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Batsell, W. Robert, Jr.; Perry, Jennifer L.; Hanley, Elizabeth; Hostetter, Autumn B. – Teaching of Psychology, 2017
The testing effect is the enhanced retention of learned information by individuals who have studied and completed a test over the material relative to individuals who have only studied the material. Although numerous laboratory studies and simulated classroom studies have provided evidence of the testing effect, data from a natural class setting…
Descriptors: Tests, Psychology, Introductory Courses, Quasiexperimental Design
Fisher, Wayne W., Ed.; Piazza, Cathleen C., Ed.; Roane, Henry S., Ed. – Guilford Publications, 2011
Describing the state of the science of ABA, this comprehensive handbook provides detailed information about theory, research, and intervention. The contributors are leading ABA authorities who present current best practices in behavioral assessment and demonstrate evidence-based strategies for supporting positive behaviors and reducing problem…
Descriptors: Verbal Stimuli, Substance Abuse, Early Reading, Autism
Directions in Rehabilitation Counseling, 1991
This volume of 12 lessons--each one written by either a medical or a mental health professional--provides expert information on a variety of medical and psychological issues in rehabilitative counseling. The lessons, each of which concludes with a few multiple-choice questions, are as follows: (1) "An Update on Post-Traumatic Stress…
Descriptors: Change, Child Abuse, Chronic Illness, Client Characteristics (Human Services)
Dayton-Sakari, Mary, Ed.; Miller, Carole S., Ed.; Liedtke, Werner, Ed. – 1997
This proceedings contains 19 papers presented at the second annual faculty conference at the University of Victoria (British Columbia, Canada). Papers cover a wide variety of disciplines, including preschool education, classroom communication, mathematics instruction, theater, attention deficit disorders, distance learning by rural home schoolers,…
Descriptors: Classroom Techniques, Educational Practices, Educational Research, Educational Strategies
Barrineau, Irene T., Ed. – Association for Continuing Higher Education, 2007
The 2007 Annual Meeting of the Association for Continuing Higher Education was themed "Refining Our Mission: Continuing Education's Role in Engagement, Outreach and Public Service." Opportunities were available to participate in sessions relating to outreach, partnerships and public service and perspectives on this theme were presented…
Descriptors: Fund Raising, Higher Education, Human Capital, Health Education
Conrad, Clifton F., Ed.; Serlin, Ronald C., Ed. – SAGE Publications (CA), 2005
This guide is designed to encourage students, faculty, and policymakers to become more self-reflective in their inquiry. Placing the pursuit of ideas at the epicenter of research, K-12 and higher education scholars advance ideas for enhancing educational inquiry, relying extensively on narratives, vignettes, and examples of key episodes in…
Descriptors: Graduate Students, Research Problems, Higher Education, Research Design