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Dean, Norman L., Ed. – 1976
This issue of the Environmental Conservation Project (ECP) Report contains the second supplement to the "ECP State Bibliography," a collection of state energy legislation compiled by the Energy Conservation Project at the Environmental Law Institute. Earlier publications of state legislative actions appear in the October 1975 and January…
Descriptors: Annotated Bibliographies, Bibliographies, Energy, Energy Conservation
Environmental Law Inst., Washington, DC. – 1976
The culmination of the Environmental Law Institute's Energy Conservation Project will be a series of handbooks addressed to state and local officials, legislators, and interested citizens setting out suggested strategies for conserving energy. This issue of the ECP Report publishes the first of a series of draft chapters from these handbooks - a…
Descriptors: Crime, Decision Making, Energy Conservation, Environment
McNaughtan, Jon; Brown, Michael – Community College Review, 2020
Objective: The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between organizational characteristics, state political climate, and student civic engagement at community colleges, operationalized in this article as student voting. Method: Utilizing a unique cross-sectional dataset compiled by the Institute for Democracy & Higher…
Descriptors: Institutional Characteristics, Political Influences, Student Participation, Two Year College Students
De Toro, Alicia Kathryn – ProQuest LLC, 2018
Subsidized transit policy is a strategy used to lessen environmental impacts and increase institutional accessibility in higher education. Program funding to support this subsidized transit policy can vary between institutions. This research focuses on the geographic analysis of Eco Pass, a student led initiative implemented in the Foothill De…
Descriptors: Community Colleges, Two Year College Students, Commuting Students, Transportation
Higher Education Center for Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Violence Prevention, 2011
"High-Risk Drinking in College: What We Know and What We Need To Learn: Final Report of the Panel on Contexts and Consequences" (2002), a report from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's (NIAAA) Task Force on College Drinking, points out that "federal, state, and local laws help define college administrators' responsibilities…
Descriptors: Alcohol Abuse, Sanctions, Narcotics, School Policy
Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, 2014
The Combating Autism Act (CAA; Public Law 109-416) and the subsequent Combating Autism Reauthorization Act (CARA; Public Law 112-32) established an Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) to advise the Secretary of Health and Human Services on issues related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). One responsibility of the IACC is the…
Descriptors: Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Federal Legislation, Advisory Committees
Hardin, Julia P., Ed.; Moulden, Richard G., Ed. – 1991
This compilation of over 40 lesson plans on various topics in law related education was written by classroom teachers from around the United States who had participated in the fifth of an annual series called Special Programs in Citizenship Education (SPICE)--weeklong institutes devoted to learning about different cultures and laws. Called SPICE V…
Descriptors: Citizenship Education, Comparative Analysis, Constitutional Law, Elementary Secondary Education
Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention, 2008
The "culture of drinking" on U.S. college campuses has recently gained widespread national attention. A report by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) notes the disturbing consequences of drinking on campus each year: 1,700 college student deaths from alcohol-related causes; more than 500,000 unintentional injuries; more…
Descriptors: Drinking, Prevention, Sororities, Fraternities
Armancas-Fisher, Margaret; And Others – 1993
This curriculum guide offers an interdisciplinary approach to law-related education (LRE) intended to assist teachers with introducing LRE into a variety of social studies and language arts courses. The materials are designed for a secondary school audience, with adaptations included to make the materials work with "average" readers, fundamental…
Descriptors: Citizenship Education, Instructional Materials, Interdisciplinary Approach, Language Arts
McElwee, Robert; And Others – 1976
This curriculum guide for agricultural education contains nine chapters on outdoor recreation. Each is written by a different author (professors at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) and follows a similar format: Objectives, list of references, list of teaching materials, notes on teacher preparation, content for presentation,…
Descriptors: Administration, Agribusiness, Agricultural Education, Career Exploration
Redmond, John C., Ed.; And Others – 1971
This compendium has been prepared to summarize the notable aspects of the U. S. Clear Air Amendments of 1970 for members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and others. The work is not a complete explanation of the law and all of its ramifications; it is, rather, an expedient means to gain rapid insight into the more…
Descriptors: Air Pollution, Environment, Environmental Influences, Federal Legislation
National Institutes of Health (DHHS), Bethesda, MD. – 1982
The paper presents a summary of the findings from a 1982 conference held by the National Institutes of Health on the issue of diets and hyperactivity. Six questions are addressed, touching on the nature of hyperactivity and its quantifiable measurement, defined diets, empirical evidence regarding the effects of these diets on hyperactivity,…
Descriptors: Behavior Patterns, Conference Papers, Dietetics, Food
National Inst. on Deafness and Other Communications Disorders, Bethesda, MD. – 1991
This report, arising from a 1991 meeting, provides an update to two of the six areas covered in the 1989 long-term plan of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. These include: (1) balance and the vestibular system; and (2) language and language impairments. For each area, the state of the art is reviewed, recent…
Descriptors: Adults, Children, Clinical Diagnosis, Cognitive Processes
Ols, John M., Jr. – 1991
Under current federal copyright law (17 U.S.C. 105), federal agencies cannot copyright and license their computer software. Officials at the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and Defense, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the National Institutes of Health state that a significant…
Descriptors: Computer Software, Computer Software Development, Copyrights, Federal Legislation
Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. – 1999
This compilation of Federal Education Laws pertaining to higher education presents the full text of each statute. Statutes are organized in four sections: (1) general higher education programs; (2) Native American higher education; (3) National Science Foundation; and (4) assistance to specified institutions. The following is a unified listing of…
Descriptors: Civil Liberties, Community Colleges, Federal Indian Relationship, Federal Programs
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