Age Differences | 1 |
Antisocial Behavior | 1 |
Behavior Problems | 1 |
Elementary School Students | 1 |
Foreign Countries | 1 |
Gender Differences | 1 |
Personality Traits | 1 |
Rural Schools | 1 |
Student Behavior | 1 |
Urban Schools | 1 |
Gitanjali, Sharma | 1 |
Publication Type
Journal Articles | 1 |
Reports - Evaluative | 1 |
Education Level
Elementary Education | 1 |
Grade 3 | 1 |
Grade 4 | 1 |
Grade 5 | 1 |
India | 1 |
Laws, Policies, & Programs
Assessments and Surveys
What Works Clearinghouse Rating
Gitanjali, Sharma – Learning Disability Quarterly, 2004
This study examined the personality characteristics of 180 boys and girls of ages 8, 9, and 10 with learning disabilities (LD) in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade in urban and rural primary schools of Andhrapradesh, India. The subjects were identified based on their scholastic achievement on a spelling dictation test, an oral reading test, a reading…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Elementary School Students, Personality Traits, Urban Schools