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Vieira, Patrícia – Hispania, 2020
In this article, I use aerial footage of the Amazon as a guiding thread to argue that the sublime is the most fitting concept to describe our aesthetic response to the representation of Amazonian nature in cinema. In my discussion of rainforest aesthetics, I focus on two Brazilian films, made ten years apart: Glauber Rocha's short "Amazonas,…
Descriptors: Aesthetics, Films, Forestry, Economic Development
Pereira, Filipe D.; Oliveira, Elaine H. T.; Oliveira, David B. F.; Cristea, Alexandra I.; Carvalho, Leandro S. G.; Fonseca, Samuel C.; Toda, Armando; Isotani, Seiji – British Journal of Educational Technology, 2020
Tools for automatic grading programming assignments, also known as Online Judges, have been widely used to support computer science (CS) courses. Nevertheless, few studies have used these tools to acquire and analyse interaction data to better understand the students' performance and behaviours, often due to data availability or inadequate…
Descriptors: Introductory Courses, Programming, Outcomes of Education, Student Behavior
Zumaeta Arista, Segundo; Fuster Guillen, Doris; Ocaña Fernández, Yolvi – Journal of Educational Psychology - Propositos y Representaciones, 2018
This research work analyzed the experiences lived in the didactics of the mathematics by the teachers in the Amazonas region, whose emergent significance was the pedagogical affection in teaching understood as a process whereby two or more people interact socially, one of the passions of the mood. The study was conducted using the process of the…
Descriptors: Teaching Methods, Mathematics Instruction, Observation, Interviews
Canto, Natalia Gil; de Oliveira, Marcelo Albuquerque; Veroneze, Gabriela de Mattos – European Journal of Educational Research, 2022
The article aims to develop a machine-learning algorithm that can predict student's graduation in the Industrial Engineering course at the Federal University of Amazonas based on their performance data. The methodology makes use of an information package of 364 students with an admission period between 2007 and 2019, considering characteristics…
Descriptors: Engineering Education, Prediction, Graduation, Industrial Arts
Silva, Sandro Leandro M. da; Costa, Marly G. F.; Costa Filho, Cicero F. F. – IEEE Transactions on Education, 2022
Contribution: This work evaluates the role of the complementary training programs (CTPs) offered by the Center for Research and Development in Electronic and Information Technology (CETELI), from the Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil. This analysis highlights the relevant role of the CTP, carried out by CETELI, in supporting students in the…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Training, Engineering Education, Undergraduate Students
Shulist, Sarah – Language Policy, 2018
This paper examines the implications and implementation of official language policy designed to support endangered Indigenous languages in the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brazil. The policy, in place since late 2001, declared three of the region's many Indigenous languages (Nheengatú, Tukano, and Baniwa) to be…
Descriptors: Language Planning, Language Maintenance, American Indian Languages, Official Languages
Kouwenhoven, Wim, Ed. – InTech, 2009
From 3rd to 5th March 2008 the International Association of Technology, Education and Development organised its International Technology, Education and Development Conference in Valencia, Spain. Over a hundred papers were presented by participants from a great variety of countries. Summarising, this book provides a kaleidoscopic view of work that…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Higher Education, Educational Technology, Professional Training
International Geographical Union. – 1999
This document contains the proceedings from the London conference on geography and environmental education sponsored by the International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on Geographical Education. Papers include: (1) "The Ecocitizen: A Challenge to Environmental and Geographical Education" (Haubrich, Hartwig); (2) "Learning To…
Descriptors: Environmental Education, Environmental Influences, Foreign Countries, Geographic Concepts