ERIC Number: EJ1194724
Record Type: Journal
Publication Date: 2018
Pages: 15
Abstractor: As Provided
ISSN: EISSN-1559-5676
Implementation and Evaluation of Farm-to-YOUth! A Fruit and Vegetable Produce Education Program
Holben, David H.; Weber, Michelle A.
Journal of Child Nutrition & Management, v42 n2 Fall 2018
Purpose/Objectives: To describe: 1) the implementation of a fruit and vegetable education program developed to improve produce intake among youth and their families in a rural Mississippi school district; and 2) satisfaction data for the program. Methods: A six-week produce education program was implemented in the cafeterias of three (two control and one treatment) elementary schools in a rural, Appalachian Mississippi school district. A twice-weekly cafeteria tasting station was utilized. The first weekly tasting was the fruit or vegetable without any additional seasonings or flavorings, and the second was a mixed dish prepared from a recipe that included the fruit or vegetable as the primary ingredient. All students self-selected to taste the samples, whether or not they participated in the school meal program. On the last day of the week, students enrolled in the treatment school received all ingredients, along with a recipe and kitchen tools, to take home for preparation of the mixed dish. Take-home pre- and post-cross-sectional surveys of parents/caretakers were utilized to evaluate the program. Results: Overall, 1,144 participated in the program, with 781 students (68.3%) being from the control schools and 363 students (31.7%) from the treatment school. Parents/caretakers of participating students responding to the pre-survey (n=465/1144, 41% response rate) were 34±8 years of age and primarily Caucasian (n=264/465, 57%) and female (n=425/461, 92%). Students associated with parents/caretakers (n=464) were 6.9±2.0 years of age, predominantly Caucasian (n=246/459, 49%), and in first grade (n=125/459, 25%). For the post-survey, 146 parents/caretakers (12.8%) participated. All educational information, including a fruit and vegetable cookbook, and kitchen gadgets to assist in preparation of the fruits and vegetables were rated as desirable by both parents/caregivers and students with the majority indicating materials were "good", "very good", or "excellent". Provision of produce was also reported as useful. Applications to Child Nutrition Professionals: A fruit and vegetable produce education program can be implemented in a rural elementary school and be favorably received by both parents/caregivers and elementary school students. Educational information, such as a fruit and vegetable cookbook and kitchen gadgets to assist in the preparation of the fruit and vegetable items, and provision of produce are desirable for families.
Descriptors: Food, Nutrition, Eating Habits, Rural Schools, Health Behavior, Nutrition Instruction, Program Effectiveness, Elementary School Students, Dining Facilities, Cooking Instruction, Health Education, Health Promotion
School Nutrition Association. 120 Waterfront Street Suite 300, National Harbor, MD 20745. Tel: 301-686-3100; Fax: 301-686-3115; e-mail:; Web site:
Publication Type: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Education Level: Elementary Education
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Identifiers - Location: Mississippi
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A