ERIC Number: EJ1235983
Record Type: Journal
Publication Date: 2018-Jun
Pages: 19
Abstractor: As Provided
ISSN: EISSN-1857-6036
The Effect of Mission and Vision on Organizational Performanc? within Private Universities in Kenya
Jonyo, Bonn O.; Ouma, Caren; Mosoti, Zachary
European Journal of Educational Sciences, v5 n2 p15-33 Jun 2018
The origins of innovation is the ability to identify global trends and to assess their relevance for development. The first area of mapping could include a better understanding of these trends in higher education and innovation around the world. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of mission and vision on organizational performance in private universities in Kenya. The specific research question is how do mission and vision affect organization performance in private universities in Kenya? This was a correlational study which adopted a positivist philosophy. The study population comprised of all the 17 private universities in Kenya accredited by Commission of University Education. Th? unit of ?n?lysis w?s th? board of directors, vic? ch?nc?llors, h??ds of d?p?rtm?nts (fin?nc?, sports, hum?n r?sourc?, r?s??rch, qu?lity ?ssur?nc?) ?nd ?c?d?mic d??ns (busin?ss school) which w?s 136. ? c?nsus t?chniqu? w?s us?d in the study with frequency distributions, percentages ?nd m??ns for d?scriptiv? st?tistic?l ?n?lysis whil? corr?l?tions ?nd r?gr?ssion ?n?lyses w?r? us?d for inf?r?nti?l statistics. The study found that, mission and vision explained a significant proportion of variance in organizational performance, R[superscript 2]= 0.633. Th? signific?nc? v?lu? in t?sting th? r?li?bility of th? mod?l for th? r?l?tionship b?tw??n Mission ?nd Vision on org?niz?tion?l p?rform?nc? w?s F(1, 122) = 208.929, p = 0.00. Th?r?for?, the model was found to be statistically significant in predicting the r?l?tionship b?tw??n th? study v?ri?bl?s. The study found that for every unit change in mission ?nd vision, org?niz?tion?l p?rform?nc? incr??s?s by 0.867 h?nc? implying ? positive impact of mission and vision on org?niz?tion?l p?rform?nc?. B?s?d on th? findings, th? study conclud?d th?t th?r? w?s ? signific?nt r?l?tionship b?tw??n ?ll th? ind?p?nd?nt v?ri?bl?s ?nd org?niz?tion?l p?rform?nc? the dependent variable. Th? study ?lso conclud?d th?t policy ?nd r?gul?tion positiv?ly mod?r?t?d th? r?l?tionship b?tw??n mission and vision ?nd org?niz?tion?l p?rform?nc?.
Descriptors: Private Colleges, Institutional Mission, Foreign Countries, Performance Factors, Strategic Planning, College Administration, Correlation, Budgeting, College Presidents, Deans, Department Heads, Governing Boards, Administrator Attitudes, Organizational Effectiveness
European Scientific Institute. International Relation Office, St. 203, No.1, 2300 Kocani, Republic of Macedonia. e-mail:; Web site:
Publication Type: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Education Level: Higher Education; Postsecondary Education
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Identifiers - Location: Kenya
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A