ERIC Number: ED457358
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 2001-Jun
Pages: 612
Abstractor: N/A
National Job Corps Study: The Impacts of Job Corps on Participants' Employment and Related Outcomes [and] Methodological Appendixes on the Impact Analysis.
Schochet, Peter Z.; Burghardt, John; Glazerman, Steven
A study involving random assignment of all youth eligible for Job Corps to either a Job Corps program or to a control group was conducted to assess the impact of Job Corps on key participant outcomes. Participants in the study were nationwide youth eligible for Job Corps who applied for enrollment for the first time between November 16, 1994, and December 17, 1995. The study sought to determine the following:(1) how effectively Job Corps improves the employability of disadvantaged participants, (2) whether Job Corps impacts differ for youths with different baseline characteristics, and (3) how effective the residential and nonresidential components of Job Corp are. Findings over the first 4 years after random assignment include the following: (1) Job Corps provided extensive education, training, and other services to the program group and improved their educational attainment; (2) Job Corps generated positive employment and earnings impacts by the beginning of the third year after random assignment and the impacts persisted through the fourth year; (3) employment and earnings gains were found broadly across most subgroups of students; (4) the resident and nonresidential programs were each effective for the youths they served; (5) Job Corps significantly reduced youths' involvement with the criminal justice system; (6) Job Corps had small beneficial impacts on the receipt of public assistance and self-assessed health status, but no impacts on illegal drug use; and (7) Job Corps had no impacts on fertility or custodial responsibility, but it slightly promoted independent living and mobility. (The report include numerous tables and charts, 31 references, and five appendixes concerning the study methodology.) (KC)
Descriptors: Adolescents, Cost Effectiveness, Crime, Crime Prevention, Disadvantaged, Employment Programs, Evaluation Methods, Federal Programs, Job Placement, Job Training, Juvenile Courts, Outcomes of Education, Program Effectiveness, Program Evaluation, Research Methodology, Validated Programs, Young Adults, Youth Employment
For full text: (Report) and (Appendixes).
Publication Type: Reports - Evaluative
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Policymakers
Language: English
Sponsor: Employment and Training Administration (DOL), Washington, DC. Office of Policy and Research.
Authoring Institution: Mathematica Policy Research, Washington, DC.; Battelle Memorial Inst., Seattle, WA.; Decision Information Resources, Inc., Houston, TX.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
What Works Clearinghouse Reviewed: Meets Evidence Standards without Reservations
WWC Study Page:
IES Cited: ED500789