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Brigid Ovitt – ProQuest LLC, 2024
Because writing is complex and draws upon so many psychological and cognitive processes, learning to write is even more challenging for students with disabilities than it is for typically developing students. Nonetheless, writing research in the field of education and special education lags behind that of many other academic subjects. The body of…
Descriptors: Journal Writing, Dialogs (Language), Writing Research, Writing Achievement
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Pak Hei Chan; Scott Aubrey – RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2024
Dialogue journals are written conversations in which two partners communicate regularly. When practiced between a teacher and student, dialogue journaling has the potential to engage students in writing, and can lead to improved teacher-student rapport. In this "Innovations in Practice" article, we evaluate the use of structured dialogue…
Descriptors: Diaries, Teacher Student Relationship, Student Teachers, Language Teachers
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Castillo, Karol; Cárdenas, Luz Dary; Lastra, Sandra – PROFILE: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 2023
This two-cycle action research explores how Colombian students from rural and urban areas construct community knowledge by exploring funds of knowledge using dialogue journals. Thirty-three seventh graders from an urban school participated in the first phase and 19 sixth graders from a rural school and 18 eighth graders from an urban school in the…
Descriptors: Cultural Background, Urban Schools, Rural Schools, Diaries
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Valizadeh, Mohammadreza – Shanlax International Journal of Education, 2021
This study investigated the effect of dialogue journal writing on descriptive writing performance of English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners in Turkey. Participants were 53 EFL upper-intermediate learners who were selected based on their performance on Oxford Quick Placement Test and assigned randomly to experimental and control groups. Whereas…
Descriptors: Student Journals, Journal Writing, Writing Skills, Writing Strategies
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Maneepakhathorn, Reongrudee – rEFLections, 2023
This study was conducted to examine Thai EFL graduate students' perceptions towards reflective dialogue journal writing (RDJW), their writing fluency as well as self-awareness of their own English language learning and writing development. Thirty-four Thai graduate students aged 23 to 39 were required to carry out the RDJW task for 13 weeks -- one…
Descriptors: Journal Writing, Dialogs (Language), Reflection, Second Language Learning
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Schwab, Emily Rose – Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 2019
This article builds on the work of adult literacy scholars to explore how dialogue journals might be used to enact a mutually humanizing pedagogy within adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classrooms. The researcher extends the discussion of using dialogue journals to consider not only how they can be used to meet the ends of…
Descriptors: English (Second Language), English Instruction, Second Language Learning, Adult Students
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Safari, Parvin – Education 3-13, 2021
This qualitative study applied dialogue journal writing to explore its effectiveness on language learning and critical literacy skills of 45 EFL students with the age range of 10-13 in an Iranian EFL context. Data analysis of 500 entries showed students' emancipation from banking education constraints, their empowerment to voice, enhancement of…
Descriptors: English (Second Language), Second Language Instruction, Second Language Learning, Instructional Effectiveness
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Konishi, Chiaki; Park, Sol – Journal of Education and Learning, 2017
Dialogue journals are a form of writing in which a student and a teacher carry on a conversation over time. This paper addresses the benefits of using dialogue journals for promoting a positive social-emotional learning (SEL) environment for children in school settings. Educators and researchers have increasingly acknowledged the importance of SEL…
Descriptors: Child Health, Child Development, Health Promotion, Emotional Development
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Sigmon, Miranda – Reading Improvement, 2019
Literacy skills including reading comprehension, writing, vocabulary development, and other components of literacy are utilized in all content-areas. In transacting with content-based texts, students should have the opportunity to response to content in a manner which is open-ended and thought-provoking. After using dialogue journals in social…
Descriptors: Student Motivation, Content Area Reading, Grade 4, Elementary School Students
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Dressler, Roswita; Tweedie, M. Gregory – TESOL Journal, 2016
Short-term study abroad programs are growing in popularity, and educators and researchers are exploring effective tools to enhance the learning and cultural experiences of students in these programs. Dialogue journals, writing journals in which students respond to instructor prompts and in turn initiate topics for further written discussion, are a…
Descriptors: Journal Writing, Student Attitudes, Asians, English for Academic Purposes
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Gut, Dianne M.; Wan, Guofang; Beam, Pamela C.; Burgess, Lawrence – School-University Partnerships, 2016
This study focuses on the use of a mentoring protocol, the reflective dialogue journal, to develop professional competencies for pre-service teachers within a school-university partnership. To examine the effectiveness of the reflective dialogue journal protocol and the processes employed by mentor teachers to assist pre-service teachers with…
Descriptors: Beginning Teachers, Novices, Competence, Diaries
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Yeh, Ellen; Choi, Grace Y.; Friesem, Yonty – CALICO Journal, 2022
This study focuses on the social presence framework (Rourke et al., 2001), in order to examine the ways that university-level international students develop social interaction and support in a virtual asynchronous learning community in an online class during the COVID-19 pandemic. English language learners (ELLs) participated in weekly online…
Descriptors: Educational Technology, English (Second Language), Second Language Learning, Social Behavior
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Meri-Yilan, Serpil – Open Praxis, 2022
Motivational scaffolding is of key importance in online learning since online learners are isolated alone. Recently, this need has doubled with the educational disruption because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which moved classroom learning to entirely online. However, little research has been particularly conducted to explore the perceptions of online…
Descriptors: Student Motivation, Student Attitudes, Online Courses, COVID-19
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Awayed-Bishara, Muzna – TESOL Quarterly: A Journal for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and of Standard English as a Second Dialect, 2021
This article examines the constitutive role of English as a foreign language (EFL) as a cultural discourse of action and empowerment through which teachers in marginalized, specifically conflict-ridden, educational contexts act as agents of social and educational change. Although current approaches to teaching English accentuate its transformative…
Descriptors: Citizenship, English (Second Language), Second Language Learning, Student Attitudes
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Sato, Eriko; Chen, Julian ChengChiang – Language Teaching Research, 2021
Foreign language teaching in distance education is administratively and pedagogically challenging; research on the perspectives of novice practitioners' online teaching is also relatively scarce. This study explores how a novice Japanese teacher navigated and negotiated her professional development in a two-way virtual practitionership during her…
Descriptors: Action Research, Second Language Learning, Second Language Instruction, Beginning Teachers
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