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ERIC Number: ED276489
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1986-Dec
Pages: 21
Abstractor: N/A
American Indian Education and the Reservation Community College.
Raymond, James H., III
On almost any socioeconomic indicator measuring achievement or material acquisition (e.g., educational attainment, life expectancy, or unemployment), the American Indian ranks lower than any ethnic or racial group, other than those most recently immigrated. In an effort to overcome the shortcomings of reservation education and to exercise internal control of the educational process, in the 1960s, tribal leaders began providing facility space to area community colleges willing to deliver an Indian-centered curriculum. While these endeavors proved to be somewhat successful in establishing good working relationships, the range of Indian-related courses fell far short of tribal expectations. With federal and private aid, Indian-controlled and directed community colleges were established on reservations to address the specific needs of the tribes. In 1972, the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AINEC) was formed to provide training and technical assistance to member colleges and to develop methodologies to deliver a curriculum that would satisfy special interests, provide remedial education, offer vocational skills training, and develop lower division courses that would transfer to senior institutions. In answer to the greatest needs, the staples of the reservation community college curricula are in business management, substance abuse services, and medical assistance. In addition, all of the community colleges offer studies in tribal history and language development. Some of the colleges have achieved articulation and transfer agreements with four-year institutions as well. The two most pressing needs of the reservation communities are Indian-delivered education at all levels, and vocational/technical paraprofessionals. While the latter can help to effect the development of the reservations, the former can prepare the communities for newly emerging realities. Community colleges can influence both processes. (EJV)
Publication Type: Opinion Papers
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
Note: Graduate Seminar Paper, University of Florida.