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Bazeley, Pat – Studies in Higher Education, 2010
In a context of increasing emphasis on academic performance and accountability, data from a structured survey in which academics elaborated on eight different attributes of high-performing researchers were used to build a conceptual model of research performance. Research performance was seen to comprise two basic components, with six secondary…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, College Environment, Research, Productivity
Bazeley, Pat – Higher Education Research and Development, 2006
An ethnographic case study of issues related to research performance and promotion of research was conducted within the Creative and Performing Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) disciplines of a regional university. The purpose of the study was to explore a variety of ways in which the research work of those disciplines could be made…
Descriptors: Ethnography, Case Studies, Humanities, Information Dissemination
Peer reviewed
Bazeley, Pat – Higher Education Research and Development, 1994
A study in one Australian institution in transition from vocational college to university found: many staff without research-based qualifications and with limited research experience; perceptions of lack of institutional support for research; need for research skills training; need for research time and money; and need for a research ethos. (MSE)
Descriptors: Case Studies, College Faculty, Educational Needs, Faculty Development
McInerney, Dennis M.; McInerney, Valentina; Bazeley, Pat; Ardington, Angela – 1998
This paper describes research into the nature of the achievement goals and values held by students from Window Rock High School on the Navajo Reservation (Arizona). It examines the compatibility of these student-held goals and values with goals and values promoted by classrooms and schools, and the impact individual, family, peer, class, and…
Descriptors: Academic Achievement, Achievement Need, American Indians, Competition