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Kercher, Lydia; McClurg, Patricia – 1985
This paper explores the issue of how, when, and where to teach keyboarding at the elementary school level through a review of the keyboarding literature and descriptions of three studies conducted with fifth grade students in the laboratory school at the University of Wyoming. The literature review briefly summarizes findings on the following…
Descriptors: Achievement Rating, Comparative Analysis, Creative Writing, Grade 5
Dundon, F. J.; Holliday, P. M. – Aspects of Educational and Training Technology Series, 1992
To determine if initial keyboard training resulted in more effective use of capital investment, two groups were tested: one received keyboard training using a manual typewriter, the other trained in word processing on a computer. Keyboarding was tested before and after and student attitudes were surveyed. Concluded that keyboard training is cost…
Descriptors: Computers, Cost Effectiveness, Efficiency, Investment
Hall, Carol S. – 1985
Keyboarding was taught to a group of 26 fourth- and fifth-grade students in a self-contained classroom by an elementary classroom teacher using an Apple IIe microcomputer and two software programs: "Gregg Personal Keyboarding" and "Typing Tutor II." Intervention spanned 52 class days, including pre-, mid-, and posttest days,…
Descriptors: Classroom Research, Computer Literacy, Computer Software, Elementary Education
Ball, Stanley – 1985
In all likelihood, computer use in early childhood will continue to increase. However, there is reason for concern about how computers will be placed into classrooms, what activities will be chosen for children, what interactions will take place, and whether these interactions will consider appropriate readiness and development levels. Computers…
Descriptors: Cognitive Development, Computer Software, Criteria, Elementary School Students
Gerlach, Gail J. – 1987
This investigation of the effect of typing skill on using a word processor for composition hypothesized that students who had learned keyboarding skills would: (1) write longer essays when using a word processor; (2) revise their essays more when using a word processor; (3) feel more positive about typing when using a word processor than students…
Descriptors: Analysis of Covariance, Computer Assisted Instruction, Grade 4, Hypothesis Testing
Mikkelsen, Vincent P.; Gerlach, Gail – 1988
This study tested the effectiveness of a typing tutorial in teaching keyboarding skills to middle- and upper-grade elementary school students in both supervised and unsupervised environments. Subjects were 56 students enrolled in grades three through six, who were divided into two groups, supervised and unsupervised, and subdivided by grade (third…
Descriptors: Analysis of Covariance, Attention, Computer Assisted Instruction, Elementary Education
This document contains the following full and short papers on humanities and learning technology from ICCE/ICCAI 2000 (International Conference on Computers in Education/International Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction): (1) "A Web-Based EFL Writing Environment: Integrating Information for Learners, Teachers, and Researchers"…
Descriptors: Cognitive Style, Computer Uses in Education, Educational Technology, Elementary Secondary Education
Saka, Thomas – 1986
Five adults with developmental disabilities participated in a keyboard skills training program employing color coded keys and typing drills. Through typing skills, the subjects were taught basic computer operations such as taking disk directories, loading programs and executing the programs. Repetitious learning was the model used. Data collected…
Descriptors: Adults, Computers, Developmental Disabilities, Keyboarding (Data Entry)
Borthwick, Arlene Grambo – 1993
Forty-one research studies completed between 1929 and 1983 investigated the effects of typewriting on the development of children's language arts skills. Information about each of the studies was entered in a Lotus 1-2-3 database containing 43 fields. Effect sizes were calculated for 21 studies. The collected evidence suggests a small positive…
Descriptors: Computer Assisted Instruction, Elementary Education, Elementary School Students, Keyboarding (Data Entry)
Ruby, Ralph, Jr. – 1983
In some aspects, high school business education is the answer to the computer advocate's prayer. Because business education on the secondary level deals in part with numbers, measurement, word processing, and transfer of data by electronic means, it invites computer-aided instruction (CAI) and computer-managed instruction (CMI). The first…
Descriptors: Business Education, Computer Assisted Instruction, Computer Managed Instruction, Computer Programs
Ettinger, Blanche – 1982
A study identified competencies needed by secretarial and supervisory/managerial personnel in word processing (WP) environments and used the data collected to develop guidelines for a WP curriculum for two-year postsecondary institutions. Data on competencies, knowledge, and behavioral traits that individuals should possess to perform jobs in WP…
Descriptors: Competence, Core Curriculum, Curriculum Development, Employee Attitudes
Dalton, David W.; Watson, James F. – 1986
This study examined the effects of a year-long word processing program on learners' holistic writing skills. Based on results of a writing pretest, 80 seventh grade students were designated as relatively high or low in prior writing achievement and assigned to one of two groups: a word processing treatment and a conventional writing process…
Descriptors: Academic Achievement, Aptitude Treatment Interaction, Factor Analysis, Grade 7
Feldmann, Shirley C.; And Others – 1989
This observational study examined student and teacher verbal and nonverbal behaviors in microcomputer classrooms in a high school where most of the students are Black, Hispanic, or Asian, and almost half of them are classified as economically disadvantaged. A total of 125 students in grades 9 to 12 were observed, with 47 students in marketing, 18…
Descriptors: Classroom Observation Techniques, Computer Uses in Education, Economically Disadvantaged, Educational Sociology
Stoecker, John W. – 1988
This study assessed the status of touch-typing in school districts in Oregon and Washington, and developed and field tested a comprehensive training program designed to prepare elementary teachers to teach touch-typing skills to elementary students. There were four major activities: (1) a questionnaire was developed and mailed to a random sample…
Descriptors: Computer Software, Elementary Education, Elementary School Students, Elementary School Teachers
Wang, Chien-hsing – 2002
This study investigated issues related to the project-based learning (PBL) approach using Web technology. Action research methodology was employed for the investigation. Data included online discussions, an online questionnaire, and the transcripts of face-to-face instruction. Content analysis was used for data analysis. The findings showed that…
Descriptors: Computer Assisted Instruction, Content Analysis, Distance Education, Instructional Effectiveness