Publication Date
In 2024 | 1 |
Since 2023 | 2 |
Since 2020 (last 5 years) | 4 |
Since 2015 (last 10 years) | 6 |
Since 2005 (last 20 years) | 26 |
Guidance Objectives | 653 |
Guidance Programs | 256 |
Counselor Role | 137 |
Career Guidance | 130 |
School Counseling | 123 |
Elementary Secondary Education | 121 |
Guidance | 103 |
Secondary Education | 94 |
Program Development | 91 |
Career Counseling | 88 |
School Guidance | 88 |
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Henderson, Patricia | 5 |
Jones, G. Brian | 5 |
Gysbers, Norman C. | 4 |
Hays, Donald G. | 4 |
Herr, Edwin L. | 4 |
Mitchell, Anita M. | 4 |
Monroe, Virginia | 4 |
Campbell, Robert E. | 3 |
Cooper, Irene | 3 |
Doverspike, James E. | 3 |
Drier, Harry N. | 3 |
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Education Level
Practitioners | 49 |
Counselors | 23 |
Administrators | 12 |
Policymakers | 8 |
Teachers | 7 |
Parents | 4 |
Students | 3 |
Researchers | 2 |
Support Staff | 1 |
Arizona (Mesa) | 15 |
Canada | 10 |
Illinois | 5 |
Maryland | 5 |
Texas | 5 |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) | 5 |
United States | 5 |
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California | 3 |
Connecticut | 3 |
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Laws, Policies, & Programs
Elementary and Secondary… | 5 |
Education Amendments 1976 | 1 |
Elementary and Secondary… | 1 |
G I Bill | 1 |
Assessments and Surveys
Learning Style Inventory | 1 |
National Assessment of… | 1 |
National Longitudinal Study… | 1 |
Strong Campbell Interest… | 1 |
Watson Glaser Critical… | 1 |
What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Jonathan Feingold; Joshua Weishart – National Education Policy Center, 2023
"Discriminatory censorship laws" regulate classroom conversations about racism, gender identity, and other topics targeted in the backlash against efforts toward inclusive classrooms and curricula. This policy brief examines the proliferation of these laws and their impact on K-12 schools, including the creation of hostile learning…
Descriptors: Censorship, Legislation, Social Discrimination, Guidance Objectives
Genevieve Thraves – Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 2024
Gifted education has been recognised as a fractured field that can be categorised using varying paradigmatic approaches. Over the past thirty years, Gagne's Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talents (DMGT) has maintained a strong influence in Australia, which means that the paradigmatic assumptions that are present in this model have shaped…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Gifted Education, Educational Policy, Web Sites
Roy, Partha – Online Submission, 2020
Career guidance plays an important role in helping product markets work and education systems to meet their goals. Because the choice of a career is undeniably one of the most crucial decisions one makes in life. The irony is that such an important decision is often made quite early in the life of an individual and is sometimes made without giving…
Descriptors: Career Guidance, Career Choice, Lifelong Learning, Social Mobility
Borriello, Giulia A.; Liben, Lynn S. – Child Development, 2018
Spatial thinking, an important component of cognition, supports academic achievement and daily activities (e.g., learning science and math; using maps). Better spatial skills are correlated with more spatial play and more parental attention to spatial concepts. Tested here was whether informing mothers about spatial thinking and ways to encourage…
Descriptors: Spatial Ability, Thinking Skills, Preschool Children, Preschool Education
Pakowski, Lawrence P., III – ProQuest LLC, 2019
This study investigated the effectiveness of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Pathways Project in the Florida College System. The project, devised as a means of turning a new corner in community college success, sought to improve lackluster persistence, retention, completion, and success rates in America's community colleges.…
Descriptors: Program Effectiveness, Community Colleges, Two Year College Students, Student Motivation
Tucker, Laura Packard; Dworsky, Amy; Van Drunen, Molly – Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, 2020
This Formative Evaluation Lessons Learned template captures the major findings and lessons learned from the formative evaluation of the Youth Transitions Partnership (YTP) program in Alameda County, California. The YTP program is an intervention built around the core components of intensive case management and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).…
Descriptors: Formative Evaluation, Program Evaluation, Program Implementation, Intervention
Shadick, Richard; Akhter, Sarah – Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 2014
Because of a dearth of experience in preventing suicide in diverse student populations, Pace University developed a multicultural suicide prevention kit. This article details the process used to develop the kit. The rationale for approaching suicide prevention in a culturally competent manner is presented, and methods used to gain culture-specific…
Descriptors: College Students, Prevention, Suicide, Multicultural Education
Barnes, Ilana – Public Services Quarterly, 2013
Once limited to geographers and mapmakers, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has taken a growing central role in information management and visualization. Geospatial services run a gamut of different products and services from Google maps to ArcGIS servers to Mobile development. Geospatial services are not new. Libraries have been writing about…
Descriptors: Special Libraries, Information Management, Needs Assessment, Geographic Information Systems
Veldhuis, Hollace Anne – Exchange: The Early Childhood Leaders' Magazine Since 1978, 2012
The author's presentation at the staff meeting centered on Diana Baumrind's parenting styles framework (Baumrind, 1967). Baumrind believed that there were four requirements for effective guidance: nurturing, communication, maturity demands, and control. She rated parents on these four dimensions and identified the pattern of parenting that…
Descriptors: Parent Child Relationship, Guidance, Child Rearing, Parenting Styles
Ward, Elijah G. – Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 2012
The author gives a personal account of his relationship with his graduate mentor, Allan Schnaiberg. He also describes a mentoring project that he created with a colleague. The mentoring project emerges as both a vehicle for and a window onto the intergenerational transmission of the mentoring disposition of Schnaiberg. It stands as but one of many…
Descriptors: Mentors, Guidance Objectives, Teacher Collaboration, Supervisor Supervisee Relationship
Martella, Jana; Connors-Tadros, Lori – Center on Great Teachers and Leaders, 2014
Early childhood educators play a critical role in preparing students for success later in their school experience. The instructional techniques, emotional supports, and assessment approaches for early childhood settings are different from classroom settings in later grades. How can states and districts develop evaluation systems that are tuned to…
Descriptors: Early Childhood Education, Preschool Evaluation, Preschool Teachers, Teacher Evaluation
Gartrell, Dan – Young Children, 2012
Early childhood professionals can build partnerships with families that allow them together to guide the learning and development of the children whose lives they share. In this article, the author shares a system of indicators in professional practice that might be helpful in building partnerships with families that enable the full effectiveness…
Descriptors: Child Caregivers, Parent Participation, Parent School Relationship, Partnerships in Education
Hewitt, Kimberly Kappler; Scalzo, Mary Jo – Principal Leadership, 2012
This article describes Oakwood City School District's College Connection Study, which is now in its eighth year. The purpose of the study is to help the educators in the district learn how to effectively prepare students for success in the colleges of their choice. Teachers, administrators, and other staff members travel to colleges to conduct…
Descriptors: Urban Schools, Developmental Studies Programs, Transitional Programs, Articulation (Education)
Conway, Katherine M. – Community College Review, 2010
This study explored the educational aspirations of immigrant and native students in an urban community college. Using Burton Clark's cooling-out theory as a framework, the study looked at choices students make when applying to college and the extent to which students later change their aspirations. Immigrant students who were educated in United…
Descriptors: Urban Education, Community Colleges, Academic Aspiration, Immigrants
Ekinci, Abdurrahman; Karakus, Mehmet – Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 2011
In this study, it was aimed to determine to what extent the problems detected at the guidance and supervision reports could be solved and in this context, to what degree these visits were functional. So, with a qualitative research approach, data were obtained at two stages and analyzed through NVivo 7 software. At the first stage, the guidance…
Descriptors: Qualitative Research, Guidance, School Visitation, Administrator Attitudes