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Anabela Abreu Malpique; Debora Valcan; Deborah Pino-Pasternak; Susan Ledger; Bronte Kelso-Marsh – Issues in Educational Research, 2023
There is a strong body of research showing associations between handwriting automaticity and children's writing performance. However, less is known about keyboarding automaticity and young students' writing performance. We investigated the relationship between handwriting and keyboarding automaticity and writing performance in both modalities in a…
Descriptors: Handwriting, Office Occupations, Writing Achievement, Teaching Methods
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Wu, Zhenhua; Chiang, Feng-Kuang – Interactive Learning Environments, 2022
Recent years, dramatic changes in the mode of writing have occurred. Computers and other digital devices are increasingly replacing writing by hand. The sensory-motor experiences of typing (e.g. visual, haptic, motor) are different from those used in handwriting. Therefore, the influence and effect of keyboarding on linguistic performance,…
Descriptors: Keyboarding (Data Entry), English (Second Language), Second Language Learning, Vocabulary Development
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Donica, Denise K.; Giroux, Peter; Faust, Amber – Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Early Intervention, 2018
Using computers and keyboarding skills for written communication have been common adaptations recommended by occupational therapists which are now important for all students. We used a quasi-experimental, pre-test/post-test design to examine the effectiveness of a developmentally based curriculum, Keyboarding Without Tears®, as compared to free…
Descriptors: Keyboarding (Data Entry), Elementary School Students, Instructional Effectiveness, Skill Development
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Joane Deneault; Natalie Lavoie – Journal of Educational Research, 2024
Little is known about students' engagement in school writing tasks and the methods that should be used by the researchers to assess this engagement. This exploratory study examines the relationship between the engagement reported by elementary school students (N = 136) in a handwriting and keyboarding activity (Likert scale questionnaire) and…
Descriptors: Learner Engagement, Handwriting, Keyboarding (Data Entry), Learning Activities
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Spilling, Eivor Finset; Rønneberg, Vibeke; Rogne, Wenke Mork; Roeser, Jens; Torrance, Mark – Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2022
To date, there is no clear evidence to support choosing handwriting over keyboarding or vice versa as the modality children should use when they first learn to write. 102 Norwegian first-grade children from classrooms that used both electronic touchscreen keyboard on a digital tablet and pencil-and-paper for writing instruction wrote narratives in…
Descriptors: Handwriting, Keyboarding (Data Entry), Beginning Writing, Story Telling
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Jiménez, Juan E.; Marco, Isaac; Suárez, Natalia; González, Desirée – Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2017
This study had two purposes: examining the internal structure of the "Test Estandarizado para la Evaluación Inicial de la Escritura con Teclado" (TEVET; Spanish Keyboarding Writing Test), and analyzing the development of keyboarding skills in Spanish elementary school children with and without learning disabilities (LD) in writing. A…
Descriptors: Spanish, Keyboarding (Data Entry), Foreign Countries, Elementary School Students
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Kim, Ahyoung Alicia; Lee, Shinhye; Chapman, Mark; Wilmes, Carsten – TESOL Quarterly: A Journal for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and of Standard English as a Second Dialect, 2019
This study aimed to investigate how Grade 1-2 English language learners (ELLs) differ in their performance on a writing test in two test modes: paper and online. Participants were 139 ELLs in the United States. They completed three writing tasks, representing three test modes: (1) a paper in which students completed their writing using a…
Descriptors: Elementary School Students, English (Second Language), Second Language Learning, Second Language Instruction
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Peake, Christian; Diaz, Alicia; Artiles, Ceferino – Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2017
This study examined the relationship and degree of predictability that the fluency of writing the alphabet from memory and the selection of allographs have on measures of fluency and accuracy of spelling in a free-writing sentence task when keyboarding. The "Test Estandarizado para la Evaluación de la Escritura con Teclado"…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Alphabets, Spelling, Sentences
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Alves, Rui A.; Limpo, Teresa; Fidalgo, Raquel; Carvalhais, Lénia; Pereira, Luísa Álvares; Castro, São Luís – Journal of Educational Psychology, 2016
Writing development seems heavily dependent upon the automatization of transcription. This study aimed to further investigate the link between transcription and writing by examining the effects of promoting handwriting and spelling skills on a comprehensive set of writing measures (viz., bursts and pauses, levels of written language, and writing…
Descriptors: Transcripts (Written Records), Writing (Composition), Writing Processes, Writing Instruction
Mary Schaeffer – ProQuest LLC, 2021
This study will utilize a quantitative method to the explore the association between third grade students' home computer access and their ability to attain a proficient score on the Fall 2019 English Language Arts standardized state assessment. The secondary focus will explore the association between third grade students' home computer access and…
Descriptors: Elementary School Students, Grade 3, Access to Computers, Computer Uses in Education
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Beers, Scott F.; Berninger, Virginia; Mickail, Terry; Abbott, Robert – Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2018
Participants in this study completed an online experiment in which they wrote essays by stylus or keyboard. Three translation measures (length of language burst, length of pauses, and rate of pausing) and four transcription measures (total words, total time, words/minute, and percent spelling errors) for composition were analyzed for two research…
Descriptors: Educational Experiments, Comparative Analysis, Writing Processes, Essays
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Dunn, Michael; Miller, Darcy – International Journal for Research in Learning Disabilities, 2016
Students with learning disabilities in writing often experience challenges with many or all of the components of creating text. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2012), 95% of 8th- and 12th-grade students with disabilities failed to score within the proficient range in writing. This multiple-baseline-across-participants…
Descriptors: Writing Improvement, Mnemonics, Handheld Devices, Learning Disabilities
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Bisschop, Elaine; Morales, Celia; Gil, Verónica; Jiménez-Suárez, Elizabeth – Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2017
The aim of this study was to analyze whether children with and without difficulties in handwriting, spelling, or both differed in alphabet writing when using a keyboard. The total sample consisted of 1,333 children from Grades 1 through 3. Scores on the spelling and handwriting factors from the "Early Grade Writing Assessment" (Jiménez,…
Descriptors: Keyboarding (Data Entry), Alphabets, Accuracy, Elementary School Students
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Carver, Lin B.; Todd, Carol – Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 2016
Classroom teachers sometimes struggle trying to find time during the typical school day to provide the writing instruction students need to be successful. This study examined 29 fifth through twelfth grade classroom teachers' survey responses about their perception of the effectiveness of using an online blogging tool, Kidblog, to plan and provide…
Descriptors: Teaching Methods, Writing Instruction, Electronic Publishing, Elementary School Teachers
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Lee, Young-Jin – Gifted Child Today, 2011
Despite the educational benefits, computer programming has not been adopted in the current K-12 education as much as it could have been. One of the reasons for the low adoption of computer programming in K-12 education is the time it takes for (especially young) students to learn computer programming using a text-based programming language, which…
Descriptors: Academically Gifted, Programming Languages, Computers, Programming
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