ERIC Number: EJ1207428
Record Type: Journal
Publication Date: 2018-Jul
Pages: 22
Abstractor: As Provided
ISSN: EISSN-2564-7261
Leadership Profiles of New Appointed Mexican School Leaders to Indigenous Schools through the New System of Promotion
Delgado, Manuel Lopez; Loya, Argelia Estrada
Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, v3 n1 p30-51 Jul 2018
The purpose of this research was to explore the leadership identity development and preparedness for the role of new appointed school heads to Mexican primary schools that serve indigenous students. The research was framed as a qualitative study and used semi-structured interviews as the method for data collection with twelve appointed school heads by the new system of promotion implemented in 2015. The study was carried out to the highest ethical standards in educational research with anonymity, confidentiality, consent, and respect for the participants observed at all times. This research found that new appointed Mexican school heads in primary schools are assigned to the post with different levels of leadership development. Based on the previous experiences new appointed school heads bring to the job, three different profiles were identified: an Extended classroom teacher profile, a managerial profile, and in few cases a leadership for learning profile.
Descriptors: American Indians, Profiles, Foreign Countries, Elementary Schools, Administrator Education, Elementary School Teachers, Administrator Characteristics, Teacher Characteristics, Instructional Leadership, School Administration, Professional Identity, Disadvantaged Schools, Leadership Effectiveness, Principals, Administrator Attitudes
EARDA Turkish Educational Administration Research & Development Association. Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Faculty of Education, Izmir, Turkey 35150. e-mail:; Web site:
Publication Type: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Education Level: Elementary Education
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Identifiers - Location: Mexico
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A