ERIC Number: ED276476
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1986
Pages: 80
Abstractor: N/A
Washington Community Colleges Academic Year Report, 1985-86.
Washington State Board for Community Coll. Education, Olympia.
Information on enrollments, personnel, finances, and facilities in Washington's community colleges is provided in this report for the four quarters of 1985-86 and for previous years. First, general information is presented on the community colleges' role, mission, and history, along with a student enrollment profile, and highlighted findings regarding enrollment, personnel, and funding patterns. Section I contains definitions related to student characteristics and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollments, and data on: (1) student headcount by quarter, by funding source, by college, by age and sex, by ethnic background, and by full-/part-time status; (2) annualized statewide FTE enrollment by funding source, course intent (i.e., vocational, academic, or basic skills), contract-supported status, and time and location of classes; and (3) FTE enrollment by funding source and college. Section II offers information on faculty and staff, including data on FTE faculty and administrative personnel by employment status and assignment area, and classified employee annualized FTEs by employment status and assignment area. Section III examines facilities and capital planning for the system and each college, while section IV focuses on financial operations, including costs per FTE student, sources of funding, and expenditures by program, element, and object. Appendices include information on student tuition and fees, additional historical enrollment information, and a list of statistical publications. (EJV)
Descriptors: Administrators, Capital Outlay (for Fixed Assets), College Faculty, College Role, Community Colleges, Educational Facilities, Enrollment, Expenditures, Federal Aid, Financial Support, Part Time Faculty, Salaries, School Personnel, State Aid, State Colleges, State Surveys, Student Characteristics, Two Year College Students, Two Year Colleges
Publication Type: Numerical/Quantitative Data; Reports - Descriptive
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Policymakers; Community; Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Washington State Board for Community Coll. Education, Olympia.
Identifiers - Location: Washington
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A