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Grey, Alexandra – Current Issues in Language Planning, 2019
This polity study is about the language policy situation in the People's Republic of China (China) with a focus on one official minority language, Zhuang. The paper offers an examination of the language policy and planning (LPP) framework nationally as it relates to official minority languages, and regionally as it relates to the Zhuang minority…
Descriptors: Language Minorities, Language Planning, Languages, Foreign Countries
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, 2019
The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is the leading national nonprofit organization committed to advancing the charter school movement. This 2018 annual report shares many of the accomplishments achieved by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools for the year, including securing a record $440 million in funding for the federal…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, National Organizations, Nonprofit Organizations, Federal Aid
Loss, Christopher P., Ed.; McGuinn, Patrick J., Ed. – Harvard Education Press, 2016
In "The Convergence of K-12 and Higher Education," two leading scholars of education policy bring together a distinguished and varied array of contributors to systematically examine the growing convergence between the K-12 and higher education sectors in the United States. Though the two sectors have traditionally been treated as…
Descriptors: Elementary Secondary Education, Higher Education, Educational Policy, Alignment (Education)
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Rosen, Yigel, Ed.; Ferrara, Steve, Ed.; Mosharraf, Maryam, Ed. – IGI Global, 2016
Education is expanding to include a stronger focus on the practical application of classroom lessons in an effort to prepare the next generation of scholars for a changing world economy centered on collaborative and problem-solving skills for the digital age. "The Handbook of Research on Technology Tools for Real-World Skill Development"…
Descriptors: Technological Literacy, Technology Uses in Education, Problem Solving, Skill Development
Cobb, Casey D. – Education and the Public Interest Center, 2009
The study under review is the second-year evaluation report of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP), a publicly funded voucher program that allows low-income students in Milwaukee to attend secular and religious private schools in that city. Its primary finding is that there were no overall statistically significant differences in…
Descriptors: Research Reports, Research Methodology, Evaluation Methods, Evaluation Problems
Duckenfield, Marty, Ed. – National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N), 2007
The "National Dropout Prevention Newsletter" is published quarterly by the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network. This issue contains the following articles: (1) Preparing for the Demands of the New World Economy (Patrick J. O'Connor); (2) Connecting At-Risk Youth to the High-Performance Workforce (Patrick J. O'Connor); (3) Butler…
Descriptors: At Risk Students, Dropouts, Education Work Relationship, Dropout Prevention
Duckenfield, Marty, Ed. – National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N), 2008
The "National Dropout Prevention Newsletter" is published quarterly by the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network. This issue contains the following articles: (1) Reading Is Vital!; (2) The Significance of Early Literacy Efforts in Preventing Later Failure (Susan King Fullerton); (3) Middle School Intervention Strategies For At-Risk Youth…
Descriptors: At Risk Students, Newsletters, Intervention, Emergent Literacy
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2012
"Research messages 2011" is a collection of summaries of research projects published by National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) in 2011. The publication also has an overview essay that captures the themes and highlights from the research for the year, including: (1) the initial education and training of young people and…
Descriptors: Electronic Learning, Wages, Human Capital, Wastes
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Finn, Patrick J. – SUNY Press, 2009
A comprehensive update of the classic study that delivers both a passionate plea and strategies for teachers, parents, and community organizers to give working-class children the same type of empowering education and powerful literacy skills that the children of upper- and middle-class people receive. The classic, indispensable guide for teachers,…
Descriptors: Working Class, Economically Disadvantaged, Literacy, Role of Education
Rothwell, William J., Ed.; Gerity, Patrick E., Ed. – Community College Press (NJ3), 2008
"Linking Workforce Development to Economic Development: A Casebook for Community Colleges" is a compilation of best practice examples, which illustrate what it takes for community colleges to achieve their goal of helping people acquire education and skills, helping employers, supporting communities, and building the nation. The book is…
Descriptors: Community Colleges, Labor Force Development, Economic Development, Best Practices
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Bigelow, Terry Patrick, Ed.; Vokoun, Michael J., Ed. – English Journal, 2008
During summertime, before school ends and the hard physical labor begins, it is best to reflect on the touchups and renovations that need to be done to a teacher's classroom instruction. This article presents two innovative lesson ideas that will inspire teachers to rethink, retool, and recharge as they decide what some of their summer renovations…
Descriptors: Writing (Composition), Writing Tests, Reflective Teaching, Homework
Pellegrini, Anthony D., Ed. – Oxford University Press, 2010
The role of play in human development has long been the subject of controversy. Despite being championed by many of the foremost scholars of the twentieth century, play has been dogged by underrepresentation and marginalization in literature across the scientific disciplines. "The Oxford Handbook of the Development of Play" marks the first attempt…
Descriptors: Play, Child Development, Cultural Differences, Theories
Foote, Martha M., Ed.; Szabo, Susan, Ed.; Falk-Ross, Francine, Ed.; Sampson, Mary Beth, Ed. – College Reading Association, 2008
This book presents a selection of the research and papers presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the College Reading Association in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in October, 2006. This Yearbook begins with Karen Bromley's presidential address, which explored the future of writing by discussing four predictions: the notion that pens and pencils will be…
Descriptors: Literacy Education, Writing (Composition), Instructional Design, Preservice Teacher Education
Kincheloe, Joe L., Ed.; Horn, Raymond A. Jr., Ed. – Praeger, 2007
Cognition, mind, counseling psychology, lesson plans, learning styles, and Vygotsky are just a few of the many subjects discussed in this exciting work. Educators, students, counselors, parents, and others will find new understanding as they read and browse. How does the immigrant experience affect student outcomes? What are the effects of poverty…
Descriptors: Teaching Methods, Educational Practices, Transformative Learning, School Psychology
Patrick, John J., Ed. – 1995
This book seeks to establish a broader picture of the issues that confronted those who framed the U.S. Government during the founding period. This collection of primary historical documents shows how the founders arrived at consensus from the many conflicting viewpoints that characterized the debate on establishing the constitutional republic. A…
Descriptors: Archives, Constitutional History, Elementary Secondary Education, Federal Government
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