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Carie Cardamone; Christopher M. Schonhoff – Advances in Physiology Education, 2024
The objective of the present study was to investigate whether class participation correlates with academic performance in a biochemistry and metabolism course for first-year veterinary school students. To increase engagement in this course, students had the opportunity to answer Poll Everywhere questions during many lectures in the course. These…
Descriptors: Academic Achievement, Veterinary Medical Education, Student Participation, Graduate Students
Terrado, José; Gómez, Olga; Chicharro, Deborah; García-Manzanares, Maria; Juárez, Miriam; Romo-Barrientos, Carmen; Mohedano-Moriano, Alicia; Criado-Álvarez, Juan José – Anatomical Sciences Education, 2023
The use of cadavers is essential for veterinary anatomy learning. However, facing an animal corpse can be stressful for veterinary students because of their empathy toward animals. The objective of this study was to evaluate veterinary medicine students' emotions, feelings, and anxiety levels related to practicals with dog cadavers. Two…
Descriptors: Anxiety, Emotional Response, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Medical Education
Rocha-Martínez, Nadia; López-Ordaz, Reyes; Rendón-Franco, Emilio; Muñoz-García, Claudia I. – Anatomical Sciences Education, 2023
Wildlife veterinarians are necessary for zoonotic diseases and species loss management, and there is a rising interest to enroll at veterinary schools with the wish to work in zoo and wildlife medicine. However, teaching wildlife is challenging due to the difficulty faced by universities to work with wild animal specimens. The aim of the present…
Descriptors: Wildlife, Veterinary Medicine, Health Personnel, Veterinary Medical Education
Lauren Wisnieski; Kimberly Carney; Gary Vroegindewey – International Society for Technology, Education, and Science, 2023
Studies have shown Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to be associated with reduced academic performance. To the best of our knowledge, there are no studies on ACEs and academic performance in veterinary students. We conducted a survey among veterinary students to collect data on ACEs and demographics. We linked survey data to repository data…
Descriptors: College Students, Veterinary Medical Education, Early Experience, Trauma
Miller, Dan J.; Noble, Prisca; Medlen, Sue; Jones, Karina; Munns, Suzanne L. – Journal of Experimental Education, 2023
The cognitive load imposed by instruction is an important consideration for instructional designers. Theoretical models have traditionally divided total cognitive load into intrinsic, extrinsic, and germane load. The 10-item Cognitive Load Inventory (CLI-10) is designed to measure these three types of cognitive load. It is typically administered…
Descriptors: Psychometrics, Cognitive Processes, Difficulty Level, Factor Analysis
Cláudia S. Baptista; Pedro Oliveira; Laura Ribeiro – Journal of Academic Ethics, 2024
Animals are frequently utilized as a teaching-learning tool in multiple educational settings. It is, therefore, important to understand what students think about this topic, in particular medical and veterinary students as "life caregivers" and competent people for a dynamic and responsible social intervention. In this context, this…
Descriptors: Undergraduate Students, Student Attitudes, Animals, Medical Education
Craig I. Johnson; Lucy E. Hyde; Thomas Cornwall; Michelle Spear – Anatomical Sciences Education, 2024
At the University of Bristol, we established a novel dissection course to complement our anatomy degree. Students enrolled in this undergraduate course are trained as comparative anatomists, with equal time given to both human and veterinary anatomy. Historically, students opted to dissect either human or veterinary donors as part of the course.…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Higher Education, Courses, Anatomy
Taliaferro, Megan – Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges, 2023
A distributive model of education has recently become a popular method for training veterinary technicians in the United States. Although this model has significant benefits, such as decreased cost of program infrastructure, there are significant challenges in managing students and their clinical skill acquisition using private veterinary…
Descriptors: Clinical Experience, Supplementary Education, Veterinary Medical Education, Allied Health Personnel
Chicharro, Deborah; García-Manzanares, María; Gomez, Olga; Juárez, Miriam; Llamazares-Martín, Clara; Soriano, Enrique; Terrado, Jose – Advances in Physiology Education, 2022
Gamification is a dynamic tool for educational transformation useful to encourage student interest and enhance learning. Here we present a study conducted to investigate the effectiveness of an educational card game developed by us in veterinary anatomy practicals to reinforce knowledge acquisition in veterinary students. A total of four sets of…
Descriptors: Veterinary Medical Education, Anatomy, Gamification, Educational Games
Collins, Danielle M.; Maness, Heather T. D.; Colee, James; Larkin, Iskande V. – Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 2023
Three online courses at the authors' institution have successfully used an extensive guest lecturer format (N = 22-30) for almost 10 years. The course design facilitates networking within the relatively small but diverse and global field of aquatic animal health. In this study of students' learning experiences, students perceived the courses as…
Descriptors: College Students, Student Experience, Student Attitudes, Lecture Method
Sandra F. San Miguel; Lindley McDavid – Journal of STEM Outreach, 2024
League of VetaHumanz uses a nationwide network of university-community partnerships to provide veterinary STEM learning experiences for children who are more likely to lack access to enriching, supplemental educational opportunities due to systemic barriers based on their race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. To include participation beyond…
Descriptors: STEM Education, Learning Activities, Veterinary Medical Education, STEM Careers
Kit Heintzman – Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, 2023
In the 1760s, France was the first European kingdom to formalise veterinary education. The world's first veterinary school was sponsored by Louis XV after receiving a proposal from equestrian and educator Claude Bourgelat. At the time, Bourgelat was a recognised expert on equine anatomy, medicine, and riding. The principal function of veterinary…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Educational History, European History, Veterinary Medical Education
Laras Firdaus; Masiah; Ibrohim; Sri Rahayu Lestari; Akhmad Sukri; Sri Nopita Primawati – Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 2024
The conception of learning is a psychological construct that influences learning outcomes. Therefore, many researchers have explored the concept of learning, especially in higher education. This study aims to identify students' conceptions of learning based on differences in majors. Identifying student learning conceptions is very important for…
Descriptors: Student Attitudes, Learning, Majors (Students), College Students
Gordon, Stuart J. G.; Bolwell, Charlotte F.; Raney, Jessica L.; Zepke, Nick – Education Sciences, 2022
Problem-solving abilities, creative and critical thinking, communication skills, and teamwork are now recognized as fundamental determinants of professional success, especially in vocational professions, such as veterinary science. Tertiary education is now obliged to provide opportunities for students to become proficient in these qualities. With…
Descriptors: Lecture Method, Student Centered Learning, Active Learning, Learning Activities
Langton, Philip D.; MacMillan, Frances M.; Palmer, Zoe J. – Advances in Physiology Education, 2021
We describe an inquiry activity that aims to develop students' ability to interpret findings that span whole body systems and so encourage the integration of knowledge. The scenario we choose was the physiological challenge posed by diarrhea and the physiological mechanisms that underpin oral rehydration therapy. Before the staff-facilitated…
Descriptors: Cooperative Learning, Problem Solving, Physiology, Medical Services