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LaPatin, Michaela; Barrens, Sara; Poleacovschi, Cristina; Vaziri, Baback; Spearing, Lauryn; Padgett-Walsh, Kate; Feinstein, Scott; Rutherford, Cassandra; Nguyen, Luan; Faust, Kasey M. – Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 2023
When the ethical responsibilities of engineers are discussed in classrooms, the focus is usually on microethics, which concentrates on individual decision-making, rather than macroethics, that addresses broad societal concerns. Pandemics (e.g., COVID-19) and natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, derechos) have presented unique opportunities to…
Descriptors: Undergraduate Students, Engineering Education, Student Attitudes, Ethics
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Gibson, Melissa Leigh – Social Studies, 2017
Dominant approaches to teaching social studies often marginalize bilingual and bicultural students. This is particularly troubling because the explicit goal of the social studies is to cultivate civic participation. Educational inequalities are thus tied to political inequalities. In light of this, this article shares a narrative case study of the…
Descriptors: Civics, Bilingualism, Biculturalism, Social Studies
Ramirez, Mario Hugo – ProQuest LLC, 2017
Taking a critical archival studies approach, this dissertation engages critical discourse analysis as a means of analyzing the analogous treatment and representation of political dissidents from the civil war and alleged gang members in post-conflict El Salvador through the medium of human rights documentation. By analyzing a cross section of…
Descriptors: Civil Rights, Violence, Victims, Foreign Countries
Intercultural Development Research Association, 2017
By law, public schools must serve all children. The education of undocumented students is guaranteed by the "Plyler vs. Doe" decision, and certain procedures must be followed when registering immigrant children in school to avoid violation of their civil rights. In "Plyler vs. Doe," the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that children of…
Descriptors: Immigrants, Migrant Children, Student Rights, Public Schools
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Arias Rodríguez, Gladis Leonor – PROFILE: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 2014
This article presents the results of a study conducted among a group of law students in fift h-level English at a Colombian private university, which analyzed the effects of applying reading through English for Specific Purposes under the criteria of the communicative approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, the students'…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, English for Special Purposes, Reading, Undergraduate Students
Mathes, Amy L. – ProQuest LLC, 2013
There is little published literature on operational coordination during a real time disaster regardless of the setting. This study describes a university's emergency management plan and its execution in response to a specific natural disaster, the May 8, 2009 "inland hurricane," which was later classified as a "Super Derecho."…
Descriptors: Public Health, Emergency Programs, Natural Disasters, Higher Education
Zubrzycki, Jaclyn – Education Week, 2012
Nearly six decades after "Brown" v. "Board of Education," the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that ushered in an era of efforts to integrate public schools, charter school advocates and researchers are shining a light on a number of those independent public schools that are integrated by design. Two new reports--one from…
Descriptors: Charter Schools, Student Diversity, Federal Legislation, Public Schools
Illinois State Board of Education, 2019
The legal immigration status of a parent or child has no bearing on the rights of the student to enroll in a public school. The laws of Illinois and the United States guarantee all students equal access to a free public education through grade twelve until the age of 21, regardless of legal immigrant status. Every school is required to guarantee…
Descriptors: Immigrants, Minority Group Students, Public Education, Student Rights
Towns, Gail – CURRENTS, 2013
By the time Superstorm Sandy struck New Jersey in late October 2012, Kathy Corbalis, executive director of communications and college relations at Atlantic Cape Community College, and her team were battle-tested. In the 15 months before the hurricane, the college experienced two bomb threats via Twitter, a lockdown due to gunfire, an on-campus…
Descriptors: Emergency Programs, Crisis Management, Organizational Communication, Communication Strategies
Guerrero, Lourdes R. – ProQuest LLC, 2009
This qualitative research study focused on the eight bilingual, content area high school teachers implementing Project SOL (Secondary Online Learning) in Southern California during the 2008-2009 school year. It documents their effort to integrate an online curriculum from the "Colegio de Bachilleres" in Mexico obtained through the UCLA…
Descriptors: Electronic Learning, Qualitative Research, Foreign Countries, Secondary School Teachers
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Alvarez, Leticia – Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2007
This study draws from a social domain framework to explore judgments of parental authority in a Mexican origin familial context. The sample included 277 ninth-grade youth (M = 14.53 years, SD = 0.61) and one of each of their parents. The average age of mothers was 39.88 years (SD = 5.85), and for fathers it was 41.65 years (SD = 5.51). As…
Descriptors: Mexicans, Parent Child Relationship, Mexican Americans, Parent Attitudes
Washington Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia. – 1976
Developed to enable teachers, counselors, and administrators in local school districts to provide Mexican American parents and students with needed information regarding student rights and responsibilities, this Spanish translation for the state of Washington provides general information concerning state regulations which school districts and…
Descriptors: Attendance, Board of Education Policy, Civil Rights, Discipline Policy
Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey (Mexico). – 1995
At the fifth Trinational Library Forum in 1995, 165 librarians from the United States, Canada, and Mexico gathered to discuss topics of international librarianship and exchanges, copyright regulations, and professional accreditation in information science. Presentations, with the full text in both English and Spanish, include: (1)…
Descriptors: Accreditation (Institutions), Certification, Copyrights, Fair Use (Copyrights)
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Gandara, Patricia; Orfield, Gary – Teachers College Record, 2012
Background:This study grew out of a recent Supreme Court case known as "Horne v Flores." The case began in 1992 in Nogales, Arizona when a 4th grade English learner (EL), Miriam Flores, sued the district and the state for failing to provide her (and other EL students) with an appropriate education as guaranteed by the Equal Educational…
Descriptors: Academic Achievement, At Risk Students, Educational Opportunities, Emotional Development
Texas Education Agency, Austin. Div. of Special Education Programs. – 1991
Intended for parents of children with possible disabilities in Texas, these two combined booklets (one in English and one in Spanish) outline the step-by-step process qualifying the child for special education services and explain the parent's rights and responsibilities under federal and state law. Introductory material includes a letter to…
Descriptors: Compliance (Legal), Definitions, Disabilities, Discipline
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