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Escobar-Mamani, Fortunato; Gómez-Arteta, Indira – Comunicar: Media Education Research Journal, 2020
In Puno, a region of Peru, the development of oral and written communication skills in basic education students displays weaknesses which could be overcome with the application of technological tools. The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of WhatsApp as a mobile learning resource in the development of oral and written…
Descriptors: Web 2.0 Technologies, Communication Skills, Skill Development, Adolescents
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Fergusson, Lee; Cabrejos, Javier Ortiz; Bonshek, Anna – Journal of Latinos and Education, 2023
Practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique in schools and universities throughout the world has been well researched over a 50-year period suggesting it is a useful tool for student development and learning. However, introduction of the practice into school systems throughout Latin America is a relatively recent phenomenon and no research…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Children, Metacognition, Well Being
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Carenko, E. I. – Linguistics, 1975
Discusses the laryngealized (aspirated and glottalized) obstruent consonants in the phonological systems of the Quechua dialects of the Cuzco-Puno region and Bolivia. (RM)
Descriptors: American Indian Languages, Consonants, Descriptive Linguistics, Dialect Studies
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Hornberger, Nancy H. – Applied Linguistics, 1989
Analyzes ethnographic data regarding one prolonged speech event, the negotiation of a driver's license at the Ministry of Transportation in Puno, Peru, from the perspective of Hymes' redefinition of linguistic competence. Implications for the acquisition of second language communicative competence are also discussed. (Author/CB)
Descriptors: Applied Linguistics, Communication Research, Communicative Competence (Languages), Ethnography
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Hornberger, Nancy H. – Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 1987
Uses data from ethnographic study in two Quechua-speaking communities of Puno, Peru, to explore schooltime spent in other-than-academic endeavors. Documents uses to which schooltime is put in these communities, and then seeks to account for observed uses of time in terms of ethnographically derived insights as to social, cultural, economic, and…
Descriptors: Attendance, Classroom Environment, Elementary Education, Foreign Countries
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Hornberger, Nancy H. – Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1989
Draws on sociolinguistic literature and on an ethnographic study of language use and bilingual education in Quechua-speaking rural communities of Puno. Consider the roles of both language planning and the schools in achieving language maintenance for Quechua. (35 references) (Author/CB)
Descriptors: Elementary Secondary Education, Ethnography, Foreign Countries, Language Attitudes
Freeland, Jane – Compare, 1996
Discusses the contributions and failures of four educational programs for indigenous peoples in Peru: (1) Summer Institute of Linguistics; (2) Puno Bilingual Education Programme; (3) Upper Napo Bilingual Intercultural Education Project; and (4) a teacher training institute operated by Peruvian natives. While well-meaning, these programs suffer…
Descriptors: Adult Education, Comparative Education, Cultural Interrelationships, Educational Benefits
Development Communication Report, 1985
This newsletter discusses development projects in developing nations, including the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Peru. The following major articles are included: (1) "Radio Santa Maria: A Case Study of Participatory Evaluation" (John K. Mayo, Charles B. Green, and Miguel E. Vargas); (2) "Instruction by Audio Conference: An…
Descriptors: Audiovisual Aids, Developing Nations, Educational Radio, Health Education
Pollitt, Ernesto; And Others – 1980
This book presents a comprehensive review of empirical research on early childhood education and human development in Latin America. Commissioned in 1976 by the Office of Latin America and the Caribbean, part of the International Division of the Ford Foundation, New York, the study was two-faceted. First, researchers were instructed to review…
Descriptors: Case Studies, Cognitive Development, Community Programs, Early Childhood Education