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Gulsara Kozhakhmetova; Saule Tazhibayeva; Gulgaysha Sagidolda; Lyazzat Beisenbayeva; Nurgul Abeshova – Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2024
The jewellery names and the ethnic identity of the Kazakh culture are lexically correlated as clearly evident from various ethnolinguistic analyses of jewellery vocabulary. This study aimed to analyze some common jewellery names as jüzük (ring), biläzük (bracelet), sïr?a (earring), moncak (necklace, beads), tügma (button), belba?, qur, qadis…
Descriptors: Naming, Turkic Languages, Metal Working, Design Crafts
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Pangereyeva, Abat Sh.; Kabylovb, Adilet D.; Aldashevc, Nurdaulet M.; Umatovad, Zhanna M.; Suleimenovae, Zamzagul Ye.; Shuriyeva, Aislu B. – Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2023
This study examines the cultural meaning of names denoting places such as mountains, water objects, and settlements. The study drew evidence from a famous Kazakh epos, "Kozy Korpesh -- Bayan Sulu," to provide insight into how epic toponyms contribute to the explication of culture. The study addressed the motives and methods of the…
Descriptors: Cultural Influences, Naming, Holistic Approach, Etymology
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Ana Lívia Agostinho; Gabriel Antunes de Araujo – Language Documentation & Conservation, 2021
We present a description and an analysis of three related language games in Africa's Gulf of Guinea: Fa d'Ambô's Fa do Vesu, Lung'Ie's Faa di Vesu, and São Tomé and Príncipe Portuguese's P-language. We show how these language games can be used to investigate the linguistic features of their main languages and as learning resources for second…
Descriptors: Second Language Instruction, Educational Games, Language Acquisition, Phonology
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Wang, Chongyang; Shinno, Yusuke; Xu, Binyan; Miyakawa, Takeshi – ZDM: Mathematics Education, 2023
The aim of this study is to advance understading of teachers' and researchers' work, in particular its cultural specificities, from a resource perspective by exploring the issues and challenges faced during the translation of a theoretical framework, the Documentational Approach to Didactics (DAD), from Western (English and French) to East Asian…
Descriptors: French, English (Second Language), Chinese, Japanese
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LeBlanc, Robert Jean – Literacy, 2021
This article investigates whole-class discussions of literature in the English classroom and the pragmatics of teacher interpretation in and through the voices of characters. In particular, it focuses on the whole-class oral reading and discussion of the Tennessee Williams' play A Streetcar Named Desire in an ethnically and linguistically diverse…
Descriptors: High School Teachers, Classroom Communication, Language Usage, Dialects
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Sarah Shulist; Tania Granadillo – Language Documentation & Conservation, 2022
Linguistic and anthropological research has demonstrated that language ideologies play a complex role in contexts of language endangerment, as well as in revitalization initiatives. In this paper, we articulate some central ways in which these beliefs and interests can translate into significant barriers to successful language revitalization.…
Descriptors: Language Planning, Language Attitudes, Language Research, Documentation
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Sladek, Amanda – Composition Forum, 2017
In "Good God but You Smart!" Nichole E. Stanford provides an account of how attitudes toward Cajun English (CE) perpetuate and are perpetuated by an economic system designed to maintain unequal power relations. While non-Cajun Americans are interested in what they see as Cajun culture, Stanford explains that most misunderstand what…
Descriptors: Literary Styles, Literature Appreciation, Literary Criticism, Subcultures
Reda Mohammed – ProQuest LLC, 2022
This dissertation builds on existing heritage language research (e.g., Albirini 2014, 2018; Benmamoun & Albirini 2018) and examines the complex and challenging practices of an understudied, marginalized, and stigmatized group of Muslim Arabic heritage-speaking children (MAHSC) and their immigrant families in the US. It argues that the…
Descriptors: Arabic, Muslims, Islam, Religious Schools
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Lee, Valentine S.; Tumanova, Ainakul B.; Salkhanova, Zhanat H. – International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2016
The article studies theoretical issues of modern anthropocentric paradigm of scientific knowledge from the history of anthropocentric linguistics development as a special field of language science. The purpose of this study is to answer the question about human influence on the semiotic system. The material result is the unification of specific…
Descriptors: Anthropological Linguistics, Russian, Language Research, Semantics
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Sarah Shulist; Faun Rice – Language Documentation & Conservation, 2019
This paper addresses the gaps between language documentation and language revitalization. It is intended for several audiences, including field linguists interested in supporting endangered language sustainability efforts and participants of all kinds in language revitalization courses, programs, and infrastructure. The authors contend that…
Descriptors: Interdisciplinary Approach, Language Maintenance, Documentation, Language Research
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Taylor, Laura A. – English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 2019
Purpose: By recognizing high-stakes testing as a key constraint to teacher agency, this paper aims to provide a close analysis of one teacher's testing narrative to illustrate how emerging positioning is relative to high-stakes testing shapes perception of pedagogical agency. Design/methodology/approach: Data were generated through a series of…
Descriptors: High Stakes Tests, Professional Autonomy, Accountability, Anthropological Linguistics
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Wang, Yanlong – Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 2016
The paper interprets Whorf's notion by turning to his original writings. Specifically, the paper makes a detailed analysis of Whorf's notion from anthropological linguistics, which largely deals with his famous distinction between overt category and covert category and his detailed description of the American Indian language Hopi; contrastive…
Descriptors: Linguistic Theory, Anthropological Linguistics, Contrastive Linguistics, Psycholinguistics
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Back, Michele – Modern Language Journal, 2016
Peer tutoring is viewed as a valuable component of additional language learning due to the presence of a more knowledgeable interlocutor. Yet researchers and language program directors alike often ignore the linguistic and cultural differences that peer tutors possess, instead categorizing them homogeneously as "experts" or "native…
Descriptors: Peer Teaching, Spanish, Second Language Learning, Second Language Instruction
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Maddox, Bryan – Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 2015
Informed by Goffman's influential essay on "The neglected situation" this paper examines the contextual and interactive dimensions of performance in large-scale educational assessments. The paper applies Goffman's participation framework and associated theory in linguistic anthropology to examine how testing situations are framed and…
Descriptors: Educational Assessment, Performance, Testing, Ethnography
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Sterponi, Laura; de Kirby, Kenton; Shankey, Jennifer – Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 2015
In this article, we invite a rethinking of traditional perspectives of language in autism. We advocate a theoretical reappraisal that offers a corrective to the dominant and largely tacitly held view that language, in its essence, is a referential system and a reflection of the individual's cognition. Drawing on scholarship in Conversation…
Descriptors: Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Language, Speech
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