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Since 2020 (last 5 years) | 0 |
Since 2015 (last 10 years) | 2 |
Since 2005 (last 20 years) | 3 |
Educational Finance | 3 |
Educational Quality | 3 |
Educational Resources | 3 |
Finance Reform | 3 |
Budgeting | 2 |
Budgets | 2 |
Class Size | 2 |
Economic Impact | 2 |
Educational Assessment | 2 |
Educational Indicators | 2 |
Educational Policy | 2 |
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Baker, Bruce D. | 3 |
Publication Type
Reports - Evaluative | 3 |
Education Level
Elementary Secondary Education | 2 |
Higher Education | 1 |
Massachusetts | 1 |
Michigan | 1 |
United States | 1 |
Laws, Policies, & Programs
Assessments and Surveys
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Baker, Bruce D. – Learning Policy Institute, 2017
For decades, some politicians and pundits have argued that "money does not make a difference" for school outcomes. While it is certainly possible to spend money poorly, this viewpoint is strongly contradicted by a large body of evidence from rigorous empirical research. A thorough review of research on the role of money in determining…
Descriptors: Educational Finance, Outcomes of Education, Public Schools, Resource Allocation
Baker, Bruce D. – Albert Shanker Institute, 2016
This second edition policy brief revisits the long and storied literature on whether money matters in providing a quality education. It includes research released since the original brief in 2012 and covers a handful of additional topics. Increasingly, political rhetoric adheres to the unfounded certainty that money does not make a difference in…
Descriptors: State Schools, Educational Finance, Educational Quality, Educational Policy
Baker, Bruce D. – Albert Shanker Institute, 2012
This policy brief revisits the long and storied literature on whether money matters in providing a quality education. Increasingly, political rhetoric adheres to the unfounded certainty that money doesn't make a difference in education, and that reduced funding is unlikely to harm educational quality. Such proclamations have even been used to…
Descriptors: State Schools, Educational Finance, Educational Quality, Educational Policy