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Smith, Sedef Uzuner | 7 |
Hayes, Suzanne | 6 |
Shea, Peter | 6 |
Gozza-Cohen, Mary | 4 |
Uzuner, Sedef | 4 |
Vickers, Jason | 4 |
Bidjerano, Temi | 2 |
Englander, Karen | 2 |
Mehta, Ruchi | 2 |
Uzuner-Smith, Sedef | 2 |
Wilde, Jane | 2 |
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Journal Articles | 13 |
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Higher Education | 11 |
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Uzuner, Sedef – International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 2009
This paper reviews past research that focused on questions of culture in distance learning. Of specific interest are the studies that examined the influence of culture on students' learning and engagement in asynchronous learning networks (ALNs). The purpose of this review is three-fold: to present the state of knowledge concerning the questions…
Descriptors: Distance Education, Educational Technology, Cultural Context, Educational Research
Uzuner-Smith, Sedef; Englander, Karen – Journal of Education Policy, 2015
Using critical discourse analysis (CDA), this paper exposes the neoliberal ideology of the knowledge-based economy embedded within university policies, specifically those that regulate faculty hiring, promotion, and remuneration in two national contexts: Turkey and Mexico. The paper follows four stages of CDA: (1) focus upon a social wrong in its…
Descriptors: Discourse Analysis, Teacher Selection, Educational Policy, Foreign Countries
Uzuner, Sedef – Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 2008
This paper presents a review of 39 empirical studies that investigated multilingual scholars' participation in core/global academic communities through article and research publication. These studies were analyzed in terms of multilingual scholars' reasons for publishing in English, the obstacles that stand in their way of international…
Descriptors: Graduate Students, Multilingualism, Periodicals, English for Academic Purposes
Smith, Sedef Uzuner – TESOL Journal, 2014
In efforts to maintain America's global competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy, teacher professional development has moved to center stage. With increasing numbers of English language learners (ELLs) in U.S. schools, several states have adopted mandatory professional development for classroom teachers to equip them with the knowledge…
Descriptors: Faculty Development, English (Second Language), Second Language Learning, Second Language Instruction
Englander, Karen; Uzuner-Smith, Sedef – Language Policy, 2013
This study explores how the logic and values of globalization are manifested in international discourses of higher education in relation to scientific knowledge production and how those values are appropriated in national and institutional policies. This study also explores how this confluence of discourses and policies construct scientists in two…
Descriptors: Role, Educational Policy, Global Approach, International Education
Smith, Sedef Uzuner; Hayes, Suzanne; Shea, Peter – Online Learning, 2017
After presenting a brief overview of the key elements that underpin Etienne Wenger's communities of practice (CoP) theoretical framework, one of the most widely cited and influential conceptions of social learning, this paper reviews extant empirical work grounded in this framework to investigate online/blended learning in higher education and in…
Descriptors: Online Courses, Blended Learning, Communities of Practice, Literature Reviews
Agee, Jane; Uzuner Smith, Sedef – Studies in Continuing Education, 2011
In this mixed-methods study, we investigated how doctoral students used asynchronous online discussions that were added to a face-to-face research methods course. We focused specifically on what sociocognitive tools the students used and what they thought about the value of the online discussions for their learning. Our data included three online…
Descriptors: Methods Courses, Teacher Education Curriculum, Computer Mediated Communication, Research Methodology
Hayes, Suzanne; Smith, Sedef Uzuner; Shea, Peter – Online Learning, 2015
As the pivotal role of self-regulation has been widely accepted in online learning literature, much interest is focused on identifying pedagogical strategies to help foster regulatory behaviors in online learners. The authors of this article argue that the learning presence (LP) construct, a recently proposed addition to the Community of Inquiry…
Descriptors: Online Courses, Metacognition, Communities of Practice, Role
Doctoral Students? Perceptions of Learning in a Blended Research Methods Course: Three Telling Cases
Smith, Sedef Uzuner – ProQuest LLC, 2010
As Walker, Golde, Jones, Bueschel, and Hutchings (2008) state, research is "the sine qua non of the doctorate" (p. 4). Therefore, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to conduct research is a key priority in doctoral education. Blended instruction is a promising, yet so far seldom used model for supporting doctoral students' learning…
Descriptors: Communities of Practice, Blended Learning, Graduate Students, Courses
Perera-Diltz, Dilani M.; Davis, R. J.; Smith, Sedef Uzuner; Sheperis, Carl – Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology, 2018
As self-regulation for successful online learning is a relatively new focus in online education, more attention is directed toward initiatives to help students become more cognizant of their learning efforts in online learning environments. Grounded in the idea that self-regulation is feedback dependent, we argue for the necessity of instructor…
Descriptors: Feedback (Response), Online Courses, Graduate Students, Student Evaluation
Shea, Peter; Gozza-Cohen, Mary; Uzuner, Sedef; Mehta, Ruchi; Valtcheva, Anna Valentinova; Hayes, Suzanne; Vickers, Jason – Educational Media International, 2011
This paper presents both a conceptual and empirical investigation of teaching and learning in online courses. Employing both the Community of Inquiry framework (CoI) and the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy, two complete online courses were examined for the quality of both collaborative learning processes and learning…
Descriptors: Evidence, Electronic Learning, Online Courses, Learning Processes
Shea, Peter; Hayes, Suzanne; Vickers, Jason; Gozza-Cohen, Mary; Uzuner, Sedef; Mehta, Ruchi; Valchova, Anna; Rangan, Prahalad – Internet and Higher Education, 2010
This study provides a simultaneous examination of all components of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework (Garrison, Anderson & Archer, 2000; Anderson, Rourke, Garrison & Archer, 2001; and Rourke, Garrison, Anderson & Archer, 1999) and seeks to extend previous work into the nature, development, and relationships between the constructs of…
Descriptors: Communities of Practice, Inquiry, Models, Network Analysis
Shea, Peter; Hayes, Suzanne; Smith, Sedef Uzuner; Vickers, Jason; Bidjerano, Temi; Pickett, Alexandra; Gozza-Cohen, Mary; Wilde, Jane; Jian, Shoubang – Internet and Higher Education, 2012
This paper presents an empirical study grounded in the Community of Inquiry framework (Garrison, Anderson Archer, 2000) and employs quantitative content analysis of student discourse and other artifacts of learning in online courses in an effort to enhance and improve the framework and offer practical implications for online education. As a…
Descriptors: Online Courses, Content Analysis, Learner Engagement, Models
Shea, Peter; Hayes, Suzanne; Smith, Sedef Uzuner; Vickers, Jason; Bidjerano, Temi; Gozza-Cohen, Mary; Jian, Shou-Bang; Pickett, Alexandra M.; Wilde, Jane; Tseng, Chi-Hua – International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 2013
This paper presents an extension of an ongoing study of online learning framed within the community of inquiry (CoI) model (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2001) in which we further examine a new construct labeled as "learning presence." We use learning presence to refer to the iterative processes of forethought and planning,…
Descriptors: Social Networks, Network Analysis, Content Analysis, Metacognition