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Westrick, Paul A.; Marini, Jessica P.; Shmueli, Doron; Young, Linda; Shaw, Emily J.; Ng, Helen – College Board, 2020
In May 2019, College Board published the first national operational SAT® validity study on the new SAT introduced in 2016. Based on data from more than 221,000 students across 169 four-year colleges and universities, the study showed that the SAT was essentially as effective as high school grades in predicting students' college performance and…
Descriptors: College Entrance Examinations, Test Validity, Prediction, Grades (Scholastic)
Beard, Jonathan; Marini, Jessica – College Board, 2018
The continued accumulation of validity evidence for the intended uses of educational assessment scores is critical to ensuring that inferences made using the scores are sound. To that end, the College Board has continued to collect college outcome data to evaluate the relationship between SAT® scores and college success. This report provides…
Descriptors: College Entrance Examinations, Grade Point Average, College Freshmen, Institutional Characteristics
Barry, Carol; Cooney, Siobhan; Laitusis, Vytas; Matos-Elefonte, Haifa; McKillip, Mary; Merriman, Jennifer; Niu, Sunny; Smith, Kara – College Board, 2013
This annotated bibliography contains summaries of research studies examining a number of College Board assessments and programs. To be included in the bibliography, each study needed to meet a number of criteria. First, articles must have been published (as a College Board research report, in an external journal, or as an ETS research report).…
Descriptors: Access to Education, College Entrance Examinations, High School Students, Advanced Placement Programs
Shaw, Emily J.; Marini, Jessica P.; Beard, Jonathan; Shmueli, Doron; Young, Linda; Ng, Helen – College Board, 2016
In February of 2013, the College Board announced it would undertake a redesign of the SAT® in order to develop an assessment that better reflects the work that students will do in college, focusing on the core knowledge and skills that evidence has shown to be critical in preparation for college and career. The redesigned test will be introduced…
Descriptors: College Entrance Examinations, Test Construction, College Readiness, College Admission
Barry, Carol; Bausmith, Jennifer; Cooney, Siobhan; Laitusis, Vytas; Matos-Elefonte, Haifa; McKillip, Mary; Niu, Sunny; Rawls, Anita – College Board, 2012
This annotated bibliography contains summaries of research studies examining a number of College Board assessments and programs. To be included in the bibliography, each study needed to meet a number of criteria. First, articles must have been published (as a College Board research report, in an external journal, or as an ETS research report).…
Descriptors: Advanced Placement Programs, College Entrance Examinations, High School Students, Faculty Development
Wyatt, Jeff; Smith, Kara; Proestler, Nina – College Board, 2014
The ability of the United States to remain competitive in the expanding global economy will require a more knowledgeable and skilled workforce than ever before. Most of the jobs in the fastest-growing industries will require individuals with some postsecondary education. As such, there is a need to engage students in an effective college- and…
Descriptors: College Preparation, College Readiness, Career Readiness, High School Graduates
College Board, 2011
This catalog lists research reports, research notes, and other publications available from the College Board's website. The catalog briefly describes research publications available free of charge. Introduced in 1981, the Research Report series includes studies and reviews in areas such as college admission, special populations, subgroup…
Descriptors: Research Reports, Publications, Educational Research, College Students
Kim, YoungKoung; Hendrickson, Amy; Patel, Priyank; Melican, Gerald; Sweeney, Kevin – College Board, 2013
The purpose of this report is to describe the procedure for revising the ReadiStep™ score scale using the field trial data, and to provide technical information about the development of the new ReadiStep scale score. In doing so, this report briefly introduces the three assessments--ReadiStep, PSAT/NMSQT®, and SAT®--in the College Board Pathway…
Descriptors: College Entrance Examinations, Educational Assessment, High School Students, Scores
Reshetar, Rosemary – College Board, 2012
On 9/13/12, the Workshop on Developing Assessments to Meet the Goals of the 2012 Framework for K-12 Science Education was held at the National Academies of Science. The workshop was organized and led by the NRC Committee on Developing Assessments of Science Proficiency in K-12 (co-chaired by James Pellegrino and Mark Wilson) and targeted to state…
Descriptors: Advanced Placement, Biology, Science Tests, Science Education
Patterson, Brian F.; Mattern, Krista D. – College Board, 2013
The continued accumulation of validity evidence for the intended uses of educational assessments is critical to ensure that proper inferences will be made for those purposes. To that end, the College Board has continued to collect college outcome data to evaluate the relationship between SAT® scores and college success. This report provides…
Descriptors: College Entrance Examinations, Predictive Validity, Test Validity, Scores
Patterson, Brian F.; Mattern, Krista D. – College Board, 2013
The continued accumulation of validity evidence for the core uses of educational assessments is critical to ensure that proper inferences will be made for those core purposes. To that end, the College Board has continued to follow previous cohorts of college students and this report provides updated validity evidence for using the SAT to predict…
Descriptors: College Entrance Examinations, Predictive Validity, Test Validity, Scores
Wyatt, Jeffrey N.; Mattern, Krista D. – College Board, 2011
The College Board offers fee reductions to students based on eligibility for free and reduced-price lunch in an attempt to introduce the benefits of AP® Exam participation to students most at risk in the education system. This report examined college outcomes of low-SES students with a focused investigation comparing students who took an AP Exam…
Descriptors: Low Income Groups, Advanced Placement, Fees, Student Financial Aid
Byers, Jenny; Mattern, Krista D.; Shaw, Emily J.; Springall, Robert – College Board, 2011
Presented at the College Board National Forum, October 26, 2011. Choosing a college major is challenging enough, without stopping to consider the impact it has on a student's college experience and career choice. To provide support during this major decision, participants in this session will develop strategies to facilitate students in making an…
Descriptors: Majors (Students), Decision Making, High School Students, Intervention
Sawtell, Ellen A.; Gillie, Jacqueline M.; Smith, Patricia Z. – College Board, 2012
In February 2012, the College Board published The 8th Annual AP Report to the Nation. This session provides a deeper dive into key information for the United States with an emphasis on Florida, and participants hear how one school in Florida utilizes AP Potential™ to help build their AP Program. Participants also learn about AP participation and…
Descriptors: Advanced Placement Programs, STEM Education, Student Participation, Racial Differences
Bausmith, Jennifer Merriman; Laitusis, Vytas – College Board, 2012
The AP Achievement Institute I (APAI I) is a four-day professional development program offered to teachers and administrators by EXCELerator™, a district reform program operated by the College Board. The APAI I program is designed to help teachers develop effective AP instructional strategies for a diverse student body and to help district,…
Descriptors: Academic Achievement, Faculty Development, Educational Change, School Districts
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