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Annette Beauchamp – ProQuest LLC, 2023
Environmental education in historically White schools of education has typically emphasized science, outdoor, or STEM education rather than environmental racism, environmental (in)justice, or the environmental justice movement. This focus often deemphasizes the role of structural injustice and state-sanctioned violence in environmental issues as…
Descriptors: Environmental Education, Racism, Conservation (Environment), Activism
Mann, Alana – Policy Futures in Education, 2019
The Anthropocene is a site of domination and resistance for those opposed to the corporatised food regime. The peasant farmers' movement, La Vía Campesina, uses pedagogical techniques based on Freirian horizontal communication methodology to contest the structural and ideological elements of this regime. This article analyses these techniques,…
Descriptors: Food, Agricultural Occupations, Ecology, Power Structure
Coello, Gioconda – Globalisation, Societies and Education, 2023
During the 1960s-1970s in Ecuador, Indigenous and peasant movements challenged the descriptions of rural life in government education programmes while offering a space of transculture. As Sylvia Wynter [2003. 'Unsettling the Coloniality of Being/Power/Truth/Freedom: Towards the Human, After Man, Its Overrepresentation -- An Argument.' CR:…
Descriptors: Rural Areas, Rural Population, Life Style, Indigenous Populations
Rodriguez Vega, Silvia – Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 2018
In 2018 there have been constant anti-immigrant rhetoric, policies, and enforcement. Most recently, Trump referred to immigrant children as "future criminals" who needed to be kept in prison-like detention centers and "tender age facilities" (Min Kim, 2018). Meanwhile, the 4.5 million children of immigrants already in the US…
Descriptors: Immigrants, Immigration, Public Policy, Presidents
Mackenzie, Jacqueline Zaleski – ProQuest LLC, 2010
This study examined indigenous infants, children, and youth in rural central Mexico for developmental delays by using a mixed methods approach. A two-person team consisting of a researcher and a translator completed this study. They conducted observations of 665 minors and interviews with their caregivers. A self-designed rubric was the guide to…
Descriptors: Social Status, Quality of Life, Caregiver Attitudes, Access to Information
Prins, Esther – International Journal of Educational Development, 2010
This article uses data from longitudinal, ethnographic research to examine how, six years after attending literacy classes, 12 adults in rural El Salvador used literacy, their perceptions of the temporary and longer-term psychosocial and economic benefits of literacy education, and their memories of literacy classes. The findings support prior…
Descriptors: Literacy Education, Ethnography, Interpersonal Relationship, Interaction
Huerta, Jorge A. – Aztlan, 1971
Gives the background of the Chicano theater with emphasis on the contemporary Chicano movement and the Teatro Campesino, along with a 102-item bibliography. (NQ)
Descriptors: Background, Bibliographies, Drama, Hispanic American Literature
Saavedra, Pilar – Agenda, 1977
Out of the need to raise the farmworkers' consciousness and to encourage them to unite, El Teatro Campesino was created to entertain and uplift the morale by the struggling strikers. Today, the group has also published books, poems, posters, and other printed matter; produced films and tapes; and recorded albums. (NQ)
Descriptors: Background, Cultural Activities, Cultural Awareness, Dramatics
Prins, Esther – International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE), 2007
Based on ethnographic, participatory research in two Salvadoran villages, this article analyzes how features of the sociocultural setting bred discord and mistrust among the participants in an adult literacy program and other community residents, thereby undermining the program's goal of equipping "campesinos" to work together to improve…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Trust (Psychology), Program Implementation, Community Cooperation
Pacoricona, Nestor Chambi; Inouye, Laura – Journal of Family Life: A Quarterly for Empowering Families, 1998
Describes the founding of the Chuyma Aru Association, an Oxfam America partner based in Peru, which is adapting and using traditional indigenous knowledge to stabilize new agrarian infrastructure in peasant communities. Describes the process of gathering statistics and understanding the Aymara campesino world view and crianza (caretaking)…
Descriptors: Agriculture, American Indian Culture, Cultural Differences, Foreign Countries
Diaz, Heliodoro; Felstehausen, Herman – 1972
A theoretical framework for integrating concepts of communication and institutional change based on experience with the Puebla Project in Mexico is given. The Puebla Project is a program to introduce high yield corn technology on a broad scale to 50,000 dry land corn farmers in Puebla, Mexico. The first part of the paper points out how…
Descriptors: Agricultural Production, Concept Formation, Information Theory, Institutional Role
Hamilton, Lawrence S. – Migration Today, 1985
The case study approach is used to determine more completely the impact of illegal entry into the United States on Mexican farm laborers and the results of their subsequent incarceration. Positive impacts include (1) learning English, (2) acquisition of interpersonal skills, and (3) technical skill development. (SA)
Descriptors: Adult Basic Education, Case Studies, Correctional Education, Foreign Workers
Ewen, Alexander – Akwe:kon Journal, 1994
Examines the place of Indian people in Mexican society and politics, from the conquest to the 1994 Zapatista uprising in Chiapas (fueled by the threat to rural indigenous communal lands posed by economic reforms). Although Indianness is celebrated as contributing to the idealized mestizo "race," self-identification as Indian threatens…
Descriptors: Acculturation, American Indians, Ethnicity, Foreign Countries
Esteva, Gustavo; And Others – 1980
Diverse aspects of rural problems and the social organization of Mexican labor are explored in this summary of Mexican rural history. Achnowledging Mexico's rich, unexhausted, and unexplored natural resources, Mexico is described as a poverty-stricken, hungry nation, with high degrees of malnutrition, deprivation, and illiteracy heavily…
Descriptors: Agricultural Production, Conflict, Cultural Pluralism, Farmers
Ramirez, Catherine S. – Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies, 2008
The concept of Chicanafuturism, which the author introduced in "Aztlan" in 2004, borrows from theories of Afrofuturism. Chicanafuturism explores the ways that new and everyday technologies, including their detritus, transform Mexican American life and culture. It questions the promises of science, technology, and humanism for Chicanas, Chicanos,…
Descriptors: Mexican Americans, Sexuality, Hispanic Americans, Science Fiction
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