Publication Date
In 2025 | 0 |
Since 2024 | 0 |
Since 2021 (last 5 years) | 0 |
Since 2016 (last 10 years) | 0 |
Since 2006 (last 20 years) | 1 |
Anders, Thomas F. | 1 |
Bailey, Glenn A. | 1 |
Fleming-McCormick, Treseen | 1 |
Hales, Robert E. | 1 |
Howell, Lydia P. | 1 |
Kurth, Linda A. | 1 |
Rader, Martha H. | 1 |
Shahrokh, Narriman C. | 1 |
Smith, Theodore R. | 1 |
Wobschall, Marguerite | 1 |
Publication Type
Journal Articles | 2 |
Reports - Descriptive | 2 |
Reports - Research | 2 |
Guides - Non-Classroom | 1 |
Legal/Legislative/Regulatory… | 1 |
Education Level
Higher Education | 2 |
Postsecondary Education | 1 |
Two Year Colleges | 1 |
Administrators | 1 |
Practitioners | 1 |
Laws, Policies, & Programs
Assessments and Surveys
What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Rader, Martha H.; Bailey, Glenn A.; Kurth, Linda A. – Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, 2008
This study examined the validity of various measures of speed and accuracy for assessing proficiency in speech recognition. The study specifically compared two different word-count indices for speed and accuracy (the 5-stroke word and the 1.4-syllable standard word) on a timing administered to 114 speech recognition students measured at 1-, 2-,…
Descriptors: Speech, Recognition (Psychology), Syllables, Intervals
Smith, Theodore R.; Wobschall, Marguerite – 1989
These guidelines have been developed to assist California State Department of Education staff members in organizing a manuscript so that it is clear, and will require a minimum of rewriting, editing, and keyboarding before it is sent for publication. The intention is to give staff members a better idea of what is expected of them as authors, and…
Descriptors: Authors, Board of Education Policy, Desktop Publishing, Editing
Fleming-McCormick, Treseen; And Others – 1995
This paper examines how technology was used to enhance instruction in schools that are viewed as "promising" in their technology use by individuals in state education agencies. Four elementary, three middle and two high schools from Arizona, California and Nevada were examined. Extensive document review and telephone interviews were…
Descriptors: Computer Assisted Instruction, Computer Uses in Education, Curriculum Development, Elementary Schools
Anders, Thomas F.; Hales, Robert E.; Shahrokh, Narriman C.; Howell, Lydia P. – Academic Psychiatry, 2004
Objective: This article describes a data entry and analysis system called Mission-Based Reporting (MBR) that is used to measure faculty and department activities related to specific academic missions and objectives. The purpose of MBR is to provide a reporting tool useful in evaluating faculty effort and in helping chairs 1) to better assess their…
Descriptors: Medical Schools, Psychiatry, Public Service, Behavioral Sciences