Publication Date
In 2024 | 0 |
Since 2023 | 0 |
Since 2020 (last 5 years) | 0 |
Since 2015 (last 10 years) | 1 |
Since 2005 (last 20 years) | 1 |
Garcia Laborda, Jesus | 2 |
Montes, Yara G. | 1 |
Muñoz-Fernández, Guzmán A. | 1 |
Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, Pablo | 1 |
Santos-Roldán, Luna | 1 |
Publication Type
Journal Articles | 2 |
Reports - Evaluative | 2 |
Guides - Classroom - Teacher | 1 |
Reports - Research | 1 |
Education Level
Higher Education | 3 |
Postsecondary Education | 2 |
Spain | 3 |
Spain (Valencia) | 1 |
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Assessments and Surveys
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Muñoz-Fernández, Guzmán A.; Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, Pablo; Santos-Roldán, Luna – Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 2016
Introduction: This paper analyses those interpersonal skills which determine the entrepreneurial profile among students in Tourism Higher Education. We aim to verify if there are significant differences by gender diagnosis and to take this into account for future academic curriculums. Method: A survey was conducted with the students of Tourism at…
Descriptors: Gender Issues, Tourism, Entrepreneurship, Higher Education
Garcia Laborda, Jesus – Online Submission, 2002
"Turismo" students usually bring different attitudes, interests, and levels of competence, in their orientation towards learning foreign languages than those shared by other types of students of English, even those for whom English may only be a requirement to obtain a degree (Garcia Laborda, 2001). While, in the future,…
Descriptors: Individual Characteristics, Student Attitudes, English for Special Purposes, Second Language Learning
Montes, Yara G. – 1992
This beginning through advanced Spanish text includes grammar explanations, readings, and exercises with the emphasis on situations involving travel and tourism. The introductory lesson covers the Spanish language, the importance of Spanish in the United States, the Spanish alphabet, pronunciation, capitalization, punctuation, syllabication,…
Descriptors: Grammar, Second Language Learning, Spanish, Tourism
Garcia Laborda, Jesus – Online Submission, 2003
The main purpose of this paper is to describe the basic findings obtained as a result of the implementation of two projects of Computer and Information Technologies held in Valencia (Spain) between 2002 and 2003 with 92 second year university students enrolled in English as a foreign language to find out their ICT and foreign language needs both…
Descriptors: Student Needs, College Students, Computer Uses in Education, English for Special Purposes
Ministerio de Informacion y Turismo, Madrid (Spain). – 1972
This political document is introduced by the head of the Spanish State, His Excellency Don Francisco Franco Bahamonde in a speech given on 22 November 1966 to the session of the Spanish Cores. The speech outlines in general terms the political and philosophical ideals of His Excellency. The Constitution is presented in several sections including:…
Descriptors: Civics, Constitutional History, Cultural Background, Federal Legislation