 years, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) has published the Newark Kids Count Data Book, a one-stop source for child well-being data on the state's largest city. Newark Kids Count includes the latest statistics, along with five-year trend data, in the following areas: demographics, family economic security, child health, child…
Descriptors: Well Being, Children, Educational Trends, Enrollment Trends
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2022
Beginning in 2011, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) started publishing the Paterson Kids Count Data Book, a one-stop source for child well-being data on the state's third largest city. Paterson Kids Count includes the latest statistics, along with five-year trend data, in the following areas: demographics, family economic security,…
Descriptors: Well Being, Children, Demography, Family Income
Vega, Alana; Chen, Peter – Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2021
This data snapshot is a second report in a two-part series, "Newark Kids Count Data Snapshot: The Impact of COVID-19." In 2021, data releases from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as well as the U.S. Census Bureau, have demonstrated the ways in which college students have shifted their educational plans as a result of COVID-19. This…
Descriptors: COVID-19, Pandemics, School Closing, Grade 12
Vega, Alana – Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2021
This year, Newark Kids Count looks a bit different. Rather than a comprehensive data report, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) will be releasing smaller "snapshots," showing the impact of the pandemic on children and families with data currently obtained that can provide some insight for stakeholders in Newark. This first data…
Descriptors: COVID-19, Pandemics, School Closing, Economic Impact
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2021
While the importance of the period from birth to age three as the most promising and possibly consequential stage of human development has gained attention over the last quarter century, public investments in children's early learning opportunities have remained inadequate. The nation, as well as the state of New Jersey, invests the fewest public…
Descriptors: Preschool Children, Preschool Education, Child Development, Educational Finance
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2020
For more than 20 years, Advocates for Children of New Jersey has published the Newark Kids Count Data Book, a one-stop source for child well-being data on the state's largest city. Newark Kids Count includes the latest statistics, along with five-year trend data, in the following areas: demographics, family economic security, food insecurity,…
Descriptors: Student Characteristics, Population Trends, Geographic Location, Children
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2020
Federal and state education laws have not changed since the COVID-19 outbreak. Because they were not meant to be implemented during a pandemic, schools and parents are facing barriers in implementing IEPs and 504 plans with remote learning at home. More than ever students will need strong advocates to express concerns and collaborate with school…
Descriptors: School Closing, Barriers, Distance Education, Individualized Education Programs
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2019
For more than 20 years, Advocates for Children of New Jersey has published the Newark Kids Count Data Book, a one-stop source for child well-being data on the state's largest city. Newark Kids Count includes the latest statistics, along with five-year trend data, in the following areas: demographics, family economic security, food insecurity,…
Descriptors: Student Characteristics, Population Trends, Geographic Location, Children
Chen, Peter; Dellanno, Diane; Frascella, Chris – Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2019
New Jersey is a national leader in paid family leave. Currently, only five states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation that allow parents to take paid leave to bond with their new children, whether that child was born into the family, adopted or is being fostered. Thanks to new legislation signed by Governor Murphy in February…
Descriptors: Leaves of Absence, Fringe Benefits, Employed Parents, State Legislation
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, 2018
For over 20 years, Advocates for Children of New Jersey has published the Newark Kids Count Data Book, a one-stop source for child well-being data on the state's largest city. Newark Kids Count includes the latest statistics, along with five-year trend data, in the following areas: demographics, family economic security, food insecurity, child…
Descriptors: Student Characteristics, Population Trends, Geographic Location, Children
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