ERIC Number: ED401417
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1996-May
Pages: 11
Abstractor: N/A
An Africentric Feminist Perspective on the Role of Adult Education for Diverse Communities.
Sheared, Vanessa
According to Knowles (1980), adults come to the learning environment when they are ready. His concept of andragogy is based on these assumptions: changes in self-concept, the role of experience, readiness to learn, and orientation to learning. Increasing concern has been placed upon the need to address the multiple cultural needs of learners and workers in all settings. Hill-Collins (1990) describes a research methodology aimed at collecting and analyzing data from marginalized persons. This Africentric feminist epistemology attempts to provide a medium through which one's interpretation of behavior and thought is grounded in the history, culture, economics, race, gender, language, and religion of those involved in the research. This perspective emphasizes the intersection of multiple, polyrhythmic realities. Polyrhythms are the multiple rhythms that flow and course through one's being. A model has been developed that represents the intersecting polyrhythmic realities based upon the Africentric feminist deconstruction of an individual's world view. Four assumptions formulate the bases for acknowledging one's polyrhythmic realities within the learning environment: concrete experience as the criterion of meaning, dialogue as the basis for assessing knowledge claims, an ethic of caring, and an ethic of personal accountability. These assumptions provide the framework for giving voice. The teacher moves from the center into the margin and gives students an opportunity to share their understandings through dialogue. (Contains 12 references.) (YLB)
Publication Type: Information Analyses; Speeches/Meeting Papers
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
Note: In: Constitutive Interplay midst Discourse of East and West: Modernity & Postmodernity Renderings in Adult & Continuing Education; see CE 072 896.