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What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Joelle Fingerhut; Linda A. Reddy; Christopher Dudek; Briana Bronstein; Amanda Elliot – Exceptionality, 2024
Limited research has examined the qualities of paraprofessional and teacher relationships in schools. Teachers' and paraprofessionals' ability to communicate and collaborate are important for guiding supports for their students. The present study examined characteristics affecting the professional relationship of paraprofessional and teacher pairs…
Descriptors: Special Education, Special Education Teachers, Paraprofessional School Personnel, Regular and Special Education Relationship
Christopher M. Seitz; Jeffrey L. Lennon; Muhsin Michael Orsini; Lauren Elliot; Margaret Lloyd; Fin Findley – Discover Education, 2024
Purpose: This study explored undergraduate college students' opinions of the CDC's online "Solve the Outbreak" (StO) game, a recommended aid in higher education for teaching concepts epidemiological outbreak investigations. Methods: The study was conducted as a game debriefing, in which 16 students enrolled in an undergraduate-level…
Descriptors: Undergraduate Students, Student Attitudes, Epidemiology, Games
Little, Callie W.; Hart, Sara A.; Quinn, Jamie M.; Tucker-Drob, Elliot M.; Taylor, Jeanette; Schatschneider, Christopher – Child Development, 2017
This study explores the co-development of two related but separate reading skills, reading fluency and reading comprehension, across Grades 1-4. A bivariate biometric dual change score model was applied to longitudinal data collected from 1,784 twin pairs between the ages of 6 and 10 years. Grade 1 skills were influenced by highly overlapping…
Descriptors: Reading Skills, Reading Instruction, Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehension
Finnigan, Kara S., Ed.; Daly, Alan J., Ed. – Springer, 2014
This book includes a set of rigorous and accessible studies on the topic of "research evidence" from a variety of levels and educational vantage points. It also provides the reader with thoughtful commentaries from leading thinkers in the field. The complex process of acquiring, interpreting, and using research evidence makes for a rich…
Descriptors: Educational Research, School Districts, Research Utilization, Evidence Based Practice
Cross, Christopher T. – Teachers College Press, 2010
Political insider Christopher Cross has updated his critically acclaimed book to reflect recent education policy developments, including the impact of the Obama administration and "Race to the Top" as well as the controversy over NCLB's reauthorization. Featuring a new introduction and the addition of postscripts for key chapters, this…
Descriptors: Educational Policy, Public Policy, Politics of Education, Educational Change
Antons, Christopher M.; Maltz, Elliot N. – New Directions for Institutional Research, 2006
This case study documents a successful application of data-mining techniques in enrollment management through a partnership between the admissions office, a business administration master's-degree program, and the institutional research office at Willamette University (Salem, Oregon). (Contains 1 table and 3 figures.)
Descriptors: Teamwork, Private Colleges, Business Administration, Enrollment Management
Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. House Committee on Education and the Workforce. – 2002
This hearing presents information to help lay the groundwork for legislative action on expanded parental choice in education. After an opening statement by John Boehner, Chairman, Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives, there are statements by: Lawrence W. Reed, President Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Midland,…
Descriptors: Educational Legislation, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Education, Private Schools
Daly, Alan J., Ed. – Harvard Education Press, 2010
"Social Network Theory and Educational Change" offers a provocative and fascinating exploration of how social networks in schools can impede or facilitate the work of education reform. Drawing on the work of leading scholars, the book comprises a series of studies examining networks among teachers and school leaders, contrasting formal…
Descriptors: School Restructuring, Network Analysis, Educational Change, Educational Technology
Sampson, Demetrios G., Ed.; Spector, J. Michael, Ed.; Ifenthaler, Dirk, Ed.; Isaias, Pedro, Ed. – International Association for Development of the Information Society, 2013
These proceedings contain the papers of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA 2013), October 22-24, 2013, which has been organized by the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), co-organized by The University of North Texas (UNT), sponsored by the…
Descriptors: Conference Papers, Cognitive Processes, Learning Processes, Short Term Memory
Wolfson, Nessa, Ed.; Judd, Elliot, Ed. – 1983
The following are included in this collection of essays on patterns of rules of speaking, and sociolinguistics and second language learning and teaching: "How to Tell When Someone Is Saying 'No' Revisited" (Joan Rubin); "Apology: A Speech-Act Set" (Elite Olshtain and Andrew Cohen); "Interpreting and Performing Speech Acts in a Second Language: A…
Descriptors: Acculturation, Adult Students, Attitudes, Code Switching (Language)
Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC. – 1989
This symposium was intended to promote discussion of policies, procedures, and activities to enhance collaboration among programs of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) in ways that would contribute to more efficient and effective management of the nation's overall educational research, development, and dissemination…
Descriptors: Agency Cooperation, Educational Cooperation, Educational Policy, Educational Research
Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. House Committee on Education and Labor. – 1990
This document provides statements presented at the oversight hearing on testing and assessment evaluation to improve learning in the nation's schools. Walter Haney summarizes the National Commission on Testing and Public Policy's recent report, which concluded that while well-designed and responsibly used assessment is an important source of…
Descriptors: Academic Achievement, Educational Assessment, Educational Improvement, Elementary Secondary Education
Steuerle, C. Eugene, Ed.; Ooms, Van Doorn, Ed.; Peterson, George E., Ed.; Reischauer, Robert D., Ed. – 2000
Studies in this volume provide a comprehensive examination of the use of vouchers. The contributions to this book examine a variety of applications in such areas as education, child care, employment training, housing, food, and health care, and they discuss the dimensions along which vouchers should be compared to alternative delivery mechanisms.…
Descriptors: Day Care, Delivery Systems, Educational Vouchers, Elementary Secondary Education