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Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj; Ayesha K. Hashim – Journal of School Choice, 2024
Some school districts have centralized school operations as a means to ensure universal access to schools of choice. Yet, centralization can infringe on charter school autonomy. We explore how district and charter school leaders in three contexts perceive and negotiate the trade-offs between centralized versus school-based autonomy. We find that…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Institutional Autonomy, Consolidated Schools, Student Transportation
Olga Nelly Collazo – ProQuest LLC, 2023
This qualitative hermeneutic phenomenological study describes the lived experiences of school leaders who worked through the processes of school mergers in New York State. The central research question that guided the study was: What are the lived experiences of school leaders who worked through the processes of a school merger? In addition,…
Descriptors: Organizational Change, Organizational Theories, Instructional Leadership, Hermeneutics
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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McGee, Josh B.; Mills, Jonathan N.; Goldstein, Jessica S. – Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2023
School district consolidation is one of the most widespread education reforms of the last century, but surprisingly little research has directly investigated its effectiveness. To examine the impact of consolidation on student achievement, this study takes advantage of a policy that requires the consolidation of all Arkansas school districts with…
Descriptors: Consolidated Schools, School Districts, Academic Achievement, Mathematics Achievement
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Eacott, Scott – Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 2021
This paper engages with an innovative approach to school consolidation in regional New South Wales, Australia. Adopting a 'one school, two sites' model, it is argued that this innovative approach to school consolidation requires new theoretical resources to understand 'the school'. Theoretically informed by Eacott's relational approach and drawing…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Secondary Schools, Consolidated Schools, Rural Schools
Sabol, Scott A. – ProQuest LLC, 2023
This embedded mixed methods case study described the decision-making influences relevant to Wisconsin rural school district's consolidation. In 2015, Wisconsin's K-12 schools experienced financial cuts that were amongst the largest in the country. As a result, school district interest in consolidation was a natural topic of discussion for many of…
Descriptors: School Districts, Consolidated Schools, Elementary Secondary Education, Decision Making
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Haynes, Michael – Rural Educator, 2022
In rural Canada the issue of school closures and consolidations due to low enrollment and heightened fiscal constraints has become a contentious and highly charged issue for citizens and communities. This literature review synthesizes the major effects of school closure on rural communities, identifying economic impacts, social impacts, and…
Descriptors: School Closing, Rural Areas, Foreign Countries, Economic Impact
James A. Hearn – ProQuest LLC, 2024
In 2009, a major metropolitan urban school district in Southeastern Michigan, under state emergency management, implemented a massive school restructuring plan affecting 100+ elementary, middle, and high schools. The consequences of the plan included a high turnover rate of staff and students, violence at local school campuses, low morale among…
Descriptors: Culturally Relevant Education, Consolidated Schools, Urban Schools, Administrators
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Cynamon, Jeremy Kingston; Pavel, Sonia Maria – Power and Education, 2022
The authors argue that from the perspective of distributive justice, school district fragmentation--meaning both the existing reality of hyper-proliferated school districts and the practice of further breaking larger districts into smaller ones--produces three distinct injustices. First, it undermines racial solidarity and the bonds of community.…
Descriptors: School Districts, Justice, Educational Policy, Ethics
Chad Williams Martin – ProQuest LLC, 2022
As schools have been required to provide more and more services and as more and more people have left rural areas, school consolidation has become the answer. During the 1990s, it was ruled that the state of public school funding was unconstitutional. To solve this problem the state legislature passed Act 60 of 2003. Act 60 set the minimum…
Descriptors: Consolidated Schools, Community Change, Economic Impact, Educational Improvement
Gillespie, Candace L. – ProQuest LLC, 2020
School district consolidation has been a trend throughout the United States as state departments of education are mandating that nearby school districts consolidate with other nearby districts. This trend is being mandated in an effort to decrease funds being spent by having many small districts. This includes funds being spent on salaries and…
Descriptors: School Districts, Consolidated Schools, Teacher Attitudes, Administrator Attitudes
Hill, Catharine Bond; Radecki, Jane; Radecki, Jane – ITHAKA S+R, 2021
In December of 2012 administrators for the University of Texas (UT) System announced a proposed merger of University of Texas-Brownsville and the University of Texas-Pan American "with an eye toward securing increased state funds and potentially building a medical school." The status of University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB) and…
Descriptors: Universities, Organizational Change, College Administration, Educational Opportunities
Fouz Abuzaid – ProQuest LLC, 2021
The study investigates the influence of consolidation on women principals and teacher perceptions of their professional role and school climate in Saudi Arabia. The study also investigates how principals navigate the consolidation process. To better understand the consolidation policy, an informational interview was conducted with School Planning…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Females, High Schools, Principals
James R. Hagler Jr. – ProQuest LLC, 2021
Consolidation has been practiced in governments, school districts, and business for many years and in higher education since the early 1900s with the primary focus on the efficiency and financial savings found in the process. The nine consolidations in the University System of Georgia (USG) were driven by six principles which sought to achieve…
Descriptors: State Colleges, Consolidated Schools, Organizational Change, Educational Change
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Johnstone, Sally M.; Goldstein, Michael B.; Page, James H. – Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 2020
At the start of the third decade of the 21st century, the United States is entering a period of unprecedented demographic shifts affecting higher education. Not only are many states already seeing fewer high-school graduates, with more facing this trend as the decade progresses, but in all but a few regions overall population growth will level and…
Descriptors: Institutional Autonomy, Educational Change, Governance, Consolidated Schools
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Naicker, Suraiya R.; Mkhabele, Ntiyiso N. – Africa Education Review, 2020
This article reports on a study that was prompted by the resistance to school mergers by local communities in the rural region of Limpopo, South Africa. Traditional leaders, who are prominent people in rural communities, were at the forefront of protests against school mergers. Thus, it was necessary to investigate the tensions experienced by the…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Organizational Change, Consolidated Schools, Resistance to Change
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