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Collected Works - Serials | 1 |
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Higher Education | 2 |
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Iversen, Jakob H.; Eierman, Michael A. – Journal of Education and Learning, 2018
This study continues a long running effort to examine collaborative writing and editing tools and the factors that impact Task-Technology Fit and Technology Acceptance. Previous studies found that MS Word/email performed better than technologies such as Twiki, Google Docs, and Office Live. The current study seeks to examine specifically the impact…
Descriptors: Influence of Technology, Collaborative Writing, Undergraduate Students, Computer Mediated Communication
Dishaw, Mark; Eierman, Michael A.; Iversen, Jakob H.; Philip, George C. – Journal of Information Systems Education, 2011
Businesses and other organizations are relying increasingly on virtual teams to perform a range of business activities. A key challenge in utilizing virtual teams is to support collaboration among team members who are separated by distance and/or time. In this paper we use a research model based on a combination of the Technology Acceptance Model…
Descriptors: Information Systems, Electronic Mail, Computer Software Evaluation, Computer Software
McGraw, Tammy, Ed. – INSIGHT, 2002
This publication focuses on promising new and emerging technologies and what they might mean to the future of K-12 schools. Half of the volume contains articles devoted in some way to "Vision," and articles in the other half are under the heading of "Leadership." Contents in the "Vision" section include: "The…
Descriptors: Educational Development, Educational Planning, Educational Technology, Elementary Secondary Education